
Showing posts with the label Ice Age

Post-Flood Dispersion and the Red Fox

People wonder how animals spread out after they left the Ark, and that is a fair question. We can glean some answers by observing the growth of the red fox population in Australia. It was brought there by Europeans for hunting purposes (something I consider barbaric), and their quantities grew. Credit: Pixabay / Karen Arnold The red fox does not have many natural predators in 'Straya, which helps its numbers grow. This member of the created dog kind is a pest in many areas. Probably because of global warming. They are intelligent, hardy, and resourceful to ensure their survival. They tend to eat many things (you've probably heard about farmers chasing foxes out of hen houses). Indeed, the red fox can be found in most areas of the world. Biblical creationists believe that they had many ways of spreading out, including land bridges that were available in the Ice Age which was a result of the Genesis Flood. Evolutionists believe (without evidence or explanations) th

Planation Surfaces Beneath Antarctic Ice

We have seen that secular geologists are puzzled by planation surfaces and other landforms. Try as they might, they are unable to explain what is observed by their deep time presuppositions and assumptions. There is another chilling feature that causes consternation. Credit: NASA / National Science Foundation / James Yungel (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) If you recall, planation surfaces are basically the flattened tops of mountains that cover great distances. There are many of them around the world, so they are not simply occasional anomalies. They also exist under the Antarctic ice sheet. How did that happen? Secular scientists are infested with insufficient ideas, but what is observed fit creation science Flood and Ice Age models. All continents display large, flat erosional surfaces called planation surfaces. Indeed, planation surfaces are especially widespread on the continents of Africa and Australia. The prevalence of the water-rounded rocks that c

Denisovans in Tibet

It is known that, like Neanderthals, the Denisovans were not exactly content to stay in one place. They also managed to share their DNA with other people groups, and the Tibetan people have a genetic variation that is shared with the mysterious Denisovans and nobody else. Credit: Freeimages / Niko Nami Imagine the Denisovans looking around and saying, "Nice plateau here. Impressive planation surfaces , those are going to be irritating to secular geologists in a few thousand years!" Well, maybe they didn't say exactly that. Moving on. In addition to DNA, a Denisovan fossil was found in Tibet back in 1980. Tests show that there was no DNA, but tooth dentine was examined to determined to be a close match to that of the former inhabitants of the Denisova cave way over in Siberia. Evolutionists commenced to using fundamentally flawed dating methods and using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Let's take a look at the biblical timeline and see how thes

Pit Stop at La Brea

When people say La Brea  tar pits, they are in effect saying the tar tar pits because la brea  is simply Spanish for "the tar". Also, it is not exactly tar, but rather natural asphalt. It still managed to seriously inconvenience the passers-by and their cries attracted predators who got stuck as well. How was your  day? Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Jerrye & Roy Klotz, MD  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) May as well use the name people know, you know? The La Brea Tar Pits are famous for providing fossils of a variety of critters from long ago — including human artifacts, and a human. The asphalt did some amazing preservation of bones, much to the delight of paleontologists and museums. This site is the result of the Ice Age, which was in turn caused by the Genesis Flood . While radiometric dating methods rely on circular reasoning and have been shown to be unreliable , relative ages can be useful. Using the biblical timeline, creation science, and basic geology, the origin of the

Plate Subduction and the Ice Age

Although secular scientists and their pals believe there have been many ice ages in the past, they cannot provide evidence for their claims. Indeed, they are unable to furnish a plausible model for any ice age in their scheme of things. Biblical creationists postulate that the Genesis Flood precipitated the Ice Age. Credit: United States Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Flood was not just a huge amount of rain for forty days and nights. It was catastrophic and changed the face of the earth. In Genesis 7:11 we see that the "fountains of the great deep burst open", which provides the answer to something secular geologists cannot explain: the beginning of plate tectonics . This involved plate subduction — "You mean like when I do math, Cowboy Bob? I do my gazintas, where three gazinta eighteen six times. Then I do my subduction, when I subduct twelve from eight and get four". We'll leave your advanced mathematics

