
Showing posts with the label Apologetics

The Book of Daniel was not a Forgery

What comes to mind when the prophet Daniel is mentioned? Perhaps some of the accounts many of us learned as children, such as his account of his friends in the fiery furnace, eating veggies, or his own experience in the den of lions. How about Belshazzar's blasphemous feast on his last night as a ruler, which prompted the expression, "The writing on the wall?" Then there are those prophecies... The Bible has come under attack for centuries for various reasons, especially its historical reliability. Materialists act from their presuppositions that there is no God and are no miracles. There can be no prophesy, nosiree! The book of Daniel is rejected by them and liberal "Christian scholars" for similar reasons. Belshazzar's Feast , Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1635 Why is it that people profess to be Christians, but try to tear down the foundations of their faith and destroy the faith of others? A simple way to reject the contents of Daniel's book is to

Possible Location of Sodom from Genesis 19

People may wonder why creationists discuss archaeology so often, since it does not seem to have any bearing on creation evidence. While archaeology does not have direct  application to the creation account, it provides useful evidence used for creation science. It also supports biblical history. Archaeology is a relatively young science, obviously having inherent difficulties because of the time involved. E.g., some places are thousands of years old, possibly buried in sand, people have built homes or cities on sites of interest. When something like the location of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis 18-19 is announced, people tend to take notice. Landscape with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah / Joachim Patinir , 1520 Sodom was not just a hick town, but rather a region that included a large city, its sister city Gomorrah, and several other cities. Because of the tremendous amount of time, ideas as to its location that have been proposed for its location are conflicting. Here we conside

Our Evolving, Thinking, Learning Universe?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Some things pertaining to evolution are not common knowledge. For example, there are many  strange religious ideas presented as empirical evolutionary science . In addition, people have the notion that evolution was invented by Charles Darwin, but he did not come up with the idea all by his lonesome: Evolution from a common ancestor is actually an ancient pagan belief. Although science thrives on challenges, folks like to protect the consensus and are slow to accept better ideas. One example is phlogiston. That was the stuff that was thought to cause burning. When that idea was overturned because of better science , it met resistance and was slow to extinguish. Of course, evolution itself is protected red in tooth and claw by the secular science industry, and evidence refuting it and supporting biblical creation science are repressed with a vengeance. Some ideas, however, are allowed to be heard and presented — as long as they do not favor the Intelligent Desig

Christmas Presents from the Master Engineer

It is readily apparent that everything in the universe was designed, from celestial objects to humans to single-celled organisms. A commonly used argument by apologists is that a building requires a builder, a painting requires a painter, so all these things with specified complexity require a Creator. However, that argument from intelligent design is all right for a starting point, but it does not go far enough . You may convince a skeptic that there is a higher power, but then what? Made at PhotoFunia Through his creation, the Master Engineer has made himself known from the beginning. It is a good thing for us that we don't have to speculate; he made himself known through special revelation. The Maker is the God of the Bible, and he has given us gifts for Christmas. The Creator of the world and all that is in nature has been identified! He speaks every language on earth. Here is the English version of what he said: Take a look over at " Nature’s Maker Identified ."

False Claims of God of the Gaps

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is so much misrepresentation of biblical creation science nowadays, one might be justified in suspecting that prizes were awarded. Misotheists and evolutionists build a straw man, add a heapin' helpin' of ridicule, then commence to laughing about refuting creation science. Not hardly! A popular false accusation is that creationists rely on a God of the gaps  position. This means that when we lack scientific knowledge about a subject, we refer to God to cover those gaps in our understanding. Geierlay Suspension Bridge, Pexels / Sven Huls   There is a substantial amount of hypocrisy in accusing us of using a God of the gaps approach because they have an evolution  or science of the gaps  tenet of faith . This child has pointed out for a long time that people have believed in evolution despite  extreme gaps in knowledge that even Papa Darwin existed (such as the dearth of transitional forms in the fossil record that he hoped would be discovered later )

Evolution and Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although misotheists are divided on many things, some pretend that they are unified and it is the fault of Christians and creationists for not understanding them. Some time ago, I made a disparaging remark about an atheist's claim that people get morality from evolution. When I mentioned it later, another told me I was being ridiculous because they do not believe such a thing. The telegraph lines must have been down because one or the other did not get the correct message. Atheists frequently get on the prod and seem compelled to contradict anything the st00pid dujmb theist will say — even at the point of denying their own mythology or actual scientific facts for the sake of being disputatious. Trying to have a rational discussion with the average internet atheist is often like trying to teach a pig to sing (it wastes your time and irritates the pig). As a student of presuppositional apologetics , I've learned that the apologists needs to show that the u

