In a Sedimental Mood

Fossils defy standard uniformitarian explanations as to their formation. The process is supposed to be gradual, over millions of years. However, examination of fossils and sediments shows that creatures had to be buried rapidly. Further, the fossilization process had to have occurred in less time than evolutionists want to allow. Standard explanations fit the presuppositions of evolutionary geologists, but they do not fit the facts. The pattern found in ancient rock is better explained by the catastrophe of a global flood at the time of Noah.
Marine biologists have scoured sea floor sediments for decades, finding living creatures in the mud but never fossils in the process of forming. That's because when a sea creature dies, its carcass is totally recycled within weeks. So, if a creature's soft parts are going to fossilize, it has to happen extremely fast.

Certain sedimentary rocks, like those of the Burgess Shale in Canada, contain large amounts of fossilized sea creatures that preserve some soft body parts, such as eyes and intestines. Their remains now consist of the same carbon atoms of which their bodies were comprised, but baked and compressed into thin films. Paleontologists have attempted to find an explanation for this remarkable preservation.
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