Geoengineering, Climate Change, and the Genesis Flood

Some scientists are planning an experiment with releasing what is essentially chalk dust into the atmosphere. They think a large cloud of the stuff may reflect sunlight and cause global cooling, which may be useful geoengineering against global warming. They have ignored some important details in their hubris, and inadvertently point to science that supports the Ice Age resulting from the Genesis Flood. Credit: Add Letters Secular scientists often pretend to have more knowledge than they actually possess. This is seen in many areas, such as calling some parts of DNA "junk" , deciding that some body parts are "vestigial ", thinking that the moon would be a really swell place for a colony , failed evolutionary predictions regarding the fruit fly , the exceptional arrogance utilized in human gene editing experimentation , and so many more. Global climate change models spectacularly fail ( just ask Algore ), which is partially because they use faulty data ; those

Landforms Indicate Thin Ice Sheets

Secular geologists not only believe that the earth is billions of years old, but that it had dozens of ice ages. Those are easy to invoke since a later ice age effectively obliterates whatever happened previously. Biblical creationists postulate only one Ice Age which was caused by the global Genesis Flood. Landforms in Scandinavia and Britain indicate thin ice sheets, contrary to secular views. Credit: Pixabay / Enrique Lopez I wanted to check out the landforms in Norway but needed to rent a car. My preference was a Fjord Mustang — "That's dreadful, Cowboy Bob!" Oh, I thought you'd take a viking to that one. Moving on... Geologists have ideas about ice sheets in Scandinavia and Britain, but their views and numerous assumptions are not supported by observed evidence. In addition, they rely on the Milankovitch (or astronomical) theory of ice ages and for scare tactics of climate change proponents. They still saddle up those faulty ideas because th

Climate Change, the Milankovitch Cycles, and Astrology

Back almost a hundred years ago, Milutin Milankovitch got himself an idea. Using his deep time framework (scientists operate from their paradigms, they do that), he suggested that certain astronomical cycles affected the earth. His concept was not enthusiastically received until secular scientists needed to conjure up a rescuing device for their assorted schemes, such as orbital tuning, climate change, and secular ice age imaginings. Original image, before I defaced it with de face: Pixabay / Alexas_Fotos Modern astronomers and geologists have tried to use the Milankovitch cycles in numerous areas, and are even now using their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings© to find new ways to force-fit Milankovitch's ideas into justify their own stories. Even though the "Pacemaker" paper that was used to support this thing was never any good , hey, any rescue in a storm of factlessness, huh? Evolutionism has been getting quite esoteric and unscientific lately, and some

Ice Age Forests in Scandinavia

Geologists believing in long ages and uniformitarianism cling to the notion that there were several ice ages in Earth's history, while creationary geologists believe there was only one Ice Age. Seems like most of the time an  or the  Ice Age is discussed, it is the "last" one. According to secular belief systems, the last ice age was devastating to forests in Scandinavia, and trees didn't get their ownselves planted there again until somewhere about 9,000 Darwin years ago. Credit: Pixabay / manolofranco Fossil evidence is deflating that view. Further, secular geologists are unable to present a plausible model for the cause nor completion of an ice age. Creation science models involving the Genesis Flood are far more plausible. Of course, secularists won't cognate on those because they affirm rather than deny God the Creator, and also indicate a young earth. Ice ages within the uniformitarian paradigm are very cold, much colder than today. So, according to

Channel Island Mammoth Puzzles Paleontologists

An article in The Washington Post discussed an excellent mammoth skull has been discovered on Santa Rosa of the Channel Islands, which doesn't fit. It's not a pygmy mammoth, which were native to the area, and it's not a Columbian. Is it a variation of the dozen or so currently known mammoth species, or something entirely new? And — how did it get there, anyway? Mammoth sculpture image cropped from Pixabay / hansbenn The Post had some misstatements of facts, and included some obfuscation on the word evolution, using evidence and conclusions that biblical creationists agree with Darwinists about, but imply that molecules-to-mammoth is responsible. They also had some problems with the dating claims, and a few other alternative "facts". The time frame and the location of the beastie can be explained with the creation science model of the Genesis Flood and subsequent Ice Age. According to a report recently published in The Washington Post , researchers have

