Dancing with the Double Stars

Take a look at the starry skies and ponder them for a spell. We know that those points of light are not all stars. Mixed in with stars of varying sizes and colors are nebulae, planets, galaxies — and more stars. Once again, increases in technology bring new knowledge and more frustrations for cosmologists.

It has been learned that many of the stars we see are binary (double) stars orbiting a gravitational point between them. Interestingly, Star Wars: A New Hope used Tatooine, a planet in a double star system in the story before exoplanets were even discovered.

Many of the stars we see are not alone, but doubles doing their special dances. Some have more than one. Secular scientists cannot explain it.
Webb telescope shows dust rings around Wolf-Rayet 140, Credits: NASA, et al (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents)
Remember, the prevailing view of solar system formation is that a hot, gaseous cloud coalesces into stars and planets. We can reasonably expect uniformity in orbits, content, and such. Many binary stars are doing their dance with mismatched partners, and some go beyond binaries into an even more intricate dance.

Secular scientists have no idea how these things happened. Since we have seen so many other celestial objects thwart cosmic evolution and support special creation, it makes sense that the Creator made binary star systems to show us his capabilities. In fact, Christians have the One who made all those things living inside us, having adopted us as his sons and daughters (John 1:12-13, Romans 8:15).

When I was a boy, my grandmother gave me a beautifully illustrated book about stars and the universe. One of its most memorable pictures was a double-star system. It was beautiful, but strangely, it was also scary. The stars orbited each other very closely. They had different sizes and colors. One was yellow like the sun, the other pale blue. Through gravity, they bulged toward each other and exchanged hot gas in a fiery embrace. I sensed they would be beautiful to view from afar but doubly dangerous for an orbiting planet or spacecraft up close. The caption said, “The variety of stars . . . is further enriched by coupling, tripling, or clustering. Only one in four stars travels alone.”

To read the rest of this very interesting article, click on "Evolutionists Can’t Adequately Explain These Beautiful Astronomical Objects."