
Seabirds and Salt Water

We observe seagulls around lakes, rivers, bays (no jokes about bay gulls, please), and so on. For some reason, they like to hang around our grocery store parking areas that are a long way from water. They also live up to their name, living around the sea. Did you know they can drink sea water?  Seagulls Over the Waves , Ohara Koson, 1915 Those of us who live in areas where we can get drinking water out of a faucet or in bottles at the grocery store where the seagulls hang out may take our plentiful supply for granted. In fact, most of the water on Earth is salty. (Sure do hope they make progress on that graphene water purification study .) Several varieties of seabirds don't mind, since our Creator provided them with salt glands — and some fresh water-drinking birds can adapt to drinking salt water! On Day Five of Creation Week, God created the birds and all creatures that live in the water. While some of these creatures live only in freshwater and others live only in saltw

More On Dinosaur Feather Fake News

Remember all that hoopla about a " dinosaur feather in amber ", or even "feathered dinosaur tail trapped in amber"? For that matter, remember the criticism of the Jurassic Park / World movies because it did not show feathered dinosaurs? How about the bumps that were claimed to be possibly maybe they hope the beginnings of feathers, but nothing was really found? That's the result of evolutionary zealots spreading fake science in their desperate attempts to deny the Creator. They do that. It's who they are. Assembled with components from Clker clipart The lapdog press of the secular science industry was glad to spread sensationalistic stories, and the Evo Sith were more than happy to wave this "evidence" in the faces of creationists and say, "Aha! Gotcha!" As usual (and often before scientists are ready to make definitive claims), further examination reveals that Darwin's enthusiastic disciples were asserting too soon. Dinosau

Flat Earth and the Faint Young Sun

The link featured today has two interesting ideas from secular scientists, one of which tells biblical creationists something we already knew. First, scientists are suspecting that Earth way back yonder was flat. No, not that way (even though the Flat Earth Society is run by evolutionists ). Rather, it was flat in a round way. Uh, let me try that again. You know those maps showing hills, mountains, valleys, and whatnot? Those are relief maps. (Unfortunately, they don't show where I can get relief when I'm taking a long drive, but oh well.) The round, flat earth did not have much relief going for it, not very bumpy, but ocean covered. We knew about that from reading the recent creation account in Genesis, and creationists also believe that the mountains were formed during (and shortly after) the Genesis Flood. Credit: Pixabay / jodylehigh The other part of the article is about the faint young sun paradox. No matter where they place it during those billions of Darwin y

Evolving Teeth for Eating Grass?

Sorting through the "mountains of evidence" for fish-to-fool evolution will likely make you puzzle and puzzle 'til your puzzler is sore. So much of what is considered evidence for the "fact" of evolution is a prairie schooner-full of Just-So Stories, but precious little in the way of actual science. But the keepers of the Sacred Darwinian Archives™ will take something out, smile, shine it up for you, and expect you to feel blessed for being able to view it. One of the treasures is the tale of how animal teeth evolved because the grass changed. Yep, molars got bigger. Credit: Freeimages / MARIE JEANNE Iliescu "Un momento, por favour! Isn't something evolving for a purpose an example of teleology ?" I reckon so. Also, because of changing conditions that allegedly caused evolution, it smacks of being Lamarckian . To me, anyway. Grasslands changed, so teeth changed. Except that the evidence does not only refute that idea, but evolutionists u

Your Other Senses at Work

Way back centuries ago (well, I was a teenager in the 1970s), I lived with my parents, naturally. The stairway to the basement was decent, nothing like the kind you see in a mystery movie or something. Down, then a landing, and a right turn. Now, this is a mite tricky to describe, but those steps had metal strips on the ends that were nailed down, I disremember why, probably to hold down non-skid plastic or something. I was charging downward in my stocking feet as usual, but this time, one of those metal strips caught my sock. This caused me to pitch forward toward the concrete wall at the landing.  Instantly, my hands flew out and I grabbed the handrails on either side, which spared me a great deal of inconvenience. Baseball, Pixabay / KeithJJ What happens inside a person at such a time? Lots of things simultaneously that end in — ception.  You know, like perception.  We have more than just the five main senses, and I'm not talking about paranormal spooky stuff. Your brain h

