More Species Found, Frustrating Evolutionists

When evolutionist scientists insist on using erroneous preconceptions, they get embarrassed. For instance, relying on evolution yields "living fossils" (plants and animals that were only known by their fossils, presumed extinct, and later found alive and well). In addition, not every square inch of this planet has been explored; new species are frequently discovered.
Encompassing Cambodia, southern China, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand and Vietnam, the Greater Mekong region’s rainforests and swamps are home to a myriad of creatures. So many, in fact, that in the last decade or so more than 1,000 species of plants and animals previously unknown to science have been discovered—an average rate of two per week...
..The ‘Lazarus effect’ refers to the unexpected ‘reappearance’ of an ‘extinct’ kind of creature after “a lengthy hiatus [gap] in the fossil record.” However, as our earlier article explained, in reality there is no ‘Lazarus effect’ spanning millions of years. Because many scientists either don’t know or deliberately forget (2 Peter 3:3–6) about the Genesis Flood around 4,500 years ago, they wrongly interpret the absence of particular organisms across multiple layers of sedimentary rock as being ‘a lengthy hiatus’ across millions of years. One clue should have been the ‘flat gaps’—locations where these layers are missing, but show no signs of millions of years of erosion.
Read "More Mekong ‘hidden animals’ found", in its full context, here.