
Bishop Bell and the Dinosaur

An annoyance for proponents of fish-to-fish warden evolutionists and other deep time enthusiasts are accounts of dragons in history . Remember, the word dinosaur had not been invented yet. The Bible also describes some critters that are only known to paleontology nowadays. After all, the Bible is a reliable history book. Spinophorosaurus image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura ( CC BY 3.0 ) If you get a notion to head to England, then go north, you can find Carlisle Cathedral . (If you reach Lockerbie, you've passed it.) Why? Well, it's ancient, construction was begun in 1122. But for our purposes, there's the easily overlooked tomb of Bishop Richard Bell — it's under a rug in the floor. Etched in the brass are several critters, including some dinosaur-looking beasties. Long necks that look like they're dancing at a hootenanny, or maybe it's a bit of rasslin'. (I'm bringing that last one up because giraffes fight each other with their ne

Brain Plasticity and Me

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Edited for wording 7 May 2022 This is a look behind the scenes of The Question Evolution Project. I do not post any old thing for the sake of posting, and I seek useful information to feature or add to my original articles. Several articles and such have been rejected for one reason or another in my screening process (guess that's the best name I can give it). A few were what I considered harmful, or were produced by people who have false biblical teachings. If I must feature something from a doubtful or even bad source, there will be a clear disclaimer or warning. For the post part, I give primary consideration to sources that I can trust. Once in a while, someone wants us to add a horse to our corral by requesting a link to their sites. There was a very strange one a spell back, somebody wanted me to give a link to a fashion site and he thought we would be a good match, and offered me some perks. (Should I become The Fashion Cowboy?) I ignored the le

The Mechanisms of Memory

Sometimes we are frustrated when we forget some things, but if you study on it, we are bombarded with many details, large and small, throughout each day. We can be preoccupied with tasks at hand and hurriedly set our keys in a different place than usual, but paying attention and being mindful can be helpful. On the other hand, things we had forgotten for decades can suddenly come to mind by a subtle prompt. We also have direct prompts, such as setting email reminders in my calendar for my doctor appointment or to schedule a post for a certain day. Credit: Pixabay / Pezibear Our senses can trigger memories. So do strong emotions. We make memory books with photographs, letters, and other physical objects and can reminisce about the events surrounding them. Certain fragrances can bring back people and places. Music can prompt thoughts about occasions, good or bad. Yet, we forget where we left those keys a few minutes ago. Several times, I have struggled to remember where I left som

Bad Science and Extraterrestrial Life

Looks like the hands at the Darwin Ranch must have been ingesting peyote buttons again, since they were presenting some bizarre stuff lately — more so than usual. Since they cannot have discussions with their invisible friends from outer space, evolutionists are commencing to deal from the bottom of the deck again (they're not too spaced out to do that) and being irrational as well as deceitful in their pseudoscience. If the rumor is true , they could have stayed out of trouble by riding into town for a free Slurpee. Since that didn't happen, I have a couple of articles for your consideration. Enceladus image credit: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents. Not by a long shot.) These tinhorns are getting our tax money to speculate on non-science such as astrobiology , promoting wishful thinking as scientific hypotheses, evolutionary presuppositions, circular reasoning, and so on. We are paying them to indoctrinate us in th

Correcting the Secular Story of Stone Mountain

Way down south in Dixie in these here United States, there is a lump just outside Atlanta. Looks like a rock was dropped there, and it has the uninspiring name of Stone Mountain. Because it is. It is not huge in comparison to other mountains, but a popular attraction. It has a huge but controversial carving of Confederate heroes that is easily seen. A view of the Walk Up Mountain Trail, near the top of Stone Mountain Credit: Wikimedia Commons / DXR The part that is of interest to us is the formation of Stone Mountain. Uniformitarian geologists have the view that granite takes a mighty long time to form, but that was based on philosophy, and has been refuted by evidence and real science. The mountain used to be magma way down yonder below the surface of the earth, then it was moved to the surface during the Genesis Flood. This happened quickly, and is yet another piece of evidence for a young earth. Stone Mountain, which is about 8 km (5 miles) around its base, is part of a h

What Good are Jellyfish?

There are several creatures that we wonder why God made them. You cannot saddle them up, eat them, keep them as pets, and many seem to be more harm than good. But if you study up on them, you can find that they are indeed a part of the ecosystem in ways we did not know before. If more researchers took the view that each organism was created for a purpose instead of taking an evolutionary approach (research was tainted by evolutionary thinking in a turtle sex selection study , for example), I suspicion that more answers would be found more rapidly. Credit: NSF / Henry Kaiser One such critter is the jellyfish, some of which have deadly stings . (They have no nervous system or brains, but their very basic nerves in the tentacles are their sensors.) When people are aware of jellies, they are wise to get away. (I read that some people eat them, but didn't cotton to doing the research.) Sure, they look nice, but do they serve a purpose besides that. I'll allow that jellyfish

Hijacking Science and Reason for Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, an anti-creationist will reluctantly admit that a biblical creationist has some scientific knowledge, but will say something along the lines of, "I presume he is still a YEC for strong religious reasons". Not hardly! Atheists, evolutionists, and other anti-creationists have often exhibited incredulity that some folks reject evolution because of scientific reasons. If you head on over to Intelligent Design sites, you'll learn that there are Darwin doubters from various religions and from no religion at all. No, people reject evolution for both scientific and biblical reasons. Evolutionary owlhoots get even more unfriendly-like when they are informed that scientific evidence is a triple threat: it refutes evolutionism, supports biblical creation science (including the Genesis Flood and recent creation) — and affirms what the Bible says. This is happening because origins is not an evidence issue, it is a spiritual proble