
Galactic Evolution Stumpers

According to deep time adherents, some celestial objects just won't act their (assigned) ages. There are many links on this site alone to how planets, moons, and whatnot are showing signs of youth instead of millions of years. Secular cosmologists keep on plugging away with their narrative, even when they repeatedly encounter observed evidence that refutes their predictions. Probably because they find recent creation detestable, despite the evidence. They continue to present things they know are untrue, even according to their mythology. Galaxy cluster MOO J1142+1527, credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Gemini / CARMA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Beginning with Big Bang and deep time presuppositions, astronomers and cosmologists are baffled when galaxies that are supposed to be very old have "stopped forming stars". Not that anyone has actually seen stars forming, we're only presented with presumptions based on their paradigms. Still, there is

Pupplies Help a Child's Health?

Way back in the olden days, we had a small dog, but my parents were not overly concerned with protecting me from the unsanitary beast. Nor were they all that worried about unsanitary cats, once they became part of the family. Proper hygiene was in order, and that was enough. (By the way, some people have scared pregnant women into avoiding cats, but the danger there is mitigated by taking care when changing the litter box .) I know people who would want to have "kisses" from their German Shepherd and have her lick their faces, even on the lips. I can't do that. Children Playing with Puppies , William Collins, 1812 The idea that dogs' mouths are cleaner than ours is a myth, they have their own bacterial flora . No need to overreact, though. Our society has been " too clean " these past years (the word germaphobe is used too freely in my opinion, as a true germaphobe suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder ), and are actually doing harm to ourselve

Non-Evolution of the Frog

You may find this difficult to believe, but some owlhoots present the development of a tadpole into a frog as an example of evolution. Now, they're using the vague definition of evolution as change over time , and then implying that this change illustrates all life evolving from a common ancestor. Not hardly! Chiricahua Leopard Frog credit: Jim Rorabaugh / USFWS| (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mr. Jeremy Fisher was once a tadpole, a critter that people sometimes go "hunting" and raising . It undergoes drastic changes and becomes a croaking hopper that eats flies. (If you get the right one, it'll sing and dance for you .) The changes it goes through are quite dramatic, actually. Everything is changed and rearranged through and through. How does it know how to do this, and how do the changes happen the right way, in the right order? The Creator put the intricate design plans into it's DNA, which defies changes-by-chance evolution. Ne

Vague Terms Acceptable in Science

It is an established fact that everywhere we turn, we are assaulted with remarks about evolution that assume it to be an undisputed, every scientist in lockstep, fact. Whether it's an animated feature for children, advertisements, nature documentaries that invariably give homage to Darwin, proselytes of evolutionism on the web, or many other possibilities, evolution is confidently asserted.  Made at We expect vagaries in science terminology from cinema, music, or whatever. Unfortunately, it is becoming more common in mainstream scientific journals to read things like, "Scientists is thought...maybe", and then have erroneous, unscientific conclusions pawned off as being conclusive. Is that ethical? The only thing conclusive is the written Word of God, who told us how he did the creating. Supplanters who attempt to replace God really do not know what happened in the distant past. An article about the development of instinct is

Fooling with Fish Stories to Prove Evolution

People who want us to believe in fish-to-firefighter evolution have been doing some finagling about the development of gills and, ultimately, where we came from. One indicator that bad science is being presented is when the question is begged. In this case, the hoary canard, "Ontology recapitulates phylogeny" was presumed. Also, evolution is used to support abortion, since the unborn child supposedly goes through a fish stage with "gill slits". Discus fish image credit: Pixabay / Bergadder A study of fish embryos and gill development assembled some good data. Unfortunately, the study was used to prop up evolution. The reasoning was faulty, beginning with the presupposition of Darwinism. They assume that embryos show their evolutionary stages, and ignore the facts that superficial resemblances to gill slits in creatures are imaginary. Those things that appear  to be gill slits are actually an important part of development. Can a landmark discovery about how

Squid Squadron

Every once in a while, an unbelievable story told around a campfire or in a tavern is based in reality:   I'm tellin' ya, we was sleepin' below deck in the boat, see. Woke up the next mornin', and breakfast delivered itself right smack on the deck. It was a squid. Musta flew up there! Don't be too hasty to dismiss the seafarer's experience: squid do fly. They're not just jumping (breaching) like "devil rays" , or doing some impressive gliding like flying fish . While it's not as free and easy as a bird, some species of squid take to the air in their version of powered flight. Specifically, it's jet-propelled flight, and it's not just a hop, either. Made at Atom Smasher I reckon that there's a heap more to learn on Earth, and our money could be better spent here instead of searching for space aliens , but I digress. This is clear evidence of creation, since all of the pieces had to be in place and functioning at the s

It's Another Bird, Not a Feathered Dinosaur

Riddle me this: What is the size of a chicken, has drumstick-shaped legs, feather follicles, slender tail, and feather follicles? "That's a dinosaur, ya idjit!"  Well, no. Although proponents of dinosaur-to-bird evolution try very hard to see feathers in dinosaur fossils and ignore bird features, even if they did find a dinosaur with feathers, it would only show that a dinosaur had feathers and not prove that they evolved into birds. They tend to make outlandish extrapolations like that. Credit: Freeimages / Armend (AD) At any rate, further research on a feathered dinosaur candidate shows that it had feathers and many features found in modern birds. There were some other features that we don't see very much in modern birds today. Still, it's another bit of wishbone — I mean, wishful — thinking that didn't pan out for evolutionists, which is no surprise for creationists, and probably no surprise for those evolutionists who reject the dino-to-bird sto