
Flying Frogs by Design

There are several kinds of critters that have the flying  moniker, but they do not actually fly. Those that have been designed by the Creator to spend some time in the air can glide  impressive distances. No need to fault people for calling them flying whatevers, because they do appear to be doing so for a moment. Flying frogs? It is not Spiteful Sebastian flinging them into the pond, but there are several kinds of tree frogs that can glide nicely (controlled fall) when they have a mind to. Wallace's flying frog ( Rhacophorus nigropalmatus ), Flickr / Khao Sok National Park  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Is this natural selection at work? It's probably involved, though some Darwinists invoke the non-science term parallel evolution . That'll be the day! Remember Alfred Russel Wallace who also came up with the idea of evolution by natural selection, but Darwin got the credit? (If Wallace had written a book first, we may have been given a kinder, gentler evolution because Alf believed in a

Genders Coded to be Binary

One of the frustrations of writing creation science material is the need to say things again, especially regarding things that normal people already know. However, there are advances in science that reinforce the truth of creation. In this case, males and females are different. There are people who deny science and say that we are not binary. One new finding shows that we are different all the way down to the genetic level . There are still more discoveries that our Creator stashed away to be discovered. Man and Woman, RGBStock / Scott Snyder Atheists and other believers in universal common ancestor evolution despise the truth of creation, but except for those in the secular science industry that support political leftism, they realize that they agree with us that there are only two sexes. What they will not admit is that this is the way our Creator planned it. Every computer program, or ‘software’, can be reduced to a sequence of two numbers—zero and one. . . . In the binary system, i

Upgrading Ourselves with Transhumanism

Replacing limbs and such that are the results of birth defects or injuries goes back centuries. The image of a pirate with a pegleg comes to mind. It was a budget prothesis. There are countless other applications throughout history. Advanced forms of prosthesis are from the field of bionics . They are medical biological electronics, popularized by Martin Caidin in his Cyborg  novels and The Six Million Dollar Man television shows. (That much money would only be a down payment today.) Bionic limbs use existing nerves and muscles to operate. Some bionics can even involve robotics and artificial intelligence. Bionic eye, Pixabay / intographics Bionics are used in many ways, and people may not associate their implants and such with that word. What about taking it further? While there's no defying God's creation by mitigating damag caused through defects and mutations (originating in the Fall of Man), some folks with a worldview rooted in naturalism want to help evolution along thro

Disarming Chicxulub Dinosaur Casualty Story

As you probably know, the story that big space rock smacked the earth near Chicxulub caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was selective in what critters it made extinct) is the prevailing view. Not all secularists support idea. Neither do creationists, for several important reasons . Up North Dakota way, scientists found a limb from a dinosaur known as a  Thescelosaurus , a wonder lizard. "Was it called that because it wondered where its limb went, Cowboy Bob?" Good possibility. So, the impact was in Mexico, but the limb is found in North Dakota... Asteroid and Earth, FreeDigitalPhotos / Idea go There were other assorted animals at the site as well. In addition to some absurd statements about the rock column, secularists are making claims that the shock waves from Chicxulub went around the world. That would provide selective devastation, but they are also invoking flood scenarios. They're getting closer to the globally catastrophic Genesis Flood, which is the sup

Darwin Deception and Ancient Enzymes

Earth has Rubisco. A lot of it. This enzyme is important in photosynthesis, and some scientists wanted to find a way to improve it. They dug down into Ruby's gene sequences to find enzymes that could be enhanced to increase the production of modern crops. As usual, they presupposed deep time, then added "evolutionary history" and wanted to bring back genes from millions of Darwin years ago. This assumption had them considering so-called important moments in the history of Solanaceae plants. Bell Peppers, Unsplash / Vino Li Rubisco, don't take your love to Darwin town. In fact, the malarkey about ancient enzymes that "likely existed" was misleading as well as poor reasoning — they used modern plants in their Rubisco sequencing. Mayhaps it's because evolutionists can't find any evidence of its alleged ancestor. Such evolutionary guesswork keeps coming up empty because life was created recently. The most abundant protein on Earth is probably an enzyme (

