
Showing posts with the label Age of the Earth

Striking News about the World Ceres

For several years, those bright spots on that world have been thought to be caused by salt . After commencing to cognate and get those mental wheels turning, secular scientists are realizing that Ceres is being recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs — like other objects in our solar system.  Occator Crater on Ceres in false colors  Credits:  NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This is not a hit with cosmic evolution concepts. Trying to steal huge amounts of time, they are caught off base. Assigning dates and causes to the salt, secularists still drop the ball because those dates are nowhere near the billions of Darwin years they want to see. Worse, they are not catching on that the activity is indicative of recent creation. The bright spots on Ceres formed recently, say scientists, and activity could be going on today. It’s been two years since the Dawn spacecraft ended its orbital reconnaissance of Ceres, the largest body in the

New Research in Waterfall Formation

We admire waterfalls, sometimes captivated by the sound and motion. How many of us wonder how they form in the first place? Secular scientists, presupposing the deep time that Darwin requires and they provide, have said that the biblical timeframe is not possible. Recent research throws mud in their eyes. Credit: StockSnap / Joe deSousa Streams or rivers have one or more knickpoints and knickzones . They supposedly formed by gradual plate tectonics, climate change, earthquakes, and other external forces. However, the processes that form waterfalls is unknown. Research with a new model shows that waterfalls can indeed be formed quickly, and this fits with Genesis Flood models. Secular scientists make many assumptions about nature that lead to conclusions that contradict the Bible’s history. For example, they once assumed that clay particles settle very slowly according to Stokes Law, which means that the claystone and mudrock in the sedimentary rock record, which make up over 5

Iridescent Insects in Amber

You know about tree resin, right? Although it is similar to and easily confused with sap, it is an important part of many trees and plants. It is heavier, resists being dissolved in water, and was even used by ancient people in shipbuilding. It also traps and preserves critters. Credit: Freeimages /  Antonio Natale A recent find of insects in amber shows that their colors are still present even after alleged millions of years, which should not happen according to secular beliefs, but there they are. (Darwin supporters are known to deny science in biosignatures .) The colors are iridescent, meaning that they are seen through reflections and such and not simply because of pigments. The peacock feather in the picture above is iridescent. How did iridescence happen? Evolutionists make unscientific claims that they somehow evolved, and that they evolved many times. Unfortunately, people accept these faith-based assertions as observational science, but there are no plausible models o

Promoting an Outrageous Sea Microbes Old Earth Yarn

They sure picked the right location for the Darwin Ranch, taking Folly Road and heading toward Deception Pass. Not only do the ranch hands work mighty hard at deceiving us, but they hornswoggle themselves, too. Evolutionists have denied actual science about biosignatures and are doing so with ancient microbes. Credit: StockSnap /  Salvatore Ventura The narrative of naturalistic evolutionism must  be preserved at all costs. Deep time beliefs have been falsified by pollen in the "wrong" places  but evolutionists wave this off. However, as with the biosignatures, microbes buried in deep sea sediments are claimed to be about 100 million Darwin years old and revived. The obedient press for the secular science industry saddled up and jumped the fences to promote the story without a modicum of critical thought. Circular reasoning, presupposing the age of the layers, and a passel of  propaganda   storytelling all ignore the rational explanation that those microbes were buri

Lava Flows of Known Age, and Radiometric Dating

It has been shown many times that radiometric dating has a passel of difficulties. These include circular reasoning, presupposing deep time, unwarranted assumptions, and more. Samples tested by various methods provide wildly differing results, including lava rocks of known ages. Does the eruption make a difference? Tungurahua eruption image credit: FreeDigitalPhotos / xura This does seem like a reasonable question on the surface. I saw a comment at The Question Evolution Project about radiometric dating and lava of known ages. He figured that everything would be reset to zero, so old rock that became molten would appear young but is actually very old; a kind of reset. Arbitrary assumptions based on lack of knowledge raise more questions than they solve. Biblical creationists point out these flaws in uniformitarianism because the evidence indicates a young earth. Once again, our feedback is about radioactive dating, which seems a major roadblock against Christians believing

Comets, the Young Solar System, and Secular Rescuing Devices

Whenever there is a noticeable celestial object in the night sky, people tend to make efforts to see it. As well they should. Annual meteor showers are interesting. Comets, however, garner more attention, possibly because they are less common. Have you ever stopped to consider them? Credit: Unsplash /  Tim Dennert F'rinstance, comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was discovered, and was eventually close enough to be seen with the naked eye . (By the way, it's thought that those annual meteor showers are from the debris of comets.) Comets can only last with an upper limit of 10,000 years, which is far too small to fit old solar system narratives. Various rescuing devices are concocted using the principle of Making Things Up™ and then passed along as science. So, they have to be replenished. One of the alleged sources for comets is the Oort cloud, which has no observational evidence and the concept is self-refuting; it can't work. (One jasper with Atheism Spectrum Disorder decl