Mammoths and Creation Science

Mammoths were big elephant-like critters that lived way up north during the Ice Age, got quick-frozen and were encased in ice a zillion years ago. One was heroic but cranky, named Manfred. At least, that seem to be the public perception. Actually, there were several different beasties that looked like elephants. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Honymand / CC BY-SA 4.0 There were varieties of mammoths, one of which was the woolly mammoth — not to be confused with the larger mastodon, and not to be confused with the Christian rock band Mastedon ("video" below). Mammoths are a bit of a puzzler for proponents of muck-to-mammoth evolution, as are modern elephants, since evolution is presumed, not demonstrated. Another area of stress is the Ice Age. Uniformitarian views are unable to explain it, but biblical creationary scientists have plausible models based on the Genesis Flood. The aftermath of the Flood, genetics, speciation, natural selection, the biblical created k

The Ice Age, Land Bridges, and Migration

Adherents of old Earth geology are baffled by human migration around the world, and often propose land bridges between the continents when water levels were lower. One of the most famous is Beringia, the Bering Strait land bridge where people moved from Siberia to Alaska. However, a new study supports what creationists have been saying all along, that early humans were not stupid: some  didn't wait for the ice to thaw, but went by boat . Bering Land Bridge National Preserve image credit: US National Park Service (image use does not imply site content endorsement) But what of the animals? Biblical creation science models present the most plausible answer. The conditions during and after the Genesis Flood caused the Ice Age, so the ice built up and the water levels went down. Animals had a few hundred years to stroll across to the continents. Dry land migration routes could have facilitated the movement of large animals from the Ark to remote continents. The Ice Age after t

Mammoth Extinction and Global Warming

It gets a mite disconcerting for "deep time" adherents to promote their uniformitarian views in the light of conflicting evidence, but they keep on doing it. This time, it's the extinction of the woolly mammoth and other animals that is causing a problem. Image credit: FreeImages / Ainhize Barrena The common image of woolly mammoths, sabre-tooth tigers, and other critters in icy wastelands is somewhat misleading, as there were warm periods during the Ice Age and plenty of food available for grazers. Three basic ideas for the mass extinctions include climate change, hunting them to death, and illnesses from humans. None of those make sense. Proposing that they were killed off because of global warming (sorry, no way to make it anthropogenic) is really grasping at straws. Although it's dismissed out of hand without examining the evidence and plausibility, the post-Genesis Flood Ice Age model proposed by biblical creation scientists offers much more

Heated Controversy on the Ice Age

Although many people deny it, people live according to their worldviews. In the issues of the age of the Earth, origin and development of life, cosmic evolution, ice ages, and other historical science matters, we have seen time and again that preconceptions influence the interpretation of data. "Science" is not a monolith of absolute truth remaining uncompromised by the assertions of dispassionate scientists. Hungarian 1990 mastodon stamp scan from my collection, modified with the oil painting tool. The Ice Age raises many questions, Manfred. Did it happen? How did it happen? How many were there? How long did it last? When it comes to the Ice Age, secular scientists are unable to saddle the data with their conjectures and models, especially the idea of multiple ice ages over long periods of time. Then they'll challenge biblical creationists to explain the Ice Age. Since scientists interpret data according to their worldviews, creationists find that recent creation

The Bible and — ICEBERGS?

The large icebergs that are seen today are dangerous (most of it is below water) but also impressive. It turns out that there were probably icebergs in the past that made today's bergs seem puny in comparison. What factory turned those babies out? freeimages / lyeager / " Antarctic Iceberg #4 " The Ice Age produced the big ones. Secular uniformitarian scientists cannot account for conditions that would cause the Ice Age, nor can they account for those icebergs. However, biblical creationist geologists' models based on the Genesis Flood give explanations for both the Ice Age and the big bergs. What is the recipe for making an iceberg? Scientists know the basics from watching polar-ice sheets. Huge chunks calve, slide off, and float away as icebergs. But that’s for modern icebergs. New research reveals evidence of ancient icebergs that would dwarf today’s frozen floating mountains, leaving secular explanations out in the cold. Researchers from Germany’s Alfr