
Evolution, Moa or Less

Moa and Kiwi 1901 Korensky /PD Moas roamed New Zealand. Unfortunately, these huge flightless birds became extinct six hundred years ago. Enough of their remains have been found so that DNA analysis is possible. It turns out that there was a problem in declaring different species of moa. And this problem raises questions about "primitive" humans and human evolution. The article also has an interesting creationist hypothesis about how moas reached New Zealand in the first place. Giant flightless birds up to three metres (10 ft) high that once roamed New Zealand have been frustrating evolutionary scientists trying to make sense of their DNA. They could analyse the DNA because moas became extinct only some 600 years or so ago, and thus scientists have access to the remains of many specimens, as Professor Alan Cooper, a New Zealander at the University of Adelaide, Australia, explains: “The moa … I’ve been working on them my entire career. I think they’re fantastic

Legislate and Demonize

No science today, just some observations and a short rant. I am on record for saying that some favorite tactics of evolutionists and atheopaths are: Misrepresent. Try to make creationists and ID proponents defend positions that they do not hold. In addition, spread untruths to people about our science and beliefs. Demonize. Since Darwin's Stormtroopers cannot defeat creation science in the realm of science and ideas, they settle for vituperative attacks on us. This does not impress anyone but their gullible supporters. Legislate. Since we have misinformed, biased judges in positions of power, they make rulings that would be laughable if they were not tragic [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] . One aspect of leftist thought police in action is when a student's personal journal had a poem about how she "understood" the Connecticut killer. A snoop found it, and she was suspended from school [ 4 ] . I heard some of the poem being read, and thought it was leftist nonsense, b

Like Love, Change Takes Time — Right?

Love Takes Time by Orleans on Grooveshark The common mantra states that evolution is a gradual process that takes a great deal of time to occur. (That is one reason they go on a Darwin jihad against people who dare to show scientific evidence for a young Earth.) Evolution is so slow, you can't see it. (Unless you think along the lines of Stephen Jay Gould, who rejected traditional evolutionary thinking and preferred " punctuated equilibrium "; evolution happened so fast, you missed it.) Actually, neither position has evidential support. Much to the dismay of evolutionists, species are known to modify and adapt much too rapidly to fit into the standard evolutionary philosophy. Of course, this is not a problem for Noachian Flood proponents. In all of these instances, the speedy changes have nothing to do with the production of any new genes by mutation (the imagined mechanism of molecules-to-man evolution), but result mostly from selection of gene

Evolutionists Hate These Facts...

On this first calendar day of 2013, it is fitting to take a look at the origins of science. The bad news for evolutionists is that evolution has done nothing to advance scientific progress. Science was doing well before Darwin, and attempts to add evolution have actually been harmful to science ! There is the occasional misrepresentation (which I believe is often deliberate) that creationists are simple-minded Biblicists who know nothing about science. Such a pejorative has nothing to do with reality. Chance and random processes are antithetical to science; if evolution and atheism were true, there would be no uniformity of nature in which to do science stuff. In fact, the uniformity of nature presupposes the Creator. Bible-believing scientists of the past knew this. “How can you reject the same science that put man on the moon?” You get that response sometimes when you admit that you’re a Creationist. The irony is that it was a Creationist rocket scientist, Wernher V

Lunar Formation Theories Keep Falling to Earth

A huge problem for evolutionary cosmologists is the formation of Earth's moon. Several theories have been put forward that seem somewhat plausible at a glance, but have fallen apart with further scrutiny. Even the newest (fifth) hypothesis is already on the verge of being ejected . Of course (and as usual), the most logical conclusion is one that best fits the facts, but evolutionists do not want to consider that  possibility. So, the Man in the Moon is having a good laugh at their expense... For the past 200 years, scientists have been working hard to come up with an explanation for the Moon's formation that does not involve the direct work of a Creator. The fourth hypothesis in that  the Moon was formed by the impact upon Earth of a body the size of Mars . Early this year it was  proved to be wrong by new evidence . A fifth hypothesis has quickly taken its place! You can read about the five theories, why they fail and the best conclusion at " Another Lunar Formati

Venus Flytrap — Still Baffling After All These Years

Many people are familiar with the carnivorous plant known as the Venus flytrap. Kids like to poke it to watch the "jaws" snap shut, or feed it raw hamburger — both activities are bad for it , however. It's that snapping shut in 1/10th of a second that is the main puzzler. Venus flytraps, morgueFile / xianstudio It is not mechanical, so there are no wires, pulleys and things like that. And it is not an animal, so there are no muscles to make it close . Yet, scientists are working on biomimetics  because they believe that this plant inspires them to intelligently design imitation s of its actions. But they cannot figure out how (or why!) it allegedly evolved. The Venus flytrap remains one of the most intriguing plants in the world.  What makes it snap shut in a tenth of a second?  Can we imitate its motion without muscles, wires or batteries? A press release from the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics sets up the questions: Plants lack m

Radiometric Dating — The Thrill Is Gone?

morgueFile/xandert (modified)  No scientist is neutral regarding data (despite the claims of Darwin's Cheerleaders). Everyone has a starting point. Creation scientists have long pointed out flaws and inconsistencies in radiometric dating. Evolution scientists obtain inconsistent results that are cherry-picked to fit their uniformitarian, fundamentally flawed presuppositions. Scientists put forward models and ideas and see if the data support them. Creationists from the RATE Project have been frustrating uniformitarian scientists . But they are not in lockstep on their models or their findings, and are continuing their investigations and analyses. Radiometric dating is  still a faulty argument  against biblical history.  Naturalistic geolo­gists often  “cherry-pick” dates  they deem appropriate to their particular studies.  Carbon-14  has been found in coal and diamond samples  supposedly be billions of years old , even though the half-life of  14 C is only 5730 years. The

"Junk" DNA Myth Continues Its Downward Spiral

morgueFile/JulesInKY So let me get this straight: A certain section of DNA was studied, some of it was understood, and then whatever else that was not analyzed or not understood was classified as "junk". Got it. Pretty arrogant, innit? We have seen that so-called "junk DNA" has clawed its way out of its premature grave and is humiliating evolutionary scientists who are finding out that the "junk" is useful after all . As proponents of Intelligent Design as well as biblical creationists have said all along, there is a purpose for it. Secular biology, intelligent design, and creationist communities are abuzz with the recently reported data from 30 simultaneously published high-profile research papers in the field of human genomics, proclaiming that the human genome is irreducibly complex and intelligently designed. From an evolutionary perspective, this is a massive blow to the myth of “junk DNA.” A large-scale international research effort,

Increased Thought Control in the UK

Secular Humanism is a religion.  Evolution is religious in nature. It looks like the UK is forcing adherence to a state religion, and evolutionism is a cornerstone.  "Stop that, Cowboy Bob! Evolution is about science!"   An evolutionist disagrees:  ‘Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint—and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it—the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today. ‘… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.' — Michael Ruse The four biggest bigot groups in the UK are at it again. They already forced the teaching of orig

Penguins, Speed and Air Jackets

morgueFile/chamomile This rather short article on the ability of penguins to zip through the water is quite interesting. There are several intricate features that show how they are designed for what they do — and do it quickly. Penguins are fast swimmers, but they shouldn't be. As they rocket themselves through the water and onto overlying ice shelves, the drag of water friction is supposed to be too great. Researchers familiar with recent attempts to use air as a lubricant for ships noticed air bubbles jacketing penguins during their boisterous ascents, and that led them to question if penguins use air to accelerate underwater. National Geographic recently reported on how Bangor University biologist Roger Hughes, inspired by a 2001 BBC documentary that featured emperor penguins leaping out of the water, partnered with an engineer in Denmark and two other researchers to investigate how the penguins could do this. Their results appeared in the journal  Marine Ecology Progr