Keep Pressure on Anti-Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many biblical creationists have encountered misotheists who act like they have amazing super powers that should make us shake in our cowboy boots. We need to stop allowing them to put us on the defensive, and use truth and reason to put the pressure on them. Credit: Flickr / zimpenfish ( CC BY 2.0 ) One of the first things that we can do is to remember that truth and logic are on our side. Indeed, logic and math are impossible without God , and the  same principle applies to science itself . We cannot argue on " neutral ground ", which is essentially admitting that what God says about the unbeliever is wrong, and let them decide in their corrupted human wisdom whether or not God is worthy of worship and honor. Are you catching on to the importance of why we must not be obsequious before scoffers? As a side note, I seldom refer to skepticism . In one sense of the word, people who are skeptical about something are willing to evaluate reasons for a clai

Eugenics, Abortion, and Down Syndrome

As many know, eugenics  (meaning "well born") is a method of deciding who is fit for life. It is based on Darwinian ideas and political climate. It fell out of favor in the US when the Nazis took it to its logical conclusion, but is returning and being used to eliminate Down Syndrome. Donald Trump and Mike Pence with guests on World Down Syndrome Day, 2019 Credit: Flickr / The White House / Tia Dufour Of course, when I say "eliminate" Down Syndrome (sometimes called Down's Syndrome), I mean that prenatal tests determining the condition result in abortion. Cold-hearted Iceland proudly proclaims that there is almost no Down Syndrome there, but that's because the children were murdered . (Interestingly, Poland has gone the other direction .) My shameful distant cousins in Denmark are about as bad as Iceland. I am convinced that a big reason that the formerly United States is under divine judgment is because of the millions of abortions that are performed. Many

Rethinking Dr. Todd Wood, Evolution, and Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Restrain your equines. This child is not doubting biblical creation science. What follows has some personal material, including a confession and a bit of an apology to Dr. Todd Wood. There are several points to be made, and I hope I can spark your thinking a mite. Modified from a "meme" floating around teh interweb Background Dr. Wood was one of the scientists in Is Genesis History? , a video I reviewed and recommended . I later purchased a set of additional videos from them that had several scientists giving lectures. Some time later, I learned that he said : Evolution is not a theory in crisis. It is not teetering on the verge of collapse. It has not failed as a scientific explanation. There is evidence for evolution, gobs and gobs of it. It is not just speculation or a faith choice or an assumption or a religion. It is a productive framework for lots of biological research, and it has amazing explanatory power. There is no conspiracy to hide t

Video Review — Genesis Impact

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Under usual circumstances, the secular educational system has students under its control for several hours a day, weeks a year, many years. They are typically given the airbrushed versions of secular humanism and evolution.  Image courtesy of Genesis Apologetics Ironically, when Christian and creationist parents want to do what is right and teach their kids the truth, atheists and evolutionists say that we are "indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! In fact, they  are doing the indoctrination, then accusing us of what they are doing themselves. It's okay to question evolution so you can learn how it happened, but it is streng verboten  to question if it happened in the first place. "Go to a natural museum history", they said. "You'll learn a lot." Yes, you'll learn how cherry-picked facts based on the naturalism narrative can be presented as scientific truth. Also, you can see from models and reconstructions how artists'

Atheists Presupposing Naturalism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Atheists and most evolutionists presuppose the philosophy of naturalism in their approaches to evidence. Their worldview demands it since they reject anything that indicates intelligent design — or worse to them, the God of the Bible. As we have seen, the commitment of Darwin's acolytes to naturalism is more important to them than properly interpreting evidence . The Three Philosophers by Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco, 1509 Atheists consider themselves messengers of reason, and you will frequently find them online touting their wisdom and intelligence because they reject God. However, our Creator does not have a passel of respect for their alleged wisdom (Rom. 1:18-23, Psalm 14:1, Prov. 1:8, 1 Cor. 1:19-21). It is amazing how they seek their identities in slapping leather with the God they claim does not exist. Arbitrary In The Ultimate Proof of Creation , Dr. Jason Lisle discusses a kind of checklist that he calls AIP . The A is for arb