
Showing posts with the label Evolutionism

Evolution and the New Age

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Back in the 1960s, the "Age of Aquarius" was supposedly dawning, and everything would be peace, love, and grooviness, man. People were investigating Eastern spiritualism, using recreational drugs, having casual sex, rebelling against "the establishment", and more. In later years, these attitudes, beliefs, and actions were somewhat unified under what became called the New Age. (Ironically, those who rebelled against the establishment have become  the establishment themselves, but never mind about that now.) There is still an undercurrent in many New Age philosophies that include Eastern mysticism. You may get a blank stare if you use the term New Age. It is less popular now, and some people prefer to call it new spirituality , but it is still the same. What practitioners do not realize is that there is not much "new" happening, it is actually a conglomeration of repackaged very old religious views. Some of the trimmings seem ne

Evolutionary Thinking Yields Burning Hatred

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who pay attention to the origins debate are likely to have noticed that Darwinism advocates, especially on the web, are exceptionally passionate. Many of these folks really get on the prod if someone dares to write, speak, or even whisper words of doubt about evolution. This is hypocritical, as the same people often claim that they want "tolerance" and "discourse", but have no tolerance of those who reject any or all of materialistic evolution; so-called "freethinkers" often oppose people who think in a manner for which they disapprove. Credit: Freeimages / hamidreza ahmadi For that matter, Charles Darwin said in Origin , " A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts  and arguments on both sides of each question; and this cannot possibly be  here done". However, he apparently did not have any intention of discourse with people who doubted his conjectures. Instead, it was appare

Evolution and the Ecosexual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen WARNING: This article contains information that is not recommended for children, and may be disturbing for some adults. Researching diverse subjects for articles is often fascinating, but sometimes I find material that I find troubling, and take no pleasure in writing. Several of the links below contain mature content and profanity. Credit: Pixabay / David Bruyland When I first encountered the word ecosexual , I looked it up and then dismissed it as a fringe fad that would fall by the wayside, sort of like the word metrosexual . Instead, the ecosexual movement appears to have grown into a strange brew of environmental extremism, witchcraft, sexuality, evolutionism, and selfishness. Something else for you to study on is the way people are indulging in more sensuality nowadays. They are even seeking their identities in how they obtain sexual pleasure. Sex is a gift from our Creator, both for procreation and our pleasure. As we can easily see, it is bei

Hijacking Science and Reason for Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, an anti-creationist will reluctantly admit that a biblical creationist has some scientific knowledge, but will say something along the lines of, "I presume he is still a YEC for strong religious reasons". Not hardly! Atheists, evolutionists, and other anti-creationists have often exhibited incredulity that some folks reject evolution because of scientific reasons. If you head on over to Intelligent Design sites, you'll learn that there are Darwin doubters from various religions and from no religion at all. No, people reject evolution for both scientific and biblical reasons. Evolutionary owlhoots get even more unfriendly-like when they are informed that scientific evidence is a triple threat: it refutes evolutionism, supports biblical creation science (including the Genesis Flood and recent creation) — and affirms what the Bible says. This is happening because origins is not an evidence issue, it is a spiritual proble

Artificial Intelligence and Evolving Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People have had a fear of machines for a long time, especially since the Industrial Revolution. The term Luddite has been applied to people who loathe technology, but the original protesters were okey-dokey with machinery per se, and instead protested unfair labor practices by destroying certain contraptions . In simpler terms, laborers have had a fear of being replaced by machines for many years. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann  (geralt) Suspicion of machines naturally extended to robots. While science fiction media often portray robots with humanoid appearances (let's face it, many people don't cotton to dealing with a metal "person"), it depends on the application; robots used for police bomb disposal generally do not look all that human. Some robots can be considered mobile computers if they are sophisticated enough. The history of science fiction is replete with tales of computers having artificial intelligence, and even becomin

Secularist Laments Lagging Evolutionary Indoctrination

Although evolutionists have maintained a stranglehold on educational indoctrination in many Western countries for decades, some get on the prod that their conditioning is not yet complete. Contrary views of origins are actively suppressed, and even though secular educators claim to encourage critical thinking, only the sanitized versions of evolution are presented and inconvenient facts are omitted in government educational systems. That is one reason Question Evolution Day is important. Modified from a photo at Freeimages, original from Jeramey Jannene (click graphic for larger image) In the United States and other Western countries, fascism is opposed in theory. Many people consider fascist a useful pejorative, projecting it on people they dislike (often without knowing the meaning of the word), and then employing fascistic philosophies and practices , including violence and leftist propaganda — sort of like when the Nazis burned down the Reichstag and blamed others for t

Those Scientists Who Revived Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We've seen several times before that evolution was not the brainchild of Charles Darwin, and had been around since way back when. It is actually an ancient pagan religion , and had received some "scientific" adjustments before Darwin became its chief popularizer . Darwin's disciples revere him as a "great scientist", as well as the other 19th century propagandists for evolutionism. Except that most were not scientists at all! Many creationists point out that Darwin had no formal scientific training, and was actually a backslidden theology student. (I'll allow that he did make some good observations while learning in the field, however.) We also point out that old earth advocate Charles Lyell was a lawyer. Several others that influenced Darwin and the revival of evolutionism had no scientific training. "That's not quite fair, Cowboy Bob. Geosciences are comparatively new, so they weren't giving away those

The Fish God of Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen If you ever find yourself riding near Deception Pass, try to visit the Darwin Ranch for the worship service. Not much of a spectacle, but it's an educational experience. They bring out their idol of Dagon, have devotional readings from Clinton Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Charles Darwin, and others. They don't do hymns, though [ 1 ]. Bas relief of Dagon as a half-man, half-fish god Satire aside, we have seen that Darwin did not create evolution all by his lonesome [ 2 ] and evolution is, in reality, an ancient pagan religion [ 3 ]. I agree with the remark that essentially says Darwin took an old belief system and gussied it up in a lab coat. Indeed, evolutionism is pantheistic, and even includes elements of animism [ 4 ]. When Paul was debating the Greek philosophers in Acts 17:16-32, they were pagan evolutionists. Pagan evolutionism did not originate with the Greeks, however. Their worldview can be seen in ancient Hindu beliefs [ 3 ]. Hang on,