
Showing posts with the label Christian

Our Ancestors According to Genesis

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As discussed here several times, proponents of microbes-to-metallurgist evolution have a mighty dim view of our ancestors. Evolutionists see them as brutish creatures that had been more like ape than man, with intelligence yet to evolve. Of course, this is all based on evolutionary presuppositions and assumptions, not on evidence. (I wonder how many further assumptions were made in formulating the so-called " Paleo Diet "?) But when evolutionist try to slap leather with biblical creationists, they shoot themselves in the foot — nothing more humiliating than being shot with your own gun, but figuratively, that happens to them all the time. I'm saying that  even according to evolutionary "evidence", archaic humans such as Neanderthals showed remarkable intelligence and culture. This is a mite disconcerting to Darwinists, to say the least. De "Weinig" Toren van Babel  by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 It's been said

Strong Foundations Are More Important Than Ever

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Builders worth their salt know that they need to start with a solid foundation if they want their structure to be safe and long-lasting. As time passes, foundations may need treatment or repair from things like water damage, rust, termites, earthquakes, or whatever else may cause it damage. People don't cotton to having buildings or bridges cause consternation by collapsing. Image credit: FreeImages / Benjamin Earwicker A proper foundation is even more important in the Christian life. The basis for all major Christian doctrines is in Genesis , which needs to be emphasized. Related to foundations is biblical authority . Although professing atheists have no consistent moral foundation , the Christian church began ceding science to long-age and evolutionary interpretations. When that happened, cracks were forming in our foundation; today the Bible is disrespected, and secular views are accommodated through reinterpretation. Things that were clearly s

Resource — the "Debunking Evolution" Series

Review by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I obtained the free PDF download of Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools, with the subtitle, "A Six-Lesson Video-based Training Program for Christian Public School Students", I didn't expect much. After all, there's a heap of books, articles, videos, and so on with similar names, and I had heard of neither Genesis Apologetics nor editor and author Dr. Daniel A. Biddle. (Which is fine, they've probably never heard of me or Piltdown Superman, either.) So, I converted the PDF to my e-book reader's format. Glad I was mighty wrong about my initial reaction! Turns out that the PDF version of the book is not only available free on the Genesis Apologetics Website , but you can buy it in paperback as well as Epub and Kindle versions. Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools  is primarily intended for students in the public indoctrination centers. They are presented with sanitized "evidence" for evolution, i

Ideologies In Collision

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are several major paradigms active in the world today that have many adherents and are also in conflict one another. Some try to have a kind of synthesis of views, while others have no interest. There is a unified focus, but I don't reckon that participants are aware of the grand scheme. I don't see a kind of shoot-out at the OK Corral of philosophy, though. There have been several philosophical eras over the years that had odd names as far as I'm concerned. Doesn't modern  mean today?  Not when it comes to labeling. The last three are premodernism, modernism, and postmodernism. (Some are saying that postmodernism is already morphing into something else, but there's no title yet as far as I can tell.) One of the main characteristics of postmodernism is that people believe that there are no absolutes . Forget presenting truth to postmoderns, they've asserted that there are no absolutes (a self-refuting claim) and that truth is re

Some Atheist and Evolutionist Myths Refuted

Ever try to get atheists to present evidence for atheism? They can't. Instead, you get the irrational and disingenuous "lack of belief" claim, followed by a passel of excuses why they hate God (who conveniently exists when they want to hate him). If the "conversation" continues, they lasso their myth of evolution and bring that into the corral along with the rest of the ponies of bad reasoning. It's not really surprising that they are dishonest, since they have a track record of using the complex scientific principle of Making Stuff Up™, bad reasoning, extreme misrepresentation of Christians and creationists, and a heap of fraud.  Then they want to throw down on Bible believers with outright falsehoods (especially about the history of science and Christianity) that can be refuted with a bit of research. All that effort to suppress the truth about the Creator God is wasted. “The words of the Preacher, the son of David, … ‘There is nothing new

Science, Faith, and Reality

Atheists and evolutionists don't cotton to the notion that they operate from their worldviews, which are comprised of presuppositions. Some will even claim that they believe in science, reason  and reality.  What they don't realize is that those are philosophical claims, based on their worldviews. "Empirical science is the only way to learn truth and reality", some have said. This is a self-refuting statement, because no scientific method can make this metaphysical determination! To claim that reason and reality are based on naturalistic approaches is a question-begging presupposition as well. They have disdain for faith,  but that comes from a faulty definition, along the lines of "believing something you know isn't true". Definitions matter. For example, this definition of "fundamentalist", which I have yet to find in a dictionary: The atheistic and evolutionary worldview cannot account for logic, morality, reason, origins — and offe

Debate Challenges

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Let it be known that I am challenging Dr. James White to a formal debate. The topic will be the validity of debating, and I will be taking the position that they are worthless. Hold on a moment while he stops laughing at how the "debate" was over before it began because I refuted myself.  Dr. White has done a passel of formal and other kinds of debates on various topics with many people, and I've learned a great deal about the debate process itself. (Want to see him in action? Here's the a debate with Dan "Don't Quote From My Books Even Though They're For Sale in the Foyer" Barker .) Dr. White has discussed the debates on " The Dividing Line ", and that's good and bad. Good because he is giving helpful information, and bad because I cannot give chapter and verse on where he said something I'd like to quote (unless I'm taking notes like I did here ), but taking notes is usually too impractical. I thou

Waterless Clouds, Wandering Stars

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article for Question Evolution Day is addressed to professing Christians. Part of the purpose of this site and The Question Evolution Project is to equip believers to give a strong apologetic for our faith (1 Peter 3:15-16), and to avoid being deceived by false teachers. Christians have to contend with people who are hostile to biblical truth because it goes against their natural condition, and are offended by the gospel message (1 Corinthians 2:14, John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19). Add to this that biblical creationists not only show that minerals-to-microbiologist evolution is unscientific, but also show how science supports Scripture, then anti-creationists really get on the prod. Sadly, the problem is compounded by professing but compromising Christians who have a low view of the Bible, and those who are actually apostate (1 John 2:19). We are given many serious warnings about these people who claim to be with us but are actually again

Anti-Creationists and Faulty Worldviews Part 2

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As you can tell from the title, this here article is a continuation. To see Part 1, click here . I hope you do, so this makes more sense to you. Many times, we get comments from atheists on the prod who claim to be "former Christians" (sometimes claiming they were Christians for many years), and then proceed to show little knowledge of the Christian faith. Often, it is because atheists are notorious liars (as I have shown several times before,  especially with this one ). Often, people think  they are Christians because they were raised in a church-going home, or because they're not Mohammedans, Buddhists, or something else, so "Christian" is a kind of default position for them. (One atheist who claims to be a former Christian was raised in the Christadelphian cult ; he's not a used-to-be, he's a never-was.) But these alleged former Christians display little knowledge of the faith and the gospel message . Betcha thought