
Evolution and Common Sense

You have probably heard people claim, "It is simply common sense" as an explanation. This is similar to "everybody knows". If you study on it a moment, you might agree that "common sense" is actually a nonsensical phrase. Sometimes it is used when presenting scum-to-schoolchild evolution. Credit: Unsplash / Emily Morter Study a bit more, and you might also see that it can easily be an insult or a way to manipulate people, as it implies that if someone does not accept "common sense" evolution, that person is stupid. It is interesting that common sense supposedly evolved like everything else. Evidence? That'll be the day! Like people who decide that reality is based on materialism and rejecting our Creator, the common sense of evolution is based on unsubstantiated presuppositions. The truth is, wisdom and knowledge come from God, not the assertions of people with a materialistic worldview. In trying to convince readers that the Darwinia

Some Pretty Wretched Evolutionary Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I missed out on the big money. At one time, this child had the notion that he'd be a right fair science fiction writer. Since I am not good at dialogue and story development, I gave up. It turns out that I should have pursued my interests in science, since naturalists saddle up some really wild ponies and gallop away with their strange ideas. Credit: Freeimages / Leandro Cavinatto The stuff is easy if you study on it. The public has a love/hate relationship with science, being suspicious on one hand but adoring scientists as priests and kings on the other hand. As many of us have observed, if people are told that "scientists say" or some-such, they tend to believe whatever it is. This makes things very helpful for materialists who seek to deny the work of our Creator. For that matter, people accept the dubious authority of the likes of Bill Nye the Not Really a Scientist Guy, Clinton Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Laurence Krauss, a

Bird Evolution and Secular Miracles

To be an atheist or anti-creationists, someone has to believe in secular "miracles" of some sort . They believe in billions of years, the Big Bang, fish-to-fool evolution, and more despite evidence, not because of it. One of the most feather-brained bits of gullibility is that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Credit: RGBStock / Bern Altman If you study on the notion for a spell, you'll see that there's a passel of changes needed — far more than just having dinosaurs grow feathers and wings, then shrinking. The bone structure, breathing apparatus, the complex feathers themselves, and more need to be considered. Quite a few miracles of evolution. There are some links to help you out at " No Evidence for Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution ". Modern bird fossils are found in the Cretaceous , and other problems are found to thwart the evolutionary timeline. The birds are extinct, but they lived and flew when dinosaurs lived. Darwin's disciples still manage to c

Sedimentary Rock Layers Refute Secular Geological Beliefs

Believers in the uniformitarian deep time approach to geology claim that the Genesis Flood is rejected because there are not enough rocks on Earth. However, this is actually a tall tale that secularists like to spread. In a similar manner to refuting human evolution by looking at the evidence , uniformitarian dogma does not hold water. Sedimentary rock layers at Big Bull Elk Canyon Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When conducting investigations of sedimentary rocks, it was discovered that the deep time assumptions caused some hard problems for geologists. Important factors were downplayed or ignored, such as stages of erosion and varying thickness of rocks. Worse for them, current rates of sedimentation are too high. (This also has some mighty big implications for fossil dating.) Naturally, secularists commenced to some fancy storytelling and obfuscation, with a heapin' helpin' of circular reasoning. If they hadn'

The Black Widow Spider and Biomimetics

Good science can be had by studying the work of the Master Engineer in nature, then finding ways to implement them for our own lives. The field of biomimetics is rapidly growing, with new applications being considered frequently. Some of these come from sources that may seem startling, such as the black widow spider. Credit: Pixabay / jgiammatteo This infamous arachnid causes folks to yell, "Katie, bar the door!", which can be counterproductive if the thing's inside with you. But although their venom is somewhat dangerous (less so for healthy adults), antivenom exists. Just don't be fussing with it, you savvy? You might consider calling an exterminator if they're in your home. Or maybe one of the researchers. Spiders have always been spiders, and they show no signs of having evolved from something way back when. Researchers want to know about their webbing, since it is proportionately very strong and they have some interesting ideas to implement. Like th

The Wrasse Cleaning Station

Have you ever had some kind of parasite like a tick or something on your skin? If it is obvious, you may remove it yourself. Other times it may be in a place that is difficult to reach, so you need to get expert help. Since fish do not have hands, they need assistance with parasites, so they visit the local wrasse cleaning station. Kelp bass with streak cleaner wrasse Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Tomarin ( CC by-SA 2.1 JP ) You may have seen videos of the cleaner wrasse being helpful in the sea, getting mutual benefits by cleaning much larger fish. They get some victuals, and other fish get parasites removed. The whole thing is quite amazing, since some of the clients are much larger than wrasses but do not eat them. Customers may have to wait in line for service. The wrasse is safe while at the neutral zone, but if it goes away to get more clients for the cleaning station, it may get chomped. Darwinists are baffled because the whole thing goes against their views. Since the

Counting Craters for Deep Time

There is prairie schooner-full of methods used to calculate the age of the earth, the solar system, and so forth. None of them are very accurate because assumptions have to be made before those calculations are made. Some, like the Milankovitch theory , as based on circular reasoning. Even so, adherents of cosmic evolution continue to use fundamentally flawed dating methods because the alternative (a recently-created universe) is rejected out of hand. One bad method that persists is crater count dating. Tycho Crater Oblique View Credit: NASA / Goddard / Arizona State University (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This method has been crashing (heh!) for a long time (see this 2012 article, " Crater Count Dating Still Unreliable "). Basically, the idea is that if a surface has more craters, it is older than surfaces with fewer craters. Nobody knows the rate of objects smacking into a moon or other object. Worse, when an impact occurs, stuff gets kicked