Darwin Defenders Deny Science in Biosignatures

While I want to cut some slack to evolutionists who are locked into their paradigms and do not think creatively, the secular science industry is infested with science deniers. The atheistic naturalism narrative is more important than facts and real science. Assembled with components from Clker clipart More and more fossils are referred to in terms of exceptional preservation, revealing evolution-defying details (like the fully-formed complex trilobite eyes ). Although there were indications that some fossils were not fully permineralized ( such as the use of octopus ink ), young earth evidence stormed the gates of evolutionism. All sorts of rescuing devices were utilized beyond reason; some things don't deteriorate (apparently if it is Darwin's will). Although there are soft tissues and such cropping up frequently (such in this recent duckbilled dinosaur dig ), they are preserved through the "exceptional conditions" that must have been common.  Now, thought

Recent Volcanic Activity on Venus

Volcanic activity on Venus has been suspected for a while,  which may dislodge Earth from its position as the only planet  that is currently active.  There are moons  showing volcanic activity and others that are suspect. While Venusian volcanism does not threaten old cosmos paradigms, this and other factors make secularists mighty uncomfortable. Credits: NASA , JPL-Caltech, ESA, Venus Express: VIRTIS, USRA, LPI The evidence is indirect. Scientists saw indications of prior activity, but it's hotter than the hubs of Hades. Space probes from the former Soviet Union landed there, but they didn't last long . It involves models based on images from more recent spacecraft. Some researchers are saying that the lava flows are several years old — not several million or billion Darwin years old. A big problem for secularists is that this indicates plate tectonics on Venus. Creationists agree with their secular counterparts that plate tectonics exists, but they do not have an ex

China Sea Coal Beds and the Genesis Flood

Once again, drilling for oil has been a problem for uniformitarian geologists. This time some mighty thick coal beds way out yonder in the sea. Excuses were needed in a big hurry to protect the narrative, but fail as usual.  They should be embarrassed by the speculation-as-science stories.   Credits: original image from RGBStock /  Michal Zacharzewski , modified at Big Huge Labs The naturalistic stories for coal formation are unrealistic at best — uniformitarian scientists should be embarrassed by the rising and falling coal formation tales. The excuse given by this tinhorn is that the material washed out to sea. Let's see if he can wave off the problem of C-14 in coal while he's at it. Since secularists have an a priori  commitment to naturalism, they will not consider the fact that creation science models of the Genesis Flood have the best explanations for observed evidence. Recent geological discoveries are defying standard uniformitarian explanations. First, ther

Titan Rapidly Fleeing from Saturn

It has been discovered that Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is receding from that nice planet much faster than cosmic evolutionists expect. Moons recede. They do that. However, the rate at which Titan lit a shuck out of there causes considerable consternation. Titan with clouds image credit: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Indeed, secular scientists are constantly denying evidence for a young solar system ( see " Saturn Scientists Dodge Age Issues " .) None of the secular ideas for the formation of the solar system are good, so the best of the worst is the nebular hypothesis. Essentially, everything formed at the same time (never mind that Venus and Uranus defy the edict had have retrograde rotations, as well as some moons). Earth's moon is receding, and using uniform assumptions against secularists, it would have been impossibly close to Earth in the past. Titan would have needed to form in a different p

Propaganda for Children is a Tree Ring Circus

In a previous post we saw how naturalists are indoctrinating children . After all, secularists control public thought control systems commonly referred to as schools, so they have their minds captive for many hours in a year. That is not the only method. Credit: Unsplash / Aleksandar Radovanovic Another effective means of propaganda is though storybooks. I was talking with Trevor "Red" Schnapper the other day, and he told me about a book for children that he encountered. It was about counting tree rings. This is, to use the expensive word, dendrochronology. (In case you're curious, you can see the word components. -ology is "the study of", dendron is for "tree", cronos is time — but I see you checking the chronograph on your wrist and know it's time to get back to the subject.) Like many other kids, I was taught that one ring means one year of growth. That seems good on the surface, but there are factors involved that sometimes the s

Painting with Octopus Ink

That is a title I did not expect to use. Although a group of fossil octopuses was discovered in 2009, it was not until a few years later that the lovely and talented Esther van Hulsen was commissioned to paint a picture of it using its own ink . If the octopus was Keuppia levante , it may have looked like this Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Smokeybjb ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Using the dried-out ink sacs of cephalopods for writing and art is not a new idea, but the effort by Esther was large and highly publicized. Many questions arise that trouble proponents of deep time: How could a soft critter like an octopus be fossilized slowly? Why is the ink sac still extant after 95 million Darwin years? Why is the pigment of the ink, a kind of melanin, still stable? Shouldn't everything be permineralized after all that alleged time? How do you reconcile this and the discoveries of soft tissues and even DNA — which should not exist according to your paradigm — with observed facts?

