
Showing posts with the label Indoctrination

Christians Teaching Evolution to Children — YES!

Shielding children from atheistic interpretations of origins is not a good idea, because they will learn about common-ancestor evolution. It comes from all kinds of source, including entertainment, documentaries, friends — and education systems. Also, people need to know the predominant worldviews that they will encounter in life. This applies to public school, Christian school, and homeschooled students . Generated at If you study on it a mite, you'll see that it's best for the young 'uns to learn about evolution from knowledgeable Christians. Otherwise, they'll be given the best "evidence" without the flaws, and conjectures presented as "scientific research". Sure, everyone interprets and examines the world around them in light of their own worldviews, but evolutionists are disingenuous, and actively oppose evidence that is contrary to evolution. That's not education, old son, that's brainwashing! They're not abov

Resource — the "Debunking Evolution" Series

Review by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I obtained the free PDF download of Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools, with the subtitle, "A Six-Lesson Video-based Training Program for Christian Public School Students", I didn't expect much. After all, there's a heap of books, articles, videos, and so on with similar names, and I had heard of neither Genesis Apologetics nor editor and author Dr. Daniel A. Biddle. (Which is fine, they've probably never heard of me or Piltdown Superman, either.) So, I converted the PDF to my e-book reader's format. Glad I was mighty wrong about my initial reaction! Turns out that the PDF version of the book is not only available free on the Genesis Apologetics Website , but you can buy it in paperback as well as Epub and Kindle versions. Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools  is primarily intended for students in the public indoctrination centers. They are presented with sanitized "evidence" for evolution, i

Rethinking Evolutionary Indoctrination

A common lie that Darwinistas tell is along the lines of, "You don't believe in evolution because you don't understand it". Those owlhoots conveniently ignore the fact that there are many scientists who do understand evolution and have rejected it — some prominent biblical creationary scientists are former evolutionists. There was a satirical cartoon posted at The Question Evolution Project , and someone came along saying that it indicates that we don't understand evolution. Some Darwin devotees tried to explain it to us, including the catch-all expression, "Evolution is change in allele frequencies", which is too broad a definition to be useful, and that creationists accept those small changes anyway. But people like that try to deceive us by equivocating "small changes" with "descent from a common ancestor". What's interesting is that many times, creationists have to correct evolutionists on their own pseudoscience! Imag

Atheism, Evolution, and Faith

Every once in a while, biblical creationists will be told something like, "Even if you disproved evolution, I would still be an atheist because evolution is not all that important to me". The indoctrination was strong in this one. Similarly, some will say that they do not need evolution because they have other reasons to reject the Creator. (Interestingly, they betray themselves by coming to creation science sites, groups, Pages, and so forth to tell us that they do not care.) But they must care, because there are only two possibilities to answer the question of origins. One tinhorn stated that atheists reach their conclusions because they thought things out, and Christians do not do this. His claim was a logical fallacy. In reality, atheists are driven by emotion and faith commitments to their disbelief, and if they had bothered to use critical thinking, they would realize that their worldview is irrational and incoherent, lacking the intelligibility that is only fou

Evolutionary Proselytizing Advantages

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Proponents of particles-to-propagandist evolution have an easy job. The groundwork has been laid by false science, popular opinion, appeals to authority, other logical fallacies, and especially through emotional manipulation. Propaganda techniques include: Using entertainment media Dominating the press Concentration and repetition Emotional manipulation Creating a common enemy to hate (such as biblical creation science) Pseudo-deification of a leader (done with Darwin, Dawkins, Nye, Tyson, and others) Appeal to a higher good ("science" education) Confusion (equivocating  evolution  and  science ) Arbitrary assertions Fraud peddled as science Control of textbooks Ridicule and more Since the scientific evidence is strongly against the  cult of evolutionism , fundamentalist evolutionists resort to emotional manipulation maneuvers resembling, "Real science is free of inflexible dogma and subject to independent peer review. Creation s

Makes a Compelling Case

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In yesterday's post, points were made that atheists and evolutionists blatantly misrepresent the biblical creationist position  in their efforts to control education. They present evolution as indisputable scientific truth. One of the main problems with this is that people will simply accept such statements as accurate, and then expect creationists to defend positions that we do not hold. Educators present only the good side of evolution, often including (sometimes from ignorance) outdated and inaccurate information from textbooks . Indeed, some textbooks also contain fraudulent material . Creation science and Intelligent Design materials are actively suppressed, and evolution is sometimes required to be presented with no contrary information . Add this indoctrination to the additional problems that people tend to "think" with their emotions, and that students are not taught to think critically. Then we have Darwinoid Drones arguing wit

Evolution Thought Police Increase UK Creation Censorship

Evolution, under the guise of "science", is not taught with the evidence and critical thinking . Only one side of the evidence for evolution is presented in textbooks , which is nothing less than indoctrination. "Humanist" organizations and "science education" groups campaign to have any semblance of creation science removed from the classrooms. Groups like the NCSE and Australian Skeptics claim to be religiously neutral , but that is the opposite of the truth. The NCSE's activities show that they are opposed to free speech  and are willing to indulge in emotional manipulation . The BCSE is also blatantly disingenuous .  Darwin's Stormtroopers, the evolutionists who pa-TROLL the Web in the name of "science", display the same kind of intellectual acumen and integrity of their masters. That is, attack the person, equivocate evolution with science, protect "science" (as if science really needs protection!), misrepresent the

Can an Educated Creationist Do Science?