Evolutionary Thinking and Human Capital

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is going to be one of my more unusual articles. My personal social media policy is stricter than my employer's policy: nobody needs to know where I work. I'm referring to them as The Company. However, there are several things that may change this. Eventually, I may reveal the name of The Company. However, many aspects of this article are apposite for many in the business world, so I am using my own experiences as illustrations. Inset photo credit: Pixabay / StockSnap My Life On a Spreadsheet The Company contracts with other corporations to perform various duties. Our location, along with several others, is what I call a data entry mill. Over the years, over a hundred of us were hired to do a job and be paid by the hour. We were informed that we are now going to be paid "piecework", which is based on the number of fields that we enter. (Not what we signed on for, but that's a privilege of laissez-faire capitalism. Different

Same DNA, Different Horse?

Selective breeding is rather common nowadays, getting characteristics that the breeder desires. It also results in harmful genetic mutations, often resulting in unhealthy animals, such as with dog breeding . There has also been discussion of bringing back extinct animals (which would be an exciting possibility when usable dinosaur DNA is found). One such case is a "prehistoric" horse, such as those seen in cave paintings. Mongolian Wild Horse (Przewalski’s horse) Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Ltshears / CC BY-SA 3.0 There is an extinct breed called the Tarpan, which had a resemblance to the critter pictured above as well as the cave paintings. People began breeding from wild mustangs that had some of the characteristics. Interesting that they did it without crossbreeding with the Przewalski's horse. This gives some insight not only into DNA, but also into the created biblical kinds. This is not evolution, since it involves variation and no added genetic material.

Dinosaur Fossils, Ocean Rocks, and the Genesis Flood

Paleontologists were shocked — shocked,  I tell you — to find dinosaur fossils in marine rocks. They were commencing to find themselves some ammonites (the oceanic invertebrates, not the cantankerous cusses of the Old Testament ), and found some T. rex -like remains. Credit: Freeimages / Matt Sullivan The surprise should have ended with the discovery of the new critter, but they got a mite agitated that the fossil was found in an ocean environment. Why? Evolutionists themselves admit that most dinosaur fossils are there, and not in, say, arid regions. Fossils and bones from diverse creatures are frequently found mixed together, and evolutionary speculation only agitates the waters. No, the reasonable conclusion (especially when taken with all the other evidence) is that this is a result of the global Genesis Flood and, therefore, recent creation. Yippie ky yay, old earthers! Another spectacular dinosaur fossil discovery baffled paleontologists who deny the historical accuracy

Better Living Through Graphene?

Today's post is going to take a different approach. Instead of showing flaws in evolutionary reasoning and presenting examples in nature that affirm special creation, we can see how our Creator has given us many things we need to improve life on this busy blue marble. To quote Ian Juby , "Your brain was intelligently designed, and God wants you to use it." Credit: jk1991 / In Genesis, God gave Adam and Eve the dominion mandate to fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion (Gen. 1:28). Seems to me that the dominion part includes making good use of what he's given us. By the way, subdue does not mean pillage . We are stewards of God's creation, and accountable to him for how we take care of it, you savvy? We know and love water, for example. Some folks realized that if it's good for helping us cool down, it can be good for other things. Hey, water cut a lot of rock during and after the Genesis Flood, so how about using it in mi

Cheating on Origin of Life Studies

I keep a-warnin' ya, don't be playing cards with the hands at the Darwin Ranch when they head out from Deception Pass and ride into town on payday. Those rapscallions don't like the hands they're dealt, and cheat mighty fierce like. Evolutionists are known for equivocation, such as equating change with evolution , and seeing "evidence" of evolution practically under every bush. Some even try to fool us by saying that abiogenesis (origin of life, OOL) has nothing to do with evolution (those are the ones who know abiogenesis is impossible), or say it happen out in space, and other trickery. Then they commence to working on origin of life experiments anyway. Public domain photo credit: New York Public Library We've read stories from the wild-eyed science press going after sensational claims about life being made in a laboratory, but what was obtained was primarily a few amino acids that were pretty much useless by themselves. (From the Irony Board: s