
Fossilized Arctic Forest Explanations

Way up yonder in the Norway area is the archipelago known as Svarlbard , and the largest island is Spitsbergen. Interesting geology, and the ocean-influenced climate is not as cold in winder, and not as warm in summer compared to other polar areas. Still, it's plenty cold. A fossilized forest was found on Spitsbergen. Time to do some digging. Image credit: Pixabay / MartinFuchs Old Earth paleontologists are having a bit of difficulty giving adequate explanations for what is found, especially since the trees are extinct. But that doesn't stop them from projecting their ideas into the distant past, even though they have no data to support their views. However, the Genesis Flood model gives a far better explanation for observed data, and for theories about what went on in the relatively recent past. After all, the world is not billions of years old; the evidence indicates only thousands of years. The discovery of ancient trees fossilized in what looks like a forest is al

Evolution, Genetics, and Bad Logic

Evolutionists have a habit of making assertions about the past from limited information about things not fully understood. When it comes to genetics, they're in a world of hurt. One of the hallmarks in scum-to-sculptor evolution is bad logic, and they often resort to affirming the consequent.  Basically, it goes like this: 1. If p, then q. 2. We have q. 3. Therefore, p. Seems simple enough, but it leaves out the possibility of other explanations. As Jason Lisle illustrates : 1. If it's snowing, it must be cold outside. 2. It's cold outside. 3. Therefore, it's snowing out. Not hardly! Let's use this in a way that Darwinists do it: 1. If evolution is true, then DNA will be found in living organisms. 2. DNA is found in living organisms. 3. Therefore, evolution is true. Made through the Chalkboard Message Generator at Add Letters This leaves out pertinent data, which is something these owlhoots will do frequently. Take ERVs (Endogenous RetroVirus

More Holes in the Evolutionary Tree of Life

The Darwin Ranch over at Deception Pass has some gloomy faces these days. Not only do they have to deal with dem dry bones fouling up their human evolution timeline , but the "tree of life" that Papa Darwin tried to grow is rotting. The more scientists learn about life, the more God's creation is obstreperous regarding man's origin mythologies.  If you want the truth, it's revealed in God's Word, and not in the ever-changing speculations of people who want to deny his creative work. Image based on that old fraud Haeckel 's tree of life. Some of the recalcitrant data include organisms having holes in the wrong place and at the wrong time, critters with big pointy nasty teeth, and genetic similarities that don't fit the tree of fiction. You can read about those and more by clicking on " More Holes in Evolutionary Theory ". 

Bad Bones for Human Evolution

When there's news that can be even be remotely construed to support Darwinism, the science press rides like a cavalry charge to spread their propaganda , but when the evidence piles up against evolution, they hole up in the bunkhouse playing cards instead of saying, "Hey, here's things the Darwinoids got wrong!" Nope, no money in that. Case in point, the false evolutionary parade is getting mighty blurry because various bones are being redated. According to their own methods, the whole thing just doesn't work. May as well give it up and admit that the evidence refutes evolution, and supports what biblical creationists have been saying for years. Textbooks around the world contain the well-known illustration of walking apes transitioning into a modern human. I recently heard a college student, raised in a Christian home, say these pictures convinced her of evolution. She probably represents countless others swayed by this simplistic icon. But those willing

Dinosaurs Making Tracks on Skye

Finding dinosaur tracks has become somewhat commonplace (saddle up or take a hike at Prehistoric Trailways National Monument in New Mexico , for instance), but they're found in several parts of the world. Some dinosaur footprints are unremarkable, like they're going to and from the general store for supplies or something. Others, however, look like they're fleeing something. Image credit: Bob Wick / Bureau of Land Management Dinosaur tracks in Lake Quarry, Australia , had paleontologists giving weird cognations that the critters were fleeing a predator, but that does not hold up under examination. Same kind of thing happens with the dinosaur tracks on the Isle of Skye — relevant information is ignored, facts are pushed into an evolutionary worldview, and the best explanation of the Genesis Flood is rejected out of hand. Sorry, but uniformitarianism fails again. The Earth is far younger than you and Papa Darwin want it to be. On Scotland’s Isle of Skye, researcher

Evolution and Moral Relativism

When someone claims to not have a philosophy of life (worldview from presuppositions and axioms), just ask a few questions. Yo u 'll find out that y es, they do have a worldview. Everybody has one, even if they haven't written it down in a journal or something. A big part of that worldview is the question of right and wrong . An atheist or evolutionist cannot give a coherent reason for saying that torturing children for fun is wrong, but the Bible-believing Christian has a consistent foundation to oppose it. The atheopath who goes haywire with trolling and bullying biblical creationists on teh interwebs because creationists are "evil" and "liars" — that ornery cu ss cannot say why his actions are "good" and creationists are bad, except for his opinion, culture, and relativism — a justification for "morality" that goes up in smoke. Image generated at Secular scientists and their sycophantic press make proclamations a

Chinese Fossils, Facts, and Fraud

Interesting that there's a whole heap of fossils in the Jehol Group (northeast China), and that seems to be the biggest source of alleged bird-to-dinosaur transitional forms. Lots of nice sedimentary rock to find things in, and then they commence to re-dating the layers when the fossils don't fit their paradigms. Have you noticed that Darwinistas don't let the facts get in the way of a one-sided propaganda rant? Those owlhoots don't just cherry-pick the data, they move entire cherry trees of data! Re-dating, a flock of fake fossils ( notably, Archaeoraptor ), secular scientists who think the whole dino-to-bird thing is garbage, evidence that interferes with their own theories — yep, the future is bleak for evolutionists. So, they deal from the bottom of the deck so they can claim they have the winning hand. Ain't happening. Creation still wins. In recent years the Jehol Group of China has provided evidence of catastrophic burial that contradicts curren