
A Comparison of Evolution and Creation Science

Proponents of atoms-to-astronomer evolution often tell the world that there are "mountains of evidence" for their interpretations of scientific evidence. Those of us who believe in biblical creation science know that those mountains are molehills, and the evidence not only refutes evolution, but supports creation. Government indoctrination centers (also called "schools") and other sources of information saddle people with the idea that we are the products of time, chance, random processes, mutations, and the like. Live has no meaning, there is no ultimate justice, and when you die, you're worm food. This materialistic worldview actively rejects the Creator, who gives us meaning, there is ultimate justice and Judgment. Logic and science are impossible in a materialistic worldview, and only the biblical worldview makes sense of life, and makes logic, science, love, and other intangible aspects of our daily lives possible. Taking an honest look a

Evolutionists Still Mystified by Giraffe Neck

Way back when, I lived in small a Michigan town on the shore of the lake that shares that state's name. There was a park on the shore, informally known as "G Park", short for "Giraffe Park", because teenagers would go there for a long necking session. You know, making lip lock. "Does this have anything to do with creation and evolution, Cowboy Bob?" Not really. So anyway, as many of y'all know, evolution wasn't created by Charles Darwin . Lamarck suggested that physical changes were inherited by offspring. Darwin rejected this, but he backtracked and included some of Lamarck's concepts in his later writings. One of the rejected ideas of Lamarck was that giraffes developed long necks by stretching to eat leaves on trees. That idea was justifiably dismissed. Credit: Freeimages / Leslie van Veenhuyzen However, evolutionists still cannot lasso an explanation for the giraffe's neck. Some are dancing in the dark with Lamarck, a

Grand Canyon Gets Old Earth Misinterpretations

This post is going to be a mite different, because the linked article is a book review. Normally, I don't write up book reviews here, but this one contains some mighty useful information. It could be successfully argued that old earth Christians, theistic evolutionists, Deists, and atheists all have a low view of the Bible. Some of them are more extreme, rejecting it altogether, and others say they believe the Bible but compromise and make excuses for plain readings that they dislike. Grand Canyon , Maxfield Parrish, 1902 In this case, some professing Christians have saddled up uniformitarian, atheistic interpretations of facts pertaining to the Grand Canyon. (Why some who call themselves Christians insist on embracing deep time, we can only speculate.) The authors of a book on the Grand Canyon have used bad arguments to claim that it is much older than biblical creationists believe it to be. They used outdated science arguments that creationists have already addressed lon

Further Discussion of Engineered Adaptability and Evolution

This enlightening series by Dr. Randy J. Guliuzza continues. Previously, we saw that Charles Darwin focused on external influences and claimed that those are responsible for vertical evolution. I'll allow that he did not know what we know today, as Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) had not fully developed his studies in genetics.  Credit: Pixabay / Gerhard Bögner A study of the Great Chinese Famine had some excellent work, but was incomplete, failing to identify a causal mechanism. Likewise, scientists cling to the consensus of externalism as the means of change in organisms. Instead, they need to be examining the way the Creator has engineered them to adapt to changes. Imagine the challenges facing an engineer who’s been tasked with designing a fully automated, unmanned spacecraft that needs to travel to a planet and safely return. . . . Every capability the autonomous vessel has, including the ability to relate to external conditions, will be due to its own features…and n

The Reformation of Peer Review

An organization can begin well, but lose its moorings and drift from its purpose. It happened 500 years ago when the Roman Catholic religious system became corrupt, and Martin Luther was the focal point of the Protestant Reformation. Similarly, the secular science industry's peer review process is due for a reformation. Modified from a picture at Freeimages by  Arjun Kartha , Martin Luther image added Movements of any consequence seldom have a single point of origin. The Protestant Reformation had been growing for some time, and some of the seeds were planted by John Wycliffe. Martin Luther had a disquiet and realized that the Roman Catholic power system was not true to its original purpose, having become a corrupt power and money system. (I reckon that when unbelievers use the remark that religion is to control people, they could very well be thinking of the Catholic system, and generalizing that it is typical of all sects that have the tag "Christian".) That chur

Is Altruism Controlled by Microbes?

For the most part, the concept of vertical (molecules-to-microbiologist) evolution is naturalistic. This means there is no room for the Creator, purpose, or anything else. It also means that atheistic empiricism and materialism cannot explain the necessary preconditions of human experience. They cannot explain even the existence of love, compassion, anger, laws of logic, and other intangible things that people experience every day. Anaerobic bacteria,  Argonne National Laboratory  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even though it's illogical, materialists attempt to explain the intangible through natural means, including evolution. You've probably remarks about someone being irritable because of digestive difficulties, which may indicate unpleasant microbe activities. It is also known that ants can be zombified in a way, taken over by a parasitic fungus. So, maybe our activities are affected to some extent by those tiny bugs inside us. Altruism, like

Science and Bible Interpretation

As Christians who believe the Bible and also use science, creationists are often challenged by mockers to explain biblical passages that appear to deny established scientific facts. Scripture does not contain anything that actually  defies scientific facts, and it certainly does not call on us to deny observable science. Dishonest atheists often use the logical fallacy of conflation, saying that since we deny evolution, we deny science. Evolution is historical in nature, and has numerous flaws; it is not a scientific fact. Still, the question remains: how do we deal with apparent conflicts between science and the Bible?  Planetary Orbits , Andreas Cellanius, 1660 The same owlhoots that call creationists "science deniers" for rejecting evolution also go to the stables and saddle up the old swayback of a falsehood that Christians persecuted Galileo because he taught true science (the heliocentric view, Earth moves around the sun), which supposedly conflicted with what t