
Proof, Oxymoron and Radiometric Dating

Evolutionists generally assume that evolution is true in the first place, and interpret their evidence based on that presupposition. If the facts do not fit, then there is something wrong. Get another "fact" to support evolution. This extends to creation scientists. "Creation scientist is an oxymoron". Unfortunately for that view, facts are facts; it is not a case of their facts versus our facts. It is the interpretations of the facts that cause the dissent, whether between creationists and evolutionists, or between scientists with similar biases. Many of these people are uninformed about the nature of "proof", as well. Here is a letter to Answers In Genesis: I read through your article concerning the existence and life of dinosaurs. Have you ever heard of radiometric dating? Different radioactive isotopes can be used to date material from bone fragments to rocks so in fact, yes there is a great amount of proof that the Earth is billions of year

Whiteflies, Equivocation and Evolution

Evolutionists sometimes seem almost hysterical. They will often find some example of "change" and then proclaim it to be evolution in action. The change they see is natural selection within genetic limits, not large-scale change into another creature altogether. Here, let a microbiologist explain. Photo by Scott Bauer/USDA The headline read, “Instant Evolution in Whiteflies: Just Add Bacteria.”[1] Any time I see the words instant , speedy , or sudden together with evolution, I’m intrigued. Evolution, as the term is commonly used, denotes an unobservable process that occurred in the past over eons of time resulting in the change of one kind of organism into a completely different kind of organism. According to evolutionary ideas, changes in organisms aren’t supposed to happen rapidly, hence the need to modify the word evolution with an adjective such as “instant” when a change does occur quickly. The whitefly under investigation was Bemisia tabaci or

Paddlefish, Zooplankton and Electroreceptors

If people were taught critical thinking instead of simply accepting what "science" tells them because it came from "science", there would be less credulity when it comes to evolutionary pronouncements. "It evolved this capability" could be met with, "How?" People do not seem to realize that the abilities that organisms have are complex, and everything must be in place at the same time. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all need to be fully functional, and there is no need  to evolve Item 1 by itself. The more specialized an organism's abilities, the more startling it becomes to us. Paddlefish, also known as spoonbill catfish, are cartilaginous fish that inhabit freshwater lakes. They only like to feed on plankton, a category of aquatic food that includes tiny crustaceans like brine shrimp and water fleas. Paddlefish hunt using sensors on their paddle, or nose, that guide them right to their small prey. Biologists from Ohio University recently dis

Rapid Evolution is Fishy

Evolutionists chant their mantras, including, "Gradual change over long periods of time". Natural selection is credited with not only having the ability to do the selecting for gradual change, but the power to bring about entirely new creatures. The orthodox evolutionist will often dream up explanations (and terms) that defy rational thought, but still cling to their faith. It would be helpful to everyone if they would just listen to themselves, and also follow where the evidence leads. How do species change? According to Darwinists, physical differences result from the accumulation of small changes over many generations. But observations—like a recent report of steelhead salmon that changed in one generation—show that dramatic trait changes happen fast. What does that mean for the evolutionary concept of the way species develop? While observing the migrating salmon population that inhabits Oregon's Hood River, an Oregon-based team of researchers built detailed fami

Lack of Evidence for Evolution is Fishy

NOAA The faith of the evolutionist is amazing. This faith is based on their uniformitarian materialistic worldview, so it is difficult to show them that their presuppositions and, therefore, their explanations are faulty. Since many people have blind faith in scientism ("Maybe someday scientists will find an answer for our questions, but they're scientists, so they must be right"), it is difficult to get them to use their God-given thinking parts. They should be asking questions instead. Where is the evidence of this alleged evolution — really? It seem to me that common sense should be an enemy of evolutionism. When we are told that something evolved an amazingly unique capability, we should not have to suspend our disbelief so we can accept "what scientists say". Here is an example: An international team of biologists recently reported on the supposed evolution of sound production in perch-like fishes. Researchers know that some fish cause their

K-T Boundary and Dinosaur Extinction?

Here is a creationist discussion about dinosaur extinction. Did the K-T Boundary spell the end of the dinosaurs? What about that meteorite impact that some scientists believe caused their extinction? Perhaps it had something to do with the Global Flood. Reuters has reported that a panel of 41 scientists, presumably in lab coats and hailing from Europe, the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan, have finally identified the smoking gun behind the extinction of the dinosaurs. Sorting through 20 years worth of research, the panel decreed that a giant asteroid 9 miles wide pounding into the Earth at  Chicxulubi is the only – I repeat – “only plausible explanation” for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Glad that’s settled. Well, pretty much. And only if you ignore the other theories that have been proposed over the years: that the dinosaurs died because it was too dry, too cold, too hot, too wet. That flowering plants didn’t provide adequate nutrition for the dinosaurs or ju

Possible Marking for the Global Flood — Part 2

Continuing Dr. Oard's investigation of the Global Flood explanation of the K-T Boundary. Three further evidences commonly presented for the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary being the location of the Flood/post-Flood boundary are: (1) the Tertiary cooling trend, (2) Tertiary mammals of the western United States, and (3) Tertiary bird and mammal tracks and the Devils corkscrews. However, a close analysis of these suggests that they raise more questions than they answer, supporting the idea that the end of the Flood corresponds to the Late Cenozoic. Read the rest of "Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?—part 2: paleoclimates and fossils", here .