Absurd Halite Bacteria Claim by Evolutionists

A few weeks back, Joe Nexnelsrent visited the Darwin Ranch for a symposium, then stayed around a spell to talk about other evolution things. He also tried to sing the song of his people about life existing embedded in halite for millions of evolutionary years. It seems to this child that people, whether scientists or the public in general, have the right to know the truth. Researchers who make claims in the increasingly untrustworthy peer review process should have to give credible scientific information to support those claims. Also, the press should perform due diligence and ask questions instead of being mindless drones. Home Ranch , Thomas C. Eakins, 1892 There's nothing wrong with running an idea up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes it. Doesn't everyone do that to some extent? Humility is greatly lacking in the secular science industry, especially regarding origins. Presenting speculations as true science without solid evidence is evoporn, and this stuff is gleefully s

Java Man: A Rejected Missing Link

Charles Darwin proposed his conjectures about evolution by his version of natural selection, but admitted the fossil evidence was extremely poor. The first discovery of what would later be called Neanderthal Man happened before, in 1829, but the discoverer wrote it off as just another human skull. Later, evolutionist covfefe would use insufficient evidence to prop it up as a transitional form between apelike critters and humans. (Neanderthal Man is accepted as fully human today.) Another supposed missing link was  Pithecanthropus erectus , more commonly known as Java Man. Pithecanthropus erectus parts, WikiComm / Peter Maas  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Eugène Dubois is credited with the discovery, and the history is quite interesting. He was raised Roman Catholic, but his schooling destroyed his weak religion. This was accelerated by evolutionary teachings, which is something that happens to students today with a vengeance. Since Darwin needed evidence, he saddled up and rode down Java way to get

A False Missing Link for Bacteria

Believers in molecules-to-microbiologist evolution are constantly looking for evidence to support their conjectures, and that includes links from allegedly simple to more advanced life forms. Some attempted to do that with prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Remember from biology class that bacteria do not have a distinct nucleus, but eukaryotes are cells that have nuclei and form people, animals, plants and other things. These organisms are observed under a microscope, but one bacterium is huge in comparison to the rest. This bad boy is called  Thiomargarita magnifica , but its aesthetic appeal is not exactly magnificent. Nanographene oxide interacting with bacteria, TEM  Wellcome Collection  ( CC BY 4.0 ) Mr. Magnifica is impressive in that it has (technical word alert) a bunch  of genetic material inside its membranous pouch. Some of Darwin's disciples attempted to say that it's a missing link, but one of the frequent fallacies they have is ignoring other possible explanations. In t

Social Sciences Promoting Darwinism and the Left

It should be obvious that the public has a right to expect scientists to act like scientists: using logic, presenting evidence, being useful, and all that good stuff. Unfortunately, we see researchers ignoring logic, torturing evidence until it seems to support their claims, being elitists , and supporting leftist political views. This is even more evident with the so-called social sciences (for example, see " Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology "). It is debatable if those things can legitimately be called sciences, since they only have a modicum of the requirements of the others. Darwin trash dumpster fire, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) One of the unscientific reports recently presented could easily fall under the leftist "Men are Bad" heading. Boys and men build up muscle, so they will have violent behaviors. Well, forget nature, then (as well as their own evolutionary myths). Also, define "violence" because those of us who use our thi

Improbability Arguments and Evolution

Something I can never figure out is what Sherwood Tellit actually does at the Darwin Ranch other than tell stories around campfires. We got to jawing the other day, and he was a mite confused about probabilities. If you study on it, we live our lives based on probabilities every day. It is improbable that Sherwood will get his favorite parking space two days in a row, the power will probably stay on so I can finish composing this post, the moon will probably not drift away from the earth. Monkey Wide Eyes, Flickr  by Heather Fallows via Jemima Gibbons  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Some things are calculated so their probability can be determined. Biblical creationists point out (often citing the mind-boggling numbers) of the improbability of a single cell arising by chance and random processes. The odds are so greatly against it, the idea can be dismissed as impossible. Evolution is improbable. Even Clinton Richard Dawkins admits that evolution involves climbing Mt. Improbable. Improbabilities are s