
When Bad Poisons Can Do Good Things

When Adam sinned, death entered the world, creation was cursed, and things went downhill. For a few days before that, everything was "very good" (Gen. 1:31). Animals didn't eat each other, we didn't eat them, no lethal poisons — now we have plenty of killing, eating, poisons, and so on. Highly venomous Bonaire box jellyfish Image credit: Marijke Wilhelmus / NOAA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Now we have various plants and critters with lethal poisons. Creationists speculate that these are part of the DNA programming that was put in place by our Creator's design for use after the Fall, possibly based on modifications of existing benign features. Anyway, the point I'm bringing to your attention is that some things are being studied by scientists for medical use, including the draculin enzyme of vampire bats, and poisons for use in non-addictive pain killers. God gave us intelligence, and expects us to use it. The most common medi

Craziness in Climate Consensus

People keep gnawing on that "global warming" or "global climate change" bone, citing "consensus" as a primary evidence that the subject is deadly serious and that man is the primary culprit. Not hardly! There have been climate changes throughout Earth's history, before human activity could be blamed. Further, although there is some amount of climate change, it is negligible, and the subject is primarily a political tool for globalism, and based on an evolutionary worldview. Modified from an image at Clker clipart Particles-to-planetologist evolution as well as climate change are fields that proponents declare "settled science", and secularists in the mainstream scientific community get on the prod if someone dares to present contrary evidence. Especially objectionable is when evidence regarding climate change comes from scientists who believe in special creation. There are credentialed scientists who reject the hysteria of global war

Rejecting an Ancestor of Dinosaurs

More and more, the evolution of dinosaurs paradigm is falling into tohubohu. The evolutionists who disbelieve that dinosaurs evolved into birds must have been smiling at the news that dinosaurs and birds lived at the same time , making it convenient for dinosaurs to eat birds. We also know about dinosaur-to-bird dishonesty in museums . Another bit of news adds additional reason to doubt the age and evolution of dinosaurs. Hypothetical reconstruction of Dromomeron romeri, a lagerpetid, Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura Although there is no actual evidence for dinosaur evolution, the evidence laundering spin cycle launches into high gear when a putative ancestor of dinosaurs is found in the same rock layers are other dinosaurs. Evolutionists tell some mighty fine stories, I'll allow, but they're all based on evolutionary assumptions and circular reasoning, not on actual evidence. Too bad they don't cotton to allowing themselves to even consider a Genesis Flood model fr

Where Did All the Floodwaters Go?

When you're going to drain a swamp, you have a pretty good idea about where the water is going to go. Things are mighty different when draining a flooded planet. Believers, mockers, and inquirers want to know where all that water went when the Genesis Flood was done with and the Ark settled on the mountains of Ararat. I'll allow that it's a fair question, and it seems common. God pulled a giant drain plug at the bottom of the ocean — "Quit playing, Cowboy Bob!" Well, it is a kind of funny picture. The answer is actually simple — at first. The mountains rose, the ocean floors went downward. Water ran off the continents and formed the oceans. Now, I have a skeptical nature, and I don't want to present you with something that seems to be pious assertions. While the Bible is inerrant, models from creationists, evolutionists, or whomever else are not above reproach. Is there evidence to support the Genesis Flood model? Mt. Everest from space image credit:

Scientists Give Homage to Evolution for Killifish Adaptation

There's a family (not species) swimming around mainly in the Americas called killifish — "Why do you want to kill the fish, Cowboy Bob? That's cruel!" No, look closer. One word, three syllables. "Kill" is an old Dutch word for river; I live near the Cats kill s. So, the meaning of killifish is " fish of the brook ". Of course, some killifish can be good eatin', but that's not the subject today. So anyway, when industrialists were using Darwinian-based laissez-faire capitalism and dumping sewage into the water, they commenced to not only pollute, but killed off many critters as well as a passel of fish. Waccamaw killifish image credit: Fritz Rhode / North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources / public domain (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There was a song by the group 38 Special that had the line, "You see it all around you, good lovin' gone bad". Here's another ins

Science Needs Serious Repair

When I'm discussing a repair with my favorite mechanic, I gleefully display my ignorance by asking questions that must seem ridiculous to him. Fortunately, we both know that I'm uninformed, and he likes to teach. I may ask if it's possible to make a repair in a certain way, and he'll tell me why it won't work. The science industry itself is in serious need of repair. Papers get published that are plagiarized, computer generated , the results cannot be reproduced, data is omitted, unethical activity, a blatantly leftist bias  that belies claims of objectivity, faulty peer review, and more. They want the spotlight for sensational results, but failures are useful information as well;  scientists need to know what will not work as well as what succeeds, see? Image cropped from Pixabay / Skitterphoto In addition, incomplete information is presented (a frequent occurrence among evolutionary scientists and their sensationalistic press pals), but there is a lack of f

Incompetent Objections to Flood Geology

Some owlhoots who profess to be Christians in the BioLogos gang (implied motto: "Jesus lied") have been riding with the hands at the Darwin Ranch in their continuing mission to slap leather with biblical creationists. For some reason, old Earth proponents (especially theistic evolutionists) elevate atheistic interpretations of science to the magisterial position over the Bible, which they claim to believe. Then atheists trumpet, "See? Even these religious people believe in evolution!", and then continue their perfervid denunciations of Christians, including their TE useful idiots. François de La Rouchefoucauld (Frankie the Rock) had several maxims, this is one of my favorites. If you study on it a spell, most people will consider someone insightful when they are in agreement. Some will respect intelligent opponents who disagree with them, but those are in the minority. Here, BioLogos uses secular sources in their attempts to refute biblical creationists, but t