Eye Variety and Evolution

There's no shortage of tales to tell by evolutionary owlhoots for the sake of propping up their presuppositions. What does the variation in eyes throughout living things tell you? Simple answer first: the variety of eyes tells you that there's a variety of eyes. National Geographic people are saying that they can reconstruct the history of evolution based on computer programs and speculations. Evidence for evolution? That'll be the day! Cats' eyes have a tapetum lucidum that reflects light back through the eye so they can see better in the dark. Part of the story is that "convergent evolution" (a theoretical excuse that is used when there is no actual evidence) for eyes happened at least 40 times. Also, evolution is given a demigod status here, too, exhibiting creativity and thrift. Not hardly! This evolutionary storytelling is also an example of ignoring certain data and alternative explanations. The best explanation is that the Creator designed diff...