Secularist Crystal Gazing and Earth's Magnetic Field

Secular geologists have struggled to explain the origin of Earth's magnetic field, and recent research has made things worse. Yes, we know that it has had reversals and they have happened more rapidly than previously thought . Their latest efforts to explain the origin of the field amount to zircon crystal gazing. Original image before modification courtesy of Why?Outreach Here's how it allegedly happened. Like teenage girls having a sleepover party that start messing with a spirit board , the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up yonder by Deception Pass) were having themselves a hootenanny. Even Rusty Swingset, the foreman, joined in. He had a bit too much firewater, and draped the curtains over his back so he could play super hero before dancing with his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (she still wasn't herself that day). Then they decided to perform some divination on the age of the earth with zircon crystals. It did not go well. Results were contradictory, and even fouled

Impact of French Atheistic Deep-Time Beliefs

When I first saw the material that is linked below, I was not exactly enthusiastic. While I do have some interest in history, I was not all that interested in the history of France. I was glad I paid attention, however, because we can follow the connections and see the impact it has for us today. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann It has been said that no movement occurs in a vacuum or because of a single incident. We can follow the origins of various events of history. The Russian Revolution of 1917 didn't begin with Lenin, evolution was an ancient religion before Erasmus and then Charles Darwin picked it up, the American civil rights movement did not being with the staged Rosa Parks incident , and so on. Evolution and deep time are entrenched in civilizations. The British were influenced by the French (but downplayed that for the sake of national pride), and the French were influenced by paganism and the so-called Enlightenment (read: rejecting the Creator and the authorit

How to Fold Rocks

The best way to fold layers of rock is to grab on with both hands and push down. No? Well of course not, those are rocks, not sheets of paper. If you saddle up and ride out Utah way to Dinosaur National Monument, then take a look around near the Quarry Visitor Center, you will see some impressive rock folding. Do you wonder how that happened? Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It takes a tremendous amount of force to do this. Ask uniformitarian geologists how it happened, and you'll likely get some song and dance about millions of years. That's convenient. However, folded rocks are found in large areas all around the globe, and rocks have an unfortunate habit of breaking. They had to be soft and pliable at some point. The truth is, it is conditions , not time , that cause rock folding. These necessary conditions can be found in creation science models of the Genesis Flood. That's hard evidence for a recent creation.

Date Selection and Radiometric Dating

Except for fundamentalist evolutionists, many people know that radiometric dating is tenuous at best. It involves a number of assumptions, which is bad enough, but there is a passel of circular reasoning and cherry-picking of data to fit deep time presuppositions. The same is true in radiocarbon dating. Credit: Freeimages / Pedro Simao Some hominid remains were discovered in Portugal, and secularists commenced to assigning dates to the rocks. However, the standard used was predetermined to give researchers the deep time that they wanted to have. They also had results that were the opposite of what they wanted, and inconvenient dates were simply rejected. Very unscientific and dishonest. A recent Neanderthal study in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, the report’s age assignments for fossils fit evolutionary time instead of the Bible’s much shorter timeline of thousands of years. Its age-dating exercises revea

Tully Monster Menaces Evolution

This creature really is called the Tully monster, and that is built into its Latin designation of Tullimonstrum gregarium . It looks like the hands at the Darwin Ranch were chawin' on peyote again and decided to design a submarine. Scientists have been baffled by the monster's mash-up appearance for decades. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Петр Меньшиков ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) We examined information on Tully a few years ago , but more information has come to light. Well, not that much light because scientists are arguing about the findings of their experiments. Evolutionary classification still eludes them. It doesn't help matters that there are living critters that also defy evolutionary classification , and look like they were made from spare parts. Our Creator has a sense of humor and has pranked evolutionists! "Wasn't Tully the lady FBI agent on X-Files , Cowboy Bob? You're thinking of Dana Scully. But this thing almost fits the format of that weird show,

More Whopper Sand and the Genesis Flood

Secular geologists, probably eating hamburgers, pondering "Whopper Sand" and rescuing devices they can employ. Whopper Sand cannot be adequately explained through uniformitarian concepts, and are best explained by creation science Genesis Flood models . Here are two more problems for them. This "oil painting" is a USDOI photo  that was run through FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by either party named above) This child occasionally wonders if people who are going about their business get a mite irritated when science folks swoop down on their activities. Oil companies found resources in areas that deep time proponents think shouldn't be there. The layers are very thick, too. Another major oil discovery in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico has been recently announced. Equinor, a Norwegian-based oil company, and partners Progress Resources USA Ltd. and Repsol E&P USA Inc. made the proclamation last week. This is an

Dinosaur Footprints and a Fossil Pterosaur in Britain

It appears that the British have some noteworthy paleontological discoveries regarding dinosaurs. We shall first consider some impressive impressions. Not only are there some excellent dinosaur footprints, but the mudstone has some surprisingly clear skin impressions of skin. The footprints belonged to an assortment of dinosaurs including an anklyosaur, iguanodontians, and others. Seems that there have been more and more dinosaur footprints discovered lately, and in this case, a cliff collapse brought them to light. Footprints do not cooperate with uniformitarian (slow and gradual) dogma because they not only are formed quickly, but must be buried quickly. When exposed, scientists have to race over there quick-like. (Maybe they have a 1959 Cadillac ambulance with a funky siren named Paleo-1 or something.) Footprints won't last too long after being exposed. Beautifully preserved dinosaur footprints found recently near Hastings in southern England are the most diverse and deta