
Evolution Thought Police Increase UK Creation Censorship

Evolution, under the guise of "science", is not taught with the evidence and critical thinking . Only one side of the evidence for evolution is presented in textbooks , which is nothing less than indoctrination. "Humanist" organizations and "science education" groups campaign to have any semblance of creation science removed from the classrooms. Groups like the NCSE and Australian Skeptics claim to be religiously neutral , but that is the opposite of the truth. The NCSE's activities show that they are opposed to free speech  and are willing to indulge in emotional manipulation . The BCSE is also blatantly disingenuous .  Darwin's Stormtroopers, the evolutionists who pa-TROLL the Web in the name of "science", display the same kind of intellectual acumen and integrity of their masters. That is, attack the person, equivocate evolution with science, protect "science" (as if science really needs protection!), misrepresent the

Heads — You Lose

Elongated skulls from Paracas, Peru. Using uninformed opinions and presuppositions, some people think they're aliens. Others think they're an evolutionary branch of humans. Based on their faulty assumptions and reasoning, some extremely doubtful science (including incomplete DNA sequencing) has been performed. Wikimedia Commons /  Marcin TÅ‚ustochowicz We've been down this road before. Early mtDNA sequencing for Neanderthals had people believing that they were very different from modern humans. There was also the fiasco of "junk DNA" . Both of those involved making claims based on assumptions and incomplete evidence. In the case of the Paracas skulls, it appears that some profiteering is afoot. It does not help matters that the scientist doing the DNA analysis is unnamed. But you can make a donation if you believe that the analysis is worthwhile. Paracas Necropolis Culture This story began with archaeologist Julio Tello’s 1928 discovery of 429 mummies

Oil and the Young Earth

The standard evolutionary paradigm for the formation of oil, coal and so forth involves millions of years. Creationists have correctly disputed this, and it has been known for quite a while that these things can be formed in a short period of time. Credit: Image*After Since evolution requires belief that the earth is ancient, people interpret data through old earth spectacles. They have attempted to say that the Bible is wrong about the Genesis Flood and oil at the Tower of Babel. Part of the problem is their use of the word "pitch" in Genesis 6.14. (This is understandable to some extent, because ï¬»ֹפֶר, kopher  in Hebrew, is an uncertain word and has several meanings. More consistently and accurately, it means "covering" and not "petroleum product". If the Genesis-deniers had done a bit of research, they would not be making such statements.) Instead, the rapid formation of oil supports the biblical Flood timeline and is problematic to evolutionists.

More Changes in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution

One of the principles of science is that when observed facts do not fit the theory, then if the theory cannot be reasonably modified, it should be discarded. In that regard, evolution itself should have been discarded a century ago. Other conjectures within goo-to-you evolution are also held fast despite the evidence. Image derived from Dinosaur and Bird clip art at There was the sensationalistic story about an Edmontosaurus having an appendage on its head. To some, it looked like a rooster's comb, therefore, proof that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Except that not only was this desperate homology, but it was the wrong kind of dinosaur to fit the theory . Bird fossils are found with dinosaur fossils , and dinosaurs ate birds . Too many problems, not all evolutionary scientists believe that birds evolved into dinosaurs, plus lack of explanations for what is observed — but some people still still insist. Now the dino-to-bird as well as the origin of flight evo

Ignoring a Problem for Evolution Does Not Solve It

There was a time when proponents of evolution would admit that they had a problem. Not anymore. If they cannot interpret evidence according to their presuppositions, or when something threatens evolutionary dogma, we are given "explanations", the problem is ignored, or both. This happens when fossils are found in the wrong place, or in ways that cannot happen, according to the evolutionary timeline. Dr. Emil Silvestru deals with just such a problem in great detail. The pollen and spores from the Paleoproterozoic Roraima Formation in South America has often been cited by creationists as evidence against the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record. It has, however, received little interest from the scientific community, having been ignored altogether since the 1970s. Although the discovery was published in Nature, there were no subsequent articles dealing with it. The consensus seems to be that the microfossils represent a case of contamination. In the original a

Neptune, the Secretive Twin

Neptune has several things in common with its almost-twin, Uranus. It was seen and considered a star by early astronomers (it is invisible to the naked eye), similar to the way Uranus was cataloged as a star before creationist astronomer Sir William Herschel realized Uranus was a planet in 1781. The two planets are apparently similar in size and composition, the blue coloration probably caused by methane. Both have moons that do not quite act the way they should. Neptune Full Disc, Voyager 2, NASA/JPL Neptune's identification as a planet is both international and controversial. Astronomers watching Uranus were noticing some oddities in its orbit and asked, "Dude, what's up with that?" Creationist scientist Isaac Newton did some calculations on motion and gravitation , and Newtonian physics indicated that there should be something else up there. Several people went to work on the mathematics, especially John Couch Adams in England and Urbain Le Verrier in Fra

Audio-Video Podcast 19 — Equivocation and Definitions

Do not be alarmed. There are some expensive words in this one, but don't let those throw you. I only want you to learn one (and it's variations): Equivocation. It's a bait-and-switch trick used by atheists and evolutionists to "move the goalposts" and be deceitful. Bill Nye, Evolution Drones and others pull this stunt. Unfortunately, equivocation is very common, and even a part of humor. So, watch for it when someone is trying to manipulate you, and make an effort to avoid using it yourself. It is also extremely important to define your terms, as people have different understandings of the same word. Cultists and liberal Christians love to equivocate so they can deceive. Also, something different. Instead of the "Atheopath Follies", I did a "Religious People Follies" segment. The MP3 can be downloaded here .