
Showing posts with the label Jesus

When the Creator Entered Creation

In Genesis 1:1, we see that God created time, space, and matter. God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, made everything (John 1:1-3, John 1:10, Colossians 1:16). After the six literal days of creation, God ceased his creative work. However, he had something else planned — he was going to do a "new thing". The Adoration of the Shepherds / Giorgione, 1505-1510 This new thing was that God the Son was going to enter his creation as the seed of a woman (Jeremiah 31:22, Genesis 3:15). Study on that a moment. Man, who was created in the image of God, sinned, so the Creator of the universe chose to enter creation. God the Son became the man, Jesus (Colossians 2:9, Romans 5:17, Matthew 1:23). He died on the cross for our sins and bodily rose from the dead. The only begotten Son made it possible for us to become adopted sons and daughters (Romans 8:15, John 1:12). These are amazing reasons to celebrate Christmas. Hail the incarnate Deity! As they celebrate Jesus’ com

The Resurrection, Creation, and the View from the Hill

Back in the olden days, I had a professor who frequently talked about "getting up on the hill", and similar phrases. He did not explain it, he just used it. Finally, I figured out that he was talking about getting a broad perspective. It can also be expressed as getting the big picture or a broader perspective. Things like that. Photo by adrian on Unsplash Knowledgeable creationists will not tell you that believing in a literal six-day recent creation is essential to salvation (although atheopaths lie that this is one of our teachings). It is a "side issue", but that does not mean creation is unimportant. Not by a long shot! Getting the right perspective helps us realize that adding long ages, evolution, and other things to God's Word is damaging to the gospel message. Ultimately, the death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead becomes irrelevant! While many Christians still consider the Creation doctrine a fringe issue, a proper und

Refuting the "Jesus was an Alien" Story

Didn't plan it this way, but this post fits in with the recent article on catching bad arguments in a video, and thinking critically.  Every once in a while, someone goes into the weird stories corral and trots out the story that Jesus was able to do those healings because he was an alien. While he did cross some regional borders, I mean alien as in from outer space. This idea is usually found among New Age enthusiasts, and they have a passel of aliens in their worldviews. If you study on it, you'll notice that these beings claim to be more highly evolved, and traveled from way up yonder to our planet to show us the way. That way involves throwing away the Bible and believing what they say about Jesus and the coming world religion. For them, Jesus is not God the Son, the Creator, the second person of the Trinity. They "prove" their claim by assuming it (circular reasoning), and have lousy evidence. Their reasoning is sorely lacking as well. Aliens, the invisi

A Christmas Greeting

I hope you are having an excellent Christmas. At the moment, I'm sitting at the dining room table, using a weak laptop and listening to Christmas music instead of holing up at my usual work station. This thing will get my by if the main computer crashes. Surprisingly, I do not have a great deal to say for this particular weblog, partly because I felt that I would be repeating things I have said before. But I do have three links to some other things. This excellent image of what I take to be a cross and the Christmas star is by Gerd Altmann at Pixabay For those of you who want to read some Christmas material I posted: Earning Gifts from Santa (because this idea promotes a kind of salvation by works) Poinsettia, the Christmas Plant Christmas and Creationists (God the Son, our Creator, took on human form and was humbly born, an article that I think is one of my better efforts) That's about it, aside from the music video below. Regular posts are scheduled for tom

Avoiding Diversions of Internet Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since materialists cannot make us go away, they resort to various methods to silence Christians — especially biblical creationists. Many of these efforts involve ugsome reasoning and emotional reactions, which are common among internet atheopaths and fundamentalist evolutionists. We must avoid their manipulation and diversions, stay on topic, and keep them on topic as well.  They tend to get mighty ornery when we see their diversions for what they are and keep them on the subject at hand.   I'll allow that it's not always easy, and I've chased a few shiny things myself. Red Herrings A common logical fallacy is the red herring , which is a distraction from the subject at hand. In my opinion, most if not all informal logical fallacies are diversions from a subject under discussion. If you ponder it, someone attacking your illustrious person, introducing a different topic, rejecting the source of the information, expecting you  to explain or def

Evolutionary Thinking and Human Capital

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is going to be one of my more unusual articles. My personal social media policy is stricter than my employer's policy: nobody needs to know where I work. I'm referring to them as The Company. However, there are several things that may change this. Eventually, I may reveal the name of The Company. However, many aspects of this article are apposite for many in the business world, so I am using my own experiences as illustrations. Inset photo credit: Pixabay / StockSnap My Life On a Spreadsheet The Company contracts with other corporations to perform various duties. Our location, along with several others, is what I call a data entry mill. Over the years, over a hundred of us were hired to do a job and be paid by the hour. We were informed that we are now going to be paid "piecework", which is based on the number of fields that we enter. (Not what we signed on for, but that's a privilege of laissez-faire capitalism. Different

Creation, the Resurrection, and Evidence

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, Christians are accosted by unbelievers who demand "proof" (or evidence) of the miracles that Bible believers affirm. On this site, as well as on many of those which are linked, a reader will find copious evidence demonstrating the paucity of particles-to-pastor evolution, and presenting scientific evidence affirming biblical creation. What about the events that happened about 4,000 years after creation that involve Jesus? Background image: Pixabay /   Gerd Altmann Before I commence to telling about evidence for Jesus, I need to lead y'all on a side trail for a few moments. Whether discussing creation, evolution, the life of Jesus, or other things that we are unable to observe in the here and now, we are using historical science — a useful term that is not exclusive to creationists [ 1 ]. Historical science attempts to use data in the present in an effort to determine past events, while operational science is what is

