
Environments and Adaptation

Several posts here have examined engineered adaptability, that organisms adapt because of internal  mechanisms, and contrasting it with how proponents of fish-to-fortune teller evolution maintain that external "pressures" cause changes leading to evolution. (For the latest post on this, see " Targeted Changes and Engineered Adaptability ".) Evolutionists are increasingly using the fallacy of reification , giving evolution a personality that makes choices, and smacks of esoteric mysticism . Ochre sea star image credit: US National Park Service / Joseph Kinyon (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents.) Question the evolutionists: How do you know? How does it work? Do you have any evidence? Can you set aside your tautology, circular reasoning, and confirmation bias? They not only stack the deck, but mark the cards and deal from the bottom of the deck. No wonder they get predetermined "answers" in from their choplogic and tainted research.

Finding Eden

People have been attempting to find, or at least determine, the location of Eden. They want to saddle up and ride over to the Garden of Eden, but they are going to have a long trip for many reasons. For one thing, the garden was in  Eden (Gen. 2:8), and Eden itself was a special place on Earth. The Garden of Eden , Thomas Cole, 1828 You may be asking yourself why it would be so difficult to find Eden, since there are significant clues in Genesis. Notice that the description in Gen. 2:10-14 names the rivers in the present tense? Many creationists believe that several people wrote Genesis , and those were preserved by God until the Holy Spirit guided Moses to compile them. The usual explanation offered by biblical creationists regarding the impossibility of finding Eden is that the global Genesis Flood was catastrophic, and nothing would remain. Some people who are ignorant of the effects of the Flood use the names in Genesis as markers, but descendants of Noah would have likely n

Waterwheel Plant Traps Evolutionists

Shut your trap. No, not you. There are two carnivorous plants with snap traps, one of which is the more famous Venus fly trap , which snaps on insects and so forth for supper. Some people have them, but they are endangered, so you can get in a heap of trouble if you dig one up yourself. However, you can get one from a licensed dealer and make it a kind of pet if you give it the proper care . Credit: US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There's another trap shutter called the waterwheel plant. This bad little boy is endangered, has no roots, and floats along. When a small critter triggers its mechanism, the hinge snaps shut in as little as a hundredth of a second. Biomimetics research is being conducted for shading systems in architecture. A couple of papers were submitted in the same month about the waterwheel plant. One discussed the biomimetics application, and details on the plant's operation. The other paper had a little inform

Evolutionists Invoke the Bear Dog

Darwin's disciples stray from their stated beliefs in purposeless evolution by using pantheism and animism , the bear dogs (amphicyonids) were not some kind of aboriginal spirits. Instead, it was a critter that is somewhat underrepresented in the fossil record. Some evolutionists think it was an ancestor of both bears and dogs, although the bear connection is weak, even according to their criteria. Amphicyon ingens reconstruction image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  roman uchytel A couple of writers discussed how dogs and bears shared this alleged common ancestor, and then proceeded to contradict themselves by admitting that there is little or no fossil evidence to support their claims. Fake evolution news in action, that's a mite deceptive, old sons. The fact remains that animals were created to reproduce after their kinds , not to turn into something else. This is what we observe, Yippie ky yay, Darwin! The article cited paleontologist Susumu Tomiya and anatomist Jack

A Fermi Commitment to Snipe Hunting

Yes, the title is a dreadful play on words based on the so-called Fermi Paradox. This concept is based on presuppositions rooted in abiogenesis (life from non-life), atoms-to-aliens evolution, and numbers. There are so many stars out yonder, there has to be life on many planets. Materialists have a firm commitment to the Fermi paradox, but there is not much reason to believe it anymore. Credit: Pixabay /  Enrique Meseguer Yes, I know that there are birds known as snipes, but this kind is not a bird and requires special methods for hunting . That's because the legendary critter is elusive because it doesn't exist. A snipe hunt is nonsensical, but people have fun with it. Searching for space aliens on exoplanets is an expensive waste of time, and doesn't seem to be pleasurable. That's because the Creator put Earth in a special place and did it recently, as well as making man in his own image. Materialists don't cotton to those notions. Interesting that materiali

Wretched Radiometric Dating and the Oldest Color on Earth

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Last week, we had some fun with Wretched Radio , also examining how atheists and evolutionists ridicule Christians and creationists . Today, I have another audio excerpt made into video format from the show, which appears at the end of this post. In this informative and entertaining piece, some problems with radiometric dating and the alleged oldest color on Earth , pink, are discussed. I thought that Todd and Tony would need me to saddle up and ride over there to help them up. That'll be the day! No help needed from this child. They are aware of the scientific principle of Making Things Up™ that Darwin's disciples utilize, and that proponents of deep time use unfounded assumptions. Also, secular scientists presuppose that Earth and the universe are extremely old. The Bearded Buddha (Darwin) requires huge amounts of time for his speculations to work, so his loyal followers do their best to give him all the time in the world. Uniformitarian

Lights Out for Star Formation Ideas

Sometimes we see pictures from deep space that claim to show stars forming, "stellar nurseries", and whatnot. In reality, nobody has ever seen a star form because it takes too many Darwin years. Not that stars are anywhere near as complicated as the cells in our bodies . The "star formation" is not from actual science. Instead, the story drives the presentation of what is observed. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Univ. of Virginia (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) As we have seen here many times, indications reveal that the universe is far younger than naturalists want to admit. They still saddle up to ride for the evolution brand, preferring bad science and frustration to giving the Creator his due. Yes, I said frustration. Those speculations about how stars form and keep going need to be revised. Again. Distant galaxies have stars that "should not" be there because those stars are too young to be in old galaxies. Risible ideas of yo