
An Extragalactic Extrasolar Planet?

In " Extrasolar Planets Thwart Cosmic Evolution ", we looked at three articles by astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. He discussed the history of exoplanets, the methods used for detection, how astronomers know their composition, and more. Those planets are within our own galaxy. Detecting them is fascinating enough, but prepare to be impressed again because there is a strong possibility that an exoplanet outside our galaxy has been found. Those fun-loving astronomers have given it the whimsical name of M51-ULS-1b. This discovery is quite interesting. X-ray: NASA /CXC/SAO/R. DiStefano, et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Grendler; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This is a bigly-huge distance away, and the detection is reminiscent of that used for discovering the first exoplanets (this method may lead to further discoveries out there, thataway). In both cases, planets are around massive objects, but the latest one has quite a bit happ

Dinosaur DNA and Evolutionary Big Lies

As creationists have predicted, discoveries of dinosaur soft tissues and such have increased dramatically in recent years. The implications for the secular science industry are profound in several ways, especially regarding deep time; millions of years are vital for Darwin to work his magic. After all, time is the hero of evolutionary dogma. Dinosaurs supposedly took a dirt nap some sixty-something million years ago, but now these soft tissues and such are prompting secular scientists to reject scientific facts so they can push the evolutionary narrative. When the existence of dinosaur soft tissues was clearly established, evolutionists and deep-time proponents tried to deny their existence. They also tried to evosplain them away as well as denigrating other scientists. When DNA was discovered, Darwin's acolytes trembled in terror and argued about DNA's half life — it cannot  exist for nearly as long as they pretend in their cognitive dissonance. Worse for them, impressive sam

Evolutionary Indoctrination for Fun and Profit

A spell back, we noticed how the hands at the Darwin Ranch were celebrating their indoctrination skills , and how they are going after our children as well . Evolutionists are disappointed, however, that more people are not converts to atheistic naturalism. It is bewildering when a so-called theory needs to be propped up with bad science, fraudulent research, misinformation, and outright lies — and then its supporters call biblical creationists "liars". No, just because they dislike our interpretations of facts does not make us dishonest. Modified from an image by  Mwangi Gatheca  at Unsplash Being called liars by  liars — uninformed anti-creationists online — is...truly bizarre. Darwinian propagandists should not receive any resistance at all, what with lack of critical thinking and the sanitized version of evolution being taught in schools. The existence and perseverance of creation science ministries is also a likely reason the percentage of acceptance isn't higher. Pr

Evolutionists Offended by Word Choices

By Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are arguments that evolutionists should not use [1] , and a different way to supplement this is how some make false arguments about word choices. Many items will be referenced below, but this child is not endorsing them. Misotheists and other evolutionists feign outrage about the words we use, but those are disingenuous at best. These objections serve as red herrings, distracting from the points being made. In addition, such pretense at offense is often used for straw man arguments, the genetic fallacy , and ad hominem  attacks. Original image: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake They are very angry people, and when they claim to believe in reason and logic, it's often quite difficult to see anti-creationists use such things. Words Cause Discomfort A common malison hurled by promoters of atoms-to-atheist evolution toward creationists is that we use words they dislike. When seeking ammunition against Christians and creationists, anti-creationists are all over thei

North Pole Dinosaurs and Creation Science

Dinosaur fossils are being discovered in unexpected places, which is challenging to secular geologists and paleontologists. Some were discovered in Alaska, but they were not created to live up yonder; they were made for warmer areas. For several months of the year, that area is not only cold, but dark. Secular scientists have speculated that these dinosaurs migrated toward warmer regions, then back. However, recent evidence buries the speculation that they were migratory. Instead, they were homesteading year round. Wikimedia Commons /  Masato Hattori  ( CC BY 4.0 ) "Wait, polar regions were not for dinosaurs, Cowboy Bob?" Never have been. Not only did scientists discover fossils of adults, but also young'uns, hatchlings, and eggs. Creation scientists at ICR have a model that involves rapid burial and plate tectonics brought about by the Genesis Flood. These critters did not reside in the upper latitudes. The land itself moved there.  Eight species of dinosaurs were recent

Stupid Evolutionist Tricks: Elephants, Rail Birds, and Tusks

We have two examples of evolutionary inconsistency to examine today. These show that Darwin's disciples are so intent on spreading the message of their death cult (death and extinction give rise to other life), they ignore basic science and their own mythology. Specifically, that loss of features  is evidence of progressing onward and upward . (These jaspers made the same vapid arguments about blind cave fish .) I reckoned that the idea of elephants losing their tusks was already refuted , but it came back like a bad zombie. Cropped from a photo by Charles J. Sharp at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Evolutionists are claiming that ivory poachers are helping the pusillanimous god of Natural Selection along. The "evolution" of elephants without tusks is because of humans, so it accelerated. Funny, the anole lizards in Florida rapidly "evolved" without consulting us. Isn't evolution wonderful? It happens except when it doesn't, at any speed, for any re

The Extraordinary Electrical Human Body

No, Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity, but he did conduct (heh!) research with the famous but misunderstood kite experiment . People had been trying to understand electricity for centuries, and obviously this knowledge has grown tremendously since Franklin's day. It must have come as a shock to learn that living things are, to some extent, electrical in nature. Our bodily chemistry works in conjunction with electricity. To use the term by Mr. Gordons, we are "meat machines". That's somewhat accurate, but limited. There is a great deal happening inside. Freeimages / George Georgiades Electrical impulses are involved in our sense of touch as well as the way we use our arms and legs. It is fascinating that our Creator designed our bodies with the capability of "rewiring" themselves. Centuries ago, a college algebra teacher told us that when we work and rework a problem, we're setting neural patterns, so we should take a break and come back late