
Not Fooled by Land Vertebrate Evolution Stories

The hands at the Darwin Ranch have been desperately trying to shloop stories and fool the public. Mayhaps they are on the prod because biblical creation science ministries have been trying to teach people to think and ask questions. The problem of Rohmer's Gap is not going away. Pederpes image credit: Wikimedia Commons / DiBgd ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) No, Rohmer's Gap is nowhere near the Darwin Ranch. It is in the fossil record regarding missing transitional forms (as if they had any undisputed transitional forms in the first place!), and it's huge. Try as they might, evolutionists cannot shrink or eliminate the gap despite a few prospective failed candidates. They plug in their naturalistic models, but those do not explain what is observed. Using a creation science Flood geology model, however, makes a great deal more sense of the evidence. Yippie ky yay, secularists! One of the biggest hurdles for evolution to overcome is the transition of creatures from living in water to liv

Egyptian Pyramids and Biblical History

Some people believe that the pyramids of Egypt are devastating to the biblical timeline, but that belief is based on fatally-flawed dating methods. The Great Pyramid (ordered by Cheops, also called Khufu — I think they named a hat after him ) and others have yielded unreliable age tests. Credit: RGBStock / Michal Zacharzewski There are some Christians who think that they were built before the Genesis Flood, but that idea does not hold water. A proper understanding of creation science Flood models reveals that the event was so cataclysmic, nothing would have remained. Also, the pyramids and Sphinx were built on sedimentary rock. In addition to problematic assumptions used in carbon-14 dating, one problem is glaringly obvious. The half-life of carbon-14 is supposedly about 5,730 years. Rocks that are claimed to be millions of Darwin years old have organic materials that are tested to have carbon-14. Just study on that a spell and you can see the difficulty. So let's dig a bit deeper

Taking Middle Ear Evolution for a Spin

In a recent post, we saw that when the facts dispute the universal common ancestor narrative, secularist owlhoots spin the data to their own advantage . The story of ear bone evolution defies reason and facts , so they are up to their old tricks again. Credit: National Science Foundation /  Zina Deretsky (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even some evolutionists admit the idea that the ears in mammals having evolved from reptilian ancestors does not have evidentiary support, but they persist in evosplaining it anyway. Worse, they incorporate the fake science of recapitulation. That's not science, old son, but it's who they are and what they do. Can't allow the truth about the genius of the Master Engineer in their story. One of the traits used to identify mammal species, besides mammary glands which produce milk, is the presence of bony ear ossicles — the incus, the malleus, and the stapes (commonly called the anvil, hammer, and stirrup). This auditory trai

Santana Fossils Support Genesis Flood

If you hitch up your buckboard and travel down Brazil way, head northeast until you reach the Araripe Basin. The Santana formation has bunches of fossils. The critters are very well preserved. Unfortunately, proponents of the deep-time narrative narrative deny the facts. Credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Because the Bearded Buddha needs a passel of time in which to work his particles-to-paleontologist magic, secularists give it to him — even when it means denying sense and science. What is discovered here (and many other places) shows rapid burial of extremely large proportions — it is still more evidence of the Genesis Flood. Kind of makes you want to take one of these Santana fossils, wave it in the face of a secularist and say, "You've got to change your evil ways, baby!" Be smooth about it, though. The preservation of fine details is what has made Santana so famous. Every time I took a field trip, I especially looked for my favorite fossil, fish. You can

Rescuing the Big Bang from Reality

When secular scientists attempt to do historical science involving deep time, their reality checks keep bouncing. This is primarily because they have a worldview based on atheistic materialism, but observed evidence do not fit the narrative. Nothing left to do but use the standard practice of Making Things Up™. Image credits: Credit: X-ray:  NASA /CXC/Univ of Missouri/M.Brodwin et al; Optical: NASA/STScI; Infrared: JPL/Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have three articles on this theme to consider. The conflict between storyline and reality is seen in both universal common descent evolution and Big Bang cosmogony. In both kinds of evolution, these owlhoots constantly have to rescue their fundamentally flawed worldview with various excuses. They also say things like, "...earlier than previously thought". A lot. Not earlier than biblical creationists thought, though. We are not surprised by discoveries, so we don't have to saddle up and ride ove

Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Life

We have discussed AI before, including how people get obsessed with it ( see the links in " The Worship of Artificial Intelligence ") Now we consider if electrical things can be considered alive. Philosophers have debated what constitutes life in the first place, now AI is added to the discussion. Credit: Pixabay /  David Bruyland Materialists only take a mechanistic view of life based on certain criteria, while biblical creationists know that biblically, life has the breath of life —  nephesh chayyāh , (נפש חיה). There are different ways of considering if something is alive. When a houseplant dies, it is discarded because it does not have that breath of life. Animals have it, and so do people. Those with a materialistic bent will deny that we have a soul. Ironically, secularists search for a physical location of the soul in the body, but it is more than body and brain . We like our robots, simple or intricate. They do dangerous things such as bomb removal , working in radioa

Social Amoebas and You

While naturalists have their systems and rate various living things are primitive or advanced, many other recognize that our Creator has designed organisms for ecological niches. Sure, why not? Human societies have seemingly less important people to make society function, God has placed social amoebas and the like in the biosphere. Physarum polycephalum image credit: Flickr / Bernard Spragg It may seem funny or "alpha male" to eat moldy bread, but that is potentially dangerous; some molds can be scraped off and the food is still safe, others must be discarded . Mold has a function, even if people find it disgusting at times. There is another kind of mold that many have seen but may not be able to identify. One of its names is "social amoeba" because it is actually a colony comprised of single-celled amoebas. Another name is rather unpleasant: slime mold. The Latin name Physarum polycephalum is cumbersome. It is often found in wooded areas. In a surprising bit of b