
The Downward Spiral of Gene Editing Ethics

In late 2018, Dr. He Jiankui produced the first genetically-modified babies (see " Genetic Human Experimentation and Ethics " for commentary and a link to an insightful article). Jiankui used the CRISPR gene editing system, which takes skill and intelligence. Scientists with both secular and Christian worldviews condemned his actions. Essentially, those twin girls are human guinea pigs. Assembled from graphics obtained at Openclipart While scientists (like other folks) want to know what makes things work, but sometimes a little knowledge leads to a passel of hubris. People with a materialistic worldview — believing that life is the product of time, chance, and random processes — are not likely to show good judgment when it comes to ethics. Jiankui's wild gallop outraged both secular (materialists) and Christian professionals, which gives an indications of how egregious his transgressions were. Even the leftist-leaning publication The Atlantic published a list of pr

Zircon Crystals and Dating Methods

Several years ago, biblical creationists commenced to doing research in the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project. This detailed physics and chemistry work was upsetting to proponents of deep time. Secularists have tried to wave off the results to no avail. Volcanic eruption in Hawaii image credit: Unsplash / Marc Szeglat Scientists, whether naturalists or creationists, start with their presuppositions. Dr. Russell Humphreys (who accurately predicted the magnetic fields of several planets based on the biblical view of creation and was far more accurate than secular scientists) was at the forefront of the RATE project. They examined granitic rock that was supposed to be 1.5 billion years old. Radioactive processes produced helium in the rocks, and the helium/zircon measurements support an age of the earth that is thousands, not billions, of years old. Zircons are tiny crystals of zirconium silicate (ZrSiO 4 ) that originate in igneous rock, which forms when volc

The Sky is the Limit for Cosmic Tall Tales

It is probably human nature to wonder how something happened, such as when someone gets new employment or when a vehicle is seen in a ditch. Following close on the heels of why is the question of how something happened. Secular scientists disrelish admitting that they really do not have the answers to many things, so they use the scientific principle of Making Things Up™. This is frequently evident in the tall tales of cosmologists and cosmogonists. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA , Acknowledgement: Sarajedini et al (Usage does not imply endorsement of site content) There are a couple of things that we have seen here many times before. First, scientists are like the rest of us and interpret data based on their presuppositions. Second, the narrative (which includes models) drives the interpretation. If facts interfere with the story, the facts are put out to pasture. Two articles are linked below that illustrate how secularists would rather tell cosmic evolution stories than adm

When Angry Anti-Creationists Attack

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, disciples of Darwin want to slap leather with biblical creationists but lack civility, logic, and science. (They get especially obstreperous with Question Evolution Day up yonder.) Here are a few things to consider. I like to draw from my own experiences to keep things personal and relatable, and I can be more accurate about what is going on. This post has more graphics than usual. Smoke of a .45 , 1905, Charles M. Russell It is mighty helpful to have a handle on the subjects we're challenged on and know how to deal with these types. We can expect ad hominem remarks as well as straw man, red herring, poisoning the well, and other logical fallacies . One ridiculous charge is that biblical creation science is the domain of "fundamentalists", which is not only an ad hominem, but a red herring (distraction) and a straw man (build up something inaccurate to tear it down). What kind of "fundamentalist"? There

Furiously Fast Fossils?

As creationists have been pointing out for a mighty long time, we do not see any sign of fossils forming today or in the recent past. Interesting if you study on it, because there are billions of the things all over the earth. Uniformitarian dogma tells us that present processes are the key to the past, but that does not explain what is observed. Archaeopteryx fossil at "secret" University of California Museum of Paleontology Credit: Paul Abramson / When something dies, it gets scavenged. The Master Engineer put cleanup crews in place ranging from microorganisms to larger creatures that aren't so particular about what they eat. (Leftovers from the big critters get taken care of by the smaller ones, including the micro stuff.) Something else we have been saying for a long time is that things have to be buried quickly so things can commence to fossilizing; it is conditions, not time, that cause fossils for the most part. This has even been demonstra

Fuzzy Pterosaur Flusters Evolutionists

Mayhaps it is just my imagination, but it seems that there has been a passel of news about dinosaur feathers in the news lately. Darwinists cannot give evidence for dinosaur-to-bird evolution, nor can they give a plausible hypothesis for the alleged evolution of the feather itself . Now there is a new problem with pterosaur fuzz. Credit: Pixabay / Efraimstochter Since the narrative drives the interpretation of the evidence, and Darwinoids see what they want to see, fuzzy areas in fossils are taken to be "feathers", but that claim is not supported. Naturally, the secular science industry press is all atwitter about these alleged feathers. Several problems arise, including how feathers on pterosaurs would mean that feathers were contemporaneous with dinosaurs and predated birds. What next, will they extrapolate to feathered crocodiles? Of course, secularists cannot allow themselves to discard their self-refuting notions and cowboy up to the fact that the world is yo

Plankton Puzzles for Evolutionists

Plankton are tiny aquatic things that float along in the oceans, and are the chuck wagon for other creatures to chow down on. Sometimes the microscopic plants called phytoplankton pile up in one area, causing what is called a "bloom", which is a concern because they may take up too much oxygen that other creatures need. ( Zooplankton are tiny animals.) There are some things about plankton that defy evolution and affirm creation. NASA photo by Jesse Allen of bloom in Hood Canal, Washington (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is no such thing as a "simple cell" anymore. The more cells are investigated, they are discovered to be amazingly complex. Plankton produce a sulfur compound that adds to the global sulfur cycle. Certain plankta do that complicated food thing called photosynthesis, which is remarkable in itself. Then there are sensors on the cell surfaces so they can move into areas with different salt levels. Here, I'll let yo