
Telomeres Do Not Support Evolution

One of the conjectures found in common-ancestor evolution is that humans and chimps shared kinfolk a few million Darwin years ago. Supposedly, the primary evidence for this was chromosomal fusion, but there are many reasons to reject this concept . Further research shows additional complications for the idea. Image credit: National Human Genome Research Institute / Darryl Leja Those telomeres at the ends of chromosomes are where the chromosomes fused, but now it's been discovered that they are found throughout the inner parts of chromosomes, and not just at the ends. Evolutionists claimed "genetic mistakes", but that idea got plopped onto the trail. The specialized sequences show the genius of the Creator and are further evidence against evolution, and creation scientist Dr. Jeffrey P. Tomkins is conducting further DNA sequence research. The prevailing evolutionist mantra holds that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived about six million years

Our Ancestors According to Genesis

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As discussed here several times, proponents of microbes-to-metallurgist evolution have a mighty dim view of our ancestors. Evolutionists see them as brutish creatures that had been more like ape than man, with intelligence yet to evolve. Of course, this is all based on evolutionary presuppositions and assumptions, not on evidence. (I wonder how many further assumptions were made in formulating the so-called " Paleo Diet "?) But when evolutionist try to slap leather with biblical creationists, they shoot themselves in the foot — nothing more humiliating than being shot with your own gun, but figuratively, that happens to them all the time. I'm saying that  even according to evolutionary "evidence", archaic humans such as Neanderthals showed remarkable intelligence and culture. This is a mite disconcerting to Darwinists, to say the least. De "Weinig" Toren van Babel  by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 It's been said

Scientists Doing Philosophy, Not Science

Some people have the notion that science is an unbiased method of interpreting the evidence, but that's not what happens. Science does not happen by scientists collecting data and then making dispassionate conclusions. They have their own beliefs, vices, ambitions, and presuppositions. Many times, they go beyond the reasonable boundaries of their disciplines and pontificate on philosophy that sounds  scientific, but fails in several areas. Especially evolution. Many of these owlhoots get the bit in their teeth and run at a gallop by working their naturalistic philosophies into their speculations. Somebody holler, "Whoa!" They need some basic lessons in philosophical thinking, especially that branch of philosophy known as logic.  From there, maybe they can humble themselves and get actual wisdom from the Creator . Some secularists seem to have been smoking the wa cky tobaccy, or is it the people who pay them? Speculations that no thing is real, we are living in a c

Water in the Rocks

While we depend on the hydrologic cycle of snow melt, rain, evaporation, and so on for much of our water, there is also quite a bit of water in rocks. "Such as the rocks that show up in your brain scan, Cowboy Bob?" While those rocks are damp, I mean rocks beneath the surface. Many rocks are porous and permeable to some extent, so in the right environment, water can flow through them and even become embedded in them. Coffee isn't the only thing that percolates. Water does that as well, getting through sediments and into layers way down yonder; there's about as much water under Asia as in the Arctic Ocean. Our creator has made water accessible, even in places that seem unlikely. Image credit: Freeimages /  Damian Searles This has some bearing on the complicated process of the Genesis Flood, and especially afterward. Much of the water flowed into the oceans, but also into aquifers. Rain and rivers are essential to life on earth. But what about life in earth’

Can a Mutation be Fixed?

Evolutionary scientists are baffled about a study where a mutation has seemingly been reversed, and that's not supposed to happen. Selective breeding yielded carp without scales, which made it faster and easier to get them onto the dinner table . Some of the critters got out of Dodge and back into the wild. The scales grew back in their descendants. Lots of Carp 5  image credit: Freeimages /  Gölin Doorneweerd - Swijnenburg Note: this is not a picture of Polycarp , the church father and martyr Did you know that koi and goldfish are carp ? The Darwinistas were resorting to the frequent empty phrase, "evolutionary convergence", but it really shows once again that genetics is not understood as well as some people may think. At any rate, the fish is still a fish, and are still carp. Adaptation? You betcha! God created things with the ability to adapt to changing environments, which is expected by biblical creationists.  No need to applaud Darwin, he has nothing to

Secularists Have Origin of Life Questions But No Answers

Every few years, the hands at the Darwin Ranch attend conferences about the origin of life. This is done because they bring along their materialistic presuppositions, ask a lot of questions, then look for materialist answers for those questions. Any success? That'll be the day! Early Earth artist's conception image credit: Don Dixon / NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center Since they have decided to leave the Creator out of the equation, they wind up with a passel of questions on how life began, it's evolvability, how it can emerge from chemistry and physics, and other details. Many questions, many scientists, many views. Creationists can sit back and watch them commence to shooting it out among themselves, and then we can pick up useful refutation material that they use on each other . They cannot get real answers because they start from atheistic presuppositions. The Origin of Life (OoL) community aspires to discover chemical evolution or abiogenesis. This is the s

Mosquitoes, Diseases, and Creation

While it's good to examine various creatures, whether in person or from some kind of monitor, to admire their specified complexity. I'll allow that I detest mosquitoes. Although only the female wants blood (and over forty species don't bother with it), they pollinate and drink nectar, and not all carry diseases, I'm not going to examine one to see if it's harmless. I smash it. Don't be giving me that look, you know you do it too. Asian tiger mosquito image credit: CDC/ James Gathany Aside from the itching bumps from a bite and wondering if the dreadful thing carried  West Nile virus , the Zika virus , or something else nasty, some people are concerned about their effects on horses, cattle, and animals as well (see " The Ultimate Guide to Mosquito Management on the Farm "). Interestingly, their desire for human blood seems to be a comparatively "recent" development. But if God created everything "very good", how can these thi