Creation, Genesis, and the Virgin Birth

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Th is article contains links to several items that are articles, videos, and audi o. I realize that this is a busy time of year for many, but if you have some time, I hope you 'll delve into the material. Or maybe save some of the items for a more convenient time. Although there is dispute about the actual day, most people who identify as Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25. No, we are not commanded to celebrate Christmas or Easter, we have the liberty to celebrate or leave it alone . (Saying it's wrong to celebrate because we're not commanded to do so is the argument from silence fallacy. Also, Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, John 10:22–39, although it was not a required observance. Nor are we required to observe Hanukkah , but some think it's a good idea .) We commemorate the day that Jesus Christ, God the Son, our Creator, humbled himself and took on human form for our redemption. Creationists have many reasons to celebrate the day .

Terrorism and Evolution

Evolutionary thinking and social Darwinism have given us such joys as justification for abortion , radical environmentalism , forced eugenics , the "junk" DNA fiasco , a basis for communism , excuses for racism , and more. Now taking the naturalistic view to a new low, ISIS terrorists are players in the evolution game. Sidewinder scientists are using concepts of natural selection and evolution and applying them to Mohammedan terrorism. Ideology is omitted, as is religion, human nature, free will, and other factors. It's just a matter of environment. They are not created human souls in need of prayer, repentance, and salvation in Jesus Christ (how many evolutionists believe that?), but players in a game. Indeed, terrorists are almost made to sound like victims! This may be the winning candidate for worst Darwinian just-so story of the decade. You have to hand it to evolutionists; at least they are consistent. If everything evolves, then everything evolves. Makes

Resurrection Sunday 2016

Today, most professing Christians celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus, God the Son, the Creator (John 1:3, 1 Cor. 8:6, Heb. 1:2, Col. 1:16) from the dead (John 20:19-20, 1 Cor. 15:3-8). He died and rose , even for my own sinful self. My post for today is " The Resurrection and Our Broken Planet ".  On a side note, I kind of like this painting by Peter Paul Rubens. Jesus is very real and triumphant. Okay, so the wounds are not seen (John 20:19-20), and I don't get the symbolic banner he's carrying. But it's better than the goofy floating away ethereal Jesus of some paintings.

Religion to the Stars?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I disremember how I came across this 2012 article, " Should Humanity Take Religion On Interstellar Space Voyage? ", but thought it had some things that needed addressing. It's obviously written from a secularist perspective, and the token Christian that they interviewed certainly did not express an understanding of the Bible. He said we have to leave behind Earth-based religions. I reckon he doesn't know about religion, history — and people. Modified image from Pixabay / falco and clip art from Clker It's one thing to leave behind our political views or other things that we select, but the Christian faith is who we are, it's not like choosing a hat or something. A Christian has been changed by God (2 Cor. 5:17) and is adopted as one of his children (John 1:12, Rom. 8:15, Heb. 12:7). Several astronauts are Christians, including James Irwin , Jack Lousma , Rick Husband and Michael Anderson (who perished in the 2003 Columbia  di

Resurrection Perspective

Millions of professing Christians around the world are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on this day (1 Cor. 15:3-8). It is also commonly called Easter (sometimes  mistakenly attributed to pagan sources ). If there was no resurrection, we would all be wasting our time (1 Cor. 15:17-20). But he did rise from the dead, and those of us who put our faith in him are children of God (John 1:12). Why would creationists be excited about this? Because Jesus is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. He is the Creator (Col. 1:16, John 1:1-3) of all things. Although we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and worthy of death (Romans 6:23), we have been redeemed by the blood and resurrection of Jesus (Heb. 9:15, Gal. 4:5, John 11:25). Salvation is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8-9), and those who humble themselves can receive this gift on God's terms, not ours.  Imagine...the Creator of the universe is living in me, and I am secure in my salvation, even though I don&#

Book Review — In Defense of Easter

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I was accepted to be on the review team for The War on Christmas , I was given a couple of other e-books as thank-you gifts. I was not asked to give a review at all, let alone, a favorable one, but I thought you should know how I obtained my copy of Tim Chaffey's In Defense of Easter: Answering Critical Challenges to the Resurrection of Jesus . Then I put it off. To be direct with you, I wasn't all that thrilled with another book giving a defense of the faith on this topic since there are so many others available, and many articles on apologetics sites. Still, the topic is important, so I carved out some time for it. Turns out that I was getting set to ride down the wrong trail. In Defense of Easter has a somewhat different approach in some respects than other books, and there is information on bad arguments against the resurrection that were not around before, plus some material that I had never heard of. This is not a cumbersome tome at

Biblical Genealogies

At this time of year, many Christians read our Bibles for the Christmas story. And I reckon many of us read the genealogies in Matthew and Luke (and other ones) very quickly, if at all. I don't know many people who actually like them because we want to get to the "good parts". But they're important nonetheless. Biblical creationists maintain that the Ussher chronologies are reliable , and an indicator that the earth is young (our foundation is God's Word, you know). There are several detailed lists in Scripