
Don't Leaf Me This Way

For some of us, autumn stirs mixed feelings. Falling leaves, falling temperatures, cold rains and so forth remind us to prepare for the upcoming winter. They can get slippery after a rain, so watch your step. And those leaves keep on falling, getting into the rain gutters and on the lawn. People rake them up and put them in piles. Some cities allow them to be raked to the street to be picked up, and some clowns use half the street for their personal dumping ground, but I digress. Other people are able to burn the leaves, depending on where they live and whether doing so is a fire risk. Many people appreciate the fall foliage, often driving for many miles on a "color tour". Image courtesy of antpkr / Why do the leaves come down? Why can't the doggone trees just hold onto the things, anyway? It would be less work for us, yes? Actually, there is a purpose to trees dropping their leaves. And a science, all the way down into a sequential gene co

Creationists In Space

NASA From some of the comments I have seen, there are anti-creationists who really would like to see creationists in space. All of us. Now. So we can stop troubling evolutionists with the facts and real science. One of the most amazing examples of atheistic bigotry and ignorance was in a comment, paraphrasing: "When you're miles above the Earth, you don't want your fate in the hands of someone that believes in fairy tales like the Bible". Not only did this guy display massive ignorance of creationist beliefs and capabilities, but seemed willingly ignorant of the fact that there are many creationist scientists. Back to my original point, creationists have indeed been in space. To cite my article and supporting links on " Atheists Can't Protest Everything ": There are  followers of Jesus who have been on space missions . What I think will be the biggest irritant of all [to atheists who protest things] is the fact that  Bibles were taken on NASA

More Problems in Dinosaur Evolution

Things just keep getting worse regarding evolution for fundamentalist evolutionists. Aside from being unable to give a satisfactory answer of what dinosaurs evolved from, and the fact that soft tissues have been found in dinosaur fossils , the acolytes of evolutionism keep clinging to their faith despite the evidence. NASA/Earth Observatory To make matters worse, a tyrannosaur has been found with "advanced" features in "older" rock layers. This requires yet more rewriting of evolutionary conjectures. But worse than that is where  it was found, and what else has been discovered there. Interestingly, these scientists "know" how the creature acted based on its appearance, seemingly forgetting the fierce teeth of the fruit bat and panda, or the fact that there are vegetarian piranha . They should know that appearances can be deceiving, but I digress. They would not be thrown into such a tizzy if they realized that Noachian Flood models explained the sit

Audio-Video Podcast 3 — Evolutionists, Atheists, Atheopaths, Anti-Creationists and More

In this episode: A discussion of various people who attack biblical creationism. This includes standard evolutionists (who have only been told what to think, and do not realize that evolution is a dreadful way to explain the evidence), a variety of atheists, agnostics, atheopaths (a definition is given) and other anti-creationists. Also, the first installment of "Atheopath Follies". The occasional clicking/scratching sound goes away after about three minutes, I had a disagreement with the cable on the headset and didn't want to re-record.  The MP3 version of the podcast can be downloaded here .

Mysterious Mars

NASA Mars has many similarities with Earth. It also has significant differences. "Differences? Well, duh! " Anyway. There are also some very puzzling aspects. For example, Mars shows signs that it once had liquid water, but its atmosphere would not allow water to exist for very long. (Ironically, some evolutionary scientists consider the possibility of a global flood there , but fight the fact that there was one here, where we have seventy percent water!) Was the atmosphere different in the past? Did it change? Most of Mars is flat, but there are hills and mountains more massive than those on Earth. Those two moons are puzzling, also. Evolutionary conjectures fail to explain what we know so far. Let's take a look at the red planet. Although Venus has been called Earth’s sister due to the similar size of these two worlds, the planet that appears most earthlike at its surface is undoubtedly Mars. A solid, rocky world, Mars is just over half the size of Ear


And now for something completely different. Sort of. Dr. James White gave me a birthday present. Sort of. On a broadcast of " The Dividing Line " starting at about the 34 minute point, he mentioned a video that describes how the Toy Story  movies and the TV series The Walking Dead appear to be the same story. I am uncertain of the exact video he talked about, but this one looks like a good possibility: Dr. White pointed out that things can indeed seem similar, you can find parallels if you want to find them. Of course, you need to ignore the dissimilarities for your "theory" to hold together. His application was different, but his "gift" to me was the inspiration for this article. Edit: I forgot to add that I mentioned this selective data and that people see what they want to see to a physical therapist. She said it happens in the medical field as well, that only some things are presented, but other factors are ignored. I have been a

Primitive People Hit the Road

The concept of primitive people being stupid brutes communicating with grunts and monosyllables is actually based on evolutionary biases. After all, they had recently evolved from apelike creatures and could not be all that clever in the first place. (Why do you think the "ancient astronauts" stories became so popular? The ancient people needed help building those amazing structures way back when.) Cavemen and evolving humanoids look good in museums of evolutionary propaganda, though. A different story emerges when the Bible is taken seriously as history. (Remember, the Hittites were unknown outside the Bible until about 1906. Mockers had to eat their words.) Here, we learn that man is made in God's image, and people were intelligent from the start. Archaeology supports the fact that ancient people were not nearly as dense as evolutionary conjectures make them seem. According to the popular viewpoint, the primitives in Britain were subjugated by the Roman