Is it possible for someone to enter a secular university with biblical (young earth) creationist views and not have to compromise or have his or her belief system replaced with evolutionism? Jason Petersen of Answers for Hope interviewed Jessica Roberts. She has degrees, including her recent bachelor's  in Molecular Biology, and has a master's in health science. Quite often, we have "educators" that want to belittle, intimidate, obfuscate and more to their students so they can protect their fundamentally flawed worldview. (Of course, true science and true education require actually examining the evidence.) Jessica's experience echoes many of the things creationists encounter. For her, the stakes were higher than just dealing with someone who wants to be contentious. But things went better than might be expected.  The interview is in two parts, written and video. Here is the written portion of the interview: 1. Why are you a Young Earth Creationist?

Part of the Problem with Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 6-21-2016 Before I went ahead with this article, I checked with some other people about the content. Three hours before auto-publish, I removed the name of the evolution stormtrooper that I dealt with, even though they thought I should use it. "Dr. Duncan, I forbid you from letting any student pass your class if they still believe in their imaginary friends by the end of the semester.  If you don’t make every student in there an atheist by the time they graduate, then you, sir, have failed as an educator!" — Dr. Robert Farris, The Deception  by Steven J. Wright , p. 68 We have seen that indoctrination is paramount in evolutionary education; students are not told how  to think (critically, honestly examining the evidence), but what  to think (presupposing that evolution is true, and then using circular reasoning to "prove" it). Although the "educator" in the example at the top is fictional, such antics are not. T

Evolutionists Do Not Understand Evolution

Some people claim to have a thorough knowledge of evolution. Amazingly, there are tinhorns who claim to know more than evolutionary (and non-evolutionary) scientists! Evolution is inconsistent and constantly changing, and needs a great deal of tweaking to keep the pseudoscience in line with scientific observations. Do evolutionary scientists themselves claim to have full understanding of evolution? Not hardly. Some will actually admit to having a lack of understanding. Yet, they persist in keeping the faith despite the evidence. Philip Ball’s opinion piece in this week’s Nature, the most popular science magazine in the world, is news not because he stated that we don’t fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level, but because he urged his fellow evolutionists to admit it. On this 60th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix, Ball reviews a few of the recent findings that have rebuked the evolution narrative that random mutations created the biol

What is the Best Way to Teach Science?

“In science, people argue for their ideas, in terms of the evidence that they have. There should be more opportunities to look at why some ideas are wrong, as well as what the right ideas are.” — Jonathan Osborne When discussing origins with proponents of evolution, we find that they simply repeat what they have been taught. Unfortunately, they have been taught "facts" that are conjecture, and "evidence" that is based on presuppositions and circular reasoning. Questioning evolution as a fact is effectively forbidden, and fundamentalist evolutionists strive to suppress critical thinking and examination of the evidence. Jonathan Osborne wants to do things differently. Instead of reciting facts (both real and imagined), he wants students to do something radical: Argue from the available facts instead of starting with a conclusion. Although it's a step in the right direction and interferes with evolutionary indoctrination, it's not quite enough. A pr

Indoctrination Stations

What do you get when you present only one side of the scientific evidence, cherry-pick data to support your belief system, misrepresent those who disagree with you, resort to stalking, harassment and libel, present outdated and fraudulent information as fact? Yep, you guessed it! Evolutionary indoctrination. Let's be blunt: It is brainwashing. How do the "educators" delude themselves as well as their  students? Today's article is so short, I am not even going to post the first part as an introduction. Instead, you can read " Training Non-Skeptics One Course at a Time", here .

Evolutionary Propaganda in Textbooks Pushes Indoctrination

There have been times when I have been astonished at remarks from evolutionists about science. They have used outdated, spurious, discredited, tendentious and even dishonest evidence as "proof" of the "fact" of evolution. (One atheist called Matt Slick of CARM and actually presented discredited Lamarckism , or Lamarckianism, as proof of evolution!) Sometimes, this clinging to an unworkable worldview is simply the result of willful ignorance. But how often is the problem based on faulty textbooks , and they never learned the truth about evolutionism? Perhaps the problem is bad science indoctrination coupled with emotional attachment to a faulty worldview, but never mind about that now. Let's looks more closely at the textbook problem. Evolutionists are now formulating scientifically archaic teaching standards they want the states to follow “in whole, without alteration.” Our evolution-drenched science education in the U.S. is pathetic, with science literacy scr

Lack of Morality in Evolution "Education"

When the cause is "right", then it does not matter how one goes about achieving a goal, yes? Misleading people, outright lying, shading the truth — those are acceptable, yes? For the most part, the philosophy of "the end justifies the means" is frowned upon. But apparently, indoctrination in evolutionism is an exception. In that case, go ahead and lie to students; they must be compelled to believe in evolution (and use the equivocation fallacy to refer to this philosophy about the past as "science") at all costs. Don't forget to leave the mistakes, frauds, errors and reclassifications in the textbooks! When these sidewinders lie, they are being consistent with their fundamentally flawed worldview. There have been many examples of evolutionary falsehoods used to indoctrinate students into evolution. The list includes Forged Haeckel embryo pictures, still used in many textbooks Staged photos of peppered moths whic

Evolutionists Persist in Presenting Bad Information

How can anyone justify science "education" when it is based in the presupposition that evolution is a "fact", evidence contrary to evolution is ignored or even suppressed, evolutionary "science" is to be protected , and the textbooks contain outdated and outright wrong material? (Even the terribly outdated and misused Miller-Urey experiment is still being cited!) Bad textbooks are preferred over materials that require critical thinking. Evidence for evolution is cherry-picked . That is not science, Skippy, that is indoctrination . According to a study released today by the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute, bogus embryo drawings, long-debunked claims about tonsils, and outdated information from a 1950s lab experiment highlight the glaring bloopers found in proposed science instructional materials currently being considered by the Texas State Board of Education. "Retro-science must be in, because the proposed materials are