
Christmas Presents from the Master Engineer

It is readily apparent that everything in the universe was designed, from celestial objects to humans to single-celled organisms. A commonly used argument by apologists is that a building requires a builder, a painting requires a painter, so all these things with specified complexity require a Creator. However, that argument from intelligent design is all right for a starting point, but it does not go far enough . You may convince a skeptic that there is a higher power, but then what? Made at PhotoFunia Through his creation, the Master Engineer has made himself known from the beginning. It is a good thing for us that we don't have to speculate; he made himself known through special revelation. The Maker is the God of the Bible, and he has given us gifts for Christmas. The Creator of the world and all that is in nature has been identified! He speaks every language on earth. Here is the English version of what he said: Take a look over at " Nature’s Maker Identified ."

The Protective Atmosphere of Earth

This is something that is easy to take for granted, but one way to appreciate air is when one is not getting any. Living things are designed to breathe without having to think about it, which would make for sleepless nights. Sure, most people know that the atmosphere has oxygen for us to breathe. But the atmosphere is far more than just a bunch of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gasses. Other planets have atmospheres, but they are nothing to write home about. Ours is unique. Earth atmosphere and moon / ISS013-E-54329 / NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Darwin's quockerwodgers cannot account for the origin of Earth's atmosphere, its six layers , how it is responsive to various conditions in space, its function in shielding us, and more. When reading about it or seeing pictures, wow, that sure is a mighty thick atmosphere — but that is because Earth is big. If everything were reduced proportionally, the atmosphere would be surprisingly thin. It testifies of ho

Bird, Airplane, and Bicycle Formations

Yes, I know this is an unusual title as well as combination of subjects. Stay with me. In " Engineering and Migratory Birds ", it was shown that birds are designed and equipped for their long journeys. Now we will look at the dynamics of that V formation. "Because it is cheep, Cowboy Bob?" That's cute. Actually, the formation is cheaper than going it alone when it comes to the expenditure of energy. There is also physics involved that they do not have to consider — but researchers do. Pelicans in formation (cropped), Flickr / Peter Kaminski ( CC BY 2.0 ) When airplanes are flying in a tight formation, not only do they have to keep from touching each other and possibly losing control, but the movement of the air affects them. (I wonder if this is an example of aerodynamic biomimetics, where humans draw inspiration from what they observe in nature?) Obviously, birds are using their own power and not jet engines or propellers. In a surprisingly similar way, bicycl

Concerns of Creationists Misrepresenting Speedy Speleothems

Some folks get riled up when biblical creationists discuss them speleothems. More specifically, secularists impugn the integrity and intelligence of creation scientists, and appeal to opinion sites that sound sciency. However, that knife cuts both ways. It is true that some creationists get a mite enthusiastic and use faulty pieces of evidence, and we try to encourage them to leave the doubtful stuff alone. Regarding stalactites, the situation is complex because there are various factors to consider regarding chemistry and growth rates. Salterforth Pub stalactites, Flickr / Andrew Batram ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) Uniformitarian geologists insist that stalactites and other speleothems take huge amounts of time to form. Creationists point out notable exceptions. In this post , I linked to an article about how stalactites under the Salterforth Pub formed rapidly. Secularists get on the prod when things like this are given as evidence that speleothems can form rapidly, so they raise hob with cr

Natural Selection in the Secular Science Industry

Disciples of the Lord Darwin have a problem because they are reaping what they have sown. After all, they believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, so those things logically should occur in the secular science industry. The mysterious machines at work in their mind are not consistent with their fundamentally-flawed worldview. If morality comes from evolution , they cannot be consistent and lament unethical and immoral behavior. Secularists are inadvertently appealing to God when they want an ultimate standard. Hudson River...thing, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) If using fake science, referencing retracted papers , submitting fraudulent papers and having them pass peer review makes them survive better — sure, why not? Some establishments have a "publish or perish" standard that puts tremendous pressure on some folks who simply want to go about their business conducting scientific research, so that probably contributes to the temptation to ch

Evolution and Purging Bad Mutations

At the beginning of creation, everything was very good. After the Fall of Man, things began to deteriorate. That is why we have mutations and the degradation of the genome. Indeed, genetic entropy is a powerful refutation of deep time . One of the fastest ways to accumulate mutations is inbreeding depression.  (No, it has nothing to do with sadness from having the same relatives as one's spouse.) Rather, it is the loss of fitness that can lead to the extinction of a species. DNA Mutation, Pixabay / swiftsciencewriting , modified with FotoSketcher Many creatures don't breed with close relatives very often, but others are not very picky. Those populations can go extinct, but it has been suggested by evolutionists that purging  happens through intensified inbreeding. While most mutations are harmful and many are simply worthless, this intense inbreeding leads to the removal of the worst mutations. However, if this works at all, it is only in limited instances because all  harmful

Three Well-Adapted Desert Animals

One trick of minerals-to-man evolutionists is to claim that natural selection is evolution, and since most creationists believe in natural selection, we must also believe that Papa Darwin was right. Not hardly! Natural selection was actually the work of a creationist . Related to that is the charge that we believe in fixity of species . Yes, some folks did believe that God created everything as we see it, but such a concept was abandoned by most creationists long ago. We believe in the original genetically-rich created kinds . Sand cat, fennec fox, mulgara images from Wikimedia Commons* Not only do we accept the observed fact of natural selection (though not Darwin's creative force concept), we also believe in variation and speciation . The three animals here certainly couldn't survive in the Arctic, nor could their counterparts last in the desert. A combination of front-loaded genetic information, gene expression, plus natural selection made it possible for them to thrive. Int