
Soft Dinosaur Eggs Problematic for Bird Evolution

Many but not all Darwinists believe that birds evolved into dinosaurs. That concept is an assertion based on evolutionary presuppositions, not empirical science, old son. But the hands at the Darwin Ranch are all a-twitter over the discovery of soft dinosaur eggs. Fossilized dinosaur eggs at Indroda Fossil Park Image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  S. Ballal  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Since there is no evidence for dinosaur evolution (faith-based assertions are not evidence), their alleged history can be easily rewritten . Apparently different dinosaurs laid different kinds of eggs. A new discovery shows that some eggs were not like those of birds, and another egg discovered in Antarctica causes further difficulties. Also, the discoveries support claims of biblical creation science. Despite forcing the hands at the Darwin Ranch to put in overtime at the excuse mill, all they can come up with is the louche  explanation akin to "it evolved"  several times. Not hardly! A pair of ne

Evolutionists Misrepresenting Biblical Creationists — Part 2

In Part 1 of this three-part series , we saw that theistic evolutionists took Nathaniel T. Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin, to task. These TEs are clearly more devoted to their promotion of minerals-to- mooncalf evolution. Instead of admitting their folly, one doubles down on his dishonesty. Weasels illustration by John W. Audubon , ca. 1846 To be intellectually honest in a debate or when attempting to refute the position that someone else has taken, it is necessary to have an accurate working knowledge of an opponent's position. This helps to prevent unintentional misrepresentation. Unfortunately, people misrepresent others deliberately when they want to promote a certain worldview — especially among evolutionists and atheists. As I keep saying, ignoring the subject under discussion to attack the person or address something else does not exactly make you look good, you savvy that? Used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes The screenshot above is fr

Random Mutations and the Big Secret of Evolutionism

One of the tenets of particles-to-pathologist evolution is that it has no purpose, despite the way its adherents treat Evolution and Natural Selection as if they were entities that could make decisions. Some treat them as intangible forces. Then random mutations are added. It appears that this was mostly made at Atom Smasher However, it appears that mutations are not quite as random as we've been led to believe. Oh, sure, Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ are uninformed about the mythology they promote, but there are evolutionists who are actually spreading misinformation — random doesn't exactly mean random. Digging deeper, most mutations are harmful or neutral. Neutral mutations are so small that the gibbering god of Natural Selection overlooks them. Also the accumulation of mutations on a small level cannot lead to upward evolution. Lateral changes, yeah, that happens. Darwinoids are deceptive and dealing from the bottom of the deck. Anything to deny the Creator, you kn

The Created Sea Cow

Sailors reported seeing mermaids, but those were written off as not only having been at sea too long, but they may very well have seen manatees , also called sea cows. If you think about them a mite, you can see that they are actually intricately designed by the Master Engineer. Credit: Unsplash / Maegan Luckiesh Although they are gray, sometimes you'll see green algae growing on them. Seems a bit odd that sailors would mistake manatees for humans since they are rather large and spend most of their time submerged. Being mammals, they need to surface for air every few minutes. They are solitary for the most part. They eat plants, and were created to have a copious number of extremely sensitive whiskers for this task. Since they are sensitive to conditions, when algae go red tide , manatees are quick to get out of Dodge. Because the naturalism narrative is more important then reason, Darwin's acolytes tell us they evolved despite being considered related to the hyrax and

The Wandering Albatross is a Stool Pigeon

We have a pair of articles to ponder today. First, we can take another look at how the Master Engineer designed the wandering albatross (who is reluctant to ask for directions). Expect to see an adult weighing in the neighborhood of 18 pounds (8.16 kg), with a wing span of 10 feet (305 cm.) That's a big birdie. Credit: Flickr / dfaulder  ( CC BY 2.0 ) The albatross was designed to ride the air currents and travel huge distances over its lifetime, but becoming airborne requires far more energy than flying. They also need to make decisions and adjustments for weather patterns and deal with high-speed winds. There was a recent study about how the albatross uses the wind more than experts previously realized. Wandering albatrosses have the largest wingspan of any living bird, so they live much of life soaring above the oceans. With their wings—and a lot of winds—it is no wonder that their use of wind-power would be studied by scientists, as a recent report illustrates. And, bec

No Evolution Needed for Plagues

My prospector friend Stormie Waters was heading out Folly Road, but she was woolgathering and not paying attention so she missed her turn-off. Out past Stinking Lake, near Deception Pass, almost to the Darwin Ranch when she met up with Jacqueline Hyde. For some reason, they commenced to jawing about evolution and plagues. Original image: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Modified with oil painting effect from FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone anywhere) As I heard about it, Jacqueline was saying that the hands at the Darwin Ranch are trying again to make everything about evolution, like they are doing with the COVID-19 . Those sidewinders should learn that evolution corrupts science. There were two studies released in the week of July 20, 2020 regarding plagues and diseases. One involved mosquitoes that involved speculations that were self-refuting, the other was about smallpox and the activities of viruses. Instead of app

The Puzzle of Flightless Birds

Both biblical creationists and the disciples of Darwin need to explain the source of flightlessness in some birds. Some evolutionists have the paralogical remark that birds "acquired" flightlessness. Sure, pard, and millions of people acquired unemployment because of COVID-19 shutdowns. Tinamou art by Joseph Smit , 1895, then modified at Big Huge Labs Many of us are aware of the ostrich, kiwi, greater rhea, and other birds that don't seem to care that they are not airborne. There are many of them in diverse places. Darwinists evosplain this through the secular miracle of convergent evolution — which means they don't have a clue. Interesting that evolution is supposed to go from simple to complex, but they claim loss of traits  is evolution as well. Strange. It's acknowledged that losing the ability to fly is not too difficult, but evolutionists are not only confounded by the origin of flight itself, but going down Mexico way, the tinamou reminds them that

Evolutionists Misrepresenting Biblical Creationists — Part 1

Naturalists execrate what biblical creationists believe and teach. We get that. They misrepresent and even lie about us, often appealing to "legitimate scientific sources" (meaning atheistic naturalism) and inefficient peer review. It is worse when professing Christians ride for the Darwin brand. Least weasel image by / Phil_Bird As we have seen in other posts, peer review has numerous problems, including the reproducibility crisis, bad papers being passed, citing of citing of poor documentation, and more. Peer review is by no means a guarantee of truth and accuracy. Add misrepresentation to the mix and things get worse. Some theistic evolutionists decided to slap leather with Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin , and not only put words in his mouth (and other creationists), but blatantly misrepresented what he teaches. Despite inaccuracies and glaring omissions, it passed peer review. Dr. Jeanson indicates that these evolutionis

New Discoveries in Sequencing Human DNA

No need to get excited, this post is not going to saddle you with technical details. The science of genetics that was initiated by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) has been growing in recent years, and recent developments are unfriendly to universal common ancestor evolution. Credit: CSIRO/ Garry Brown  ( CC by 3.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In their determination to establish that humans are related to apes, the chimpanzee genome was sequenced. Only, not really. It was very incomplete so it was stitched together . (Some atheists have lied outright to protect their faith, one even claiming that every creature has had its genome sequenced!) With better and more honest science and technology, the gap between human and chimp DNA is widening . New areas of the human genome can be more accurately sequenced now, and creationists expect more bad news for evolutionists. Most people might be surprised to learn that the human genome has not been fully sequenc

Lunacy from the Moon for Secular Scientists

It seems that our moon is trolling materialists. Secular astronomers and cosmologists have no verisimilar explanations regarding its origin, but they cling to faulty stories rather than admit that it was created recently along with the rest of the solar system. Credit:  NASA  / ISS /  Col. Jeff Williams  (usage does not imply endorsement of site's contents) Some resort to the poorly-considered method of counting craters so they can provide Darwinists the deep time that they demand. Our moon, like others in the solar system , show that they are far younger than materialists expect — or desire. It is cooling and shrinking , which contributes to tectonic activity. Then there are the many paradigm problems caused by lunar volcanoes ... We have a couple of recent items about how the moon is putting burrs under the saddles of secular scientists and defying cosmic evolution. The neat theories for the origin of the moon and its subsequent evolution unravel when you try to stu