
Evolutionary Thinking is Unnatural

One way to see if a worldview has validity is to look for arbitrariness. Making truth claims that have no support is a red flag. There are people who claim that atheism is the natural state of a newborn infant, and religious views are added in. If you cognate on that for a while, you'll realize that it's irrational and unsupported. Unfortunately, there are people who spread that balderdash, and I reckon it's because it comes from someone they admire who shares their existing naturalistic presuppositions, and it sounds "intellectual". Truth is, this "born atheist" claim is the opposite of the truth. The truth is something evolutionary thinkers don't like: Children think like biblical creationists! Teaching evolutionism and that natural selection is a means to evolution is unnatural. People have to suppress what they're born with in order to use evolutionary thinking. That's one reason that there are atheistic professors who want to eradic

Microbes and Digestive Processes

Most people know that intestines contain bacteria. These are essential for proper digestion, and they also help repel pathogens. Studies of mice show that when they have illnesses, the intestines manufacture food for the bacteria, which help the critters recover more efficiently. The intestines are not only for digestion, but also for staying healthy. This relationship between the microbes and intestines is another instance where everything has to be in place at the same time from the beginning, or nothing happens. That is, it could not have been a product of evolution, but instead shows the work of the Creator. Scientists purposefully made mice sick to test how the creatures’ intestines—and the microbes they harbor—would react. They discovered details behind a remarkable relationship that, when working well, keeps both parties healthy. Intestinal germs form part of a complicated digestive system, with different species lining up in ordered but dynamic layers to help break down

For Love of Qualifications

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen If you study on it, you'll see that people who are called "intellectuals" or the "intelligent s ia" have often been in a class by themselves. It's usually been more of an informal social class than anything else, and not really involved with economics (such as "upper middle class"). It seems to be a symbiotic relationship. Generally speaking, many people who are considered intellectuals are aloof and look down on common folk. Yet, commoners tend to look up to the intellectuals. Then the contradiction sets in, with us regular folk viewing the intellectual elite (and those who consider themselves so, without good reason) with distaste. (People are not anti-intellectual, but as for me, I'm anti-arrogance .) So people seem to have a love-hate view of intelligent s ia. Somehow, having a degree is supposed to mean that someone is a genius and able to perform well. But it gets ridiculous: A woman working in the human

Your Tax Dollars Funding NASA Evolutionary Non-Science

What determines if something can be considered a "science"? Normally, it seems that certain things need to be studied in some detail, and it becomes a science. Nowadays, something can be declared to be a science because it supports evolutionary preconceptions. The fairly young pseudoscience is getting tax money for studying something that isn't even there, but uses assumptions and hypotheses based on materialistic evolutionary ideas. I reckon that our tax money could be spent on more useful things than on bolstering anti-God ideas. Astrobiology has yet to establish that it has a subject to study, but NASA is giving millions of tax dollars to multiple teams, including SETI researchers. It’s no surprise that Astrobiology Magazine published smiling faces from 7 teams joining the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) that will be receiving an average of $8 million in taxpayer funds. Here’s the stated justification: You can read the excuses (oops, sorry, it did say "

Amazing Fern Fossil Troubles Evolutionary Timelines

There was a time when fossils were explained as impressions in rocks of things that died, were gradually covered, then the sediment turned to stone. If the teacher had time, we were told about petrification as well. With modern technology and scientific advances, fossils are a treasure trove of information. The insistence on gradual processes over millions of years has persisted, defying actual thought. A fossil fern has been examined, and it is amazingly detailed. Scientists can even look at spores, chromosomes and cells that were caught in the middle of division! Does this support gradual, long-time fossil making? Is there any sign of evolution between this fossil and modern ferns? Not hardly! While the scientists admit to a rapid burial, they arbitrarily assigned an age to the fossil, and it still manages to disrupt their timeline. The best explanation for this fossil is in terms of the biblical creationist model from the Great Flood of Genesis. Researchers from Lund Univer

Radiometric Dating and Reason - Part 2

A month ago, I posted about the most common form of radiometric dating methods . Some scientists are recognizing that these have some serious problems, and have decided to saddle up a different horse. They are proposing a new model called isochron dating.  The math looks good, but there are still some major difficulties. These include several assumptions (including an old-earth fudge factor), and yielding results that are not only contradictory, but wildly inaccurate for rocks whose ages are actually known. The Bible is quite clear about the origin and timeframe for the creation of Earth and the cosmos. If Scripture is inaccurate in this, then how can it be trusted in anything else? Some evolutionists throw out theistic evolution (God using evolution as His creative process) as a philosophical panacea, with the goal of leading people to conclude that Genesis is a myth. Like Nimrod of ancient times, they know they must provide an alternative (i.e., naturalism, specifically scienti

Ants, Evolution and Zombies

The zombie mythology has evolved over the years, especially since popular movies of cannibalistic walking dead people became popular. Older stories are that zombies are dead people who were reanimated through witchcraft, slaves to their master, and could only be set free (or killed, depending on the story) by stuffing their mouths with salt. I don't cotton to zombie stories, but from what I gather, the new version varies, and zombification is pretty much the result of a pathogen. Skip the salt, they need to be shot in the head. Whatever the myth, people were taken over and had no will of their own. That's similar to evolutionary theory, now that I study on it. People get indoctrinated in the pathogen of evolutionism, and that helps fuel their rebellion against their Creator. Their father down below, who fell because of pride (Isaiah 14.12-14, Ezekiel 28.11-19), controls their wills and encourages this prideful rebellion. We have evolution zombies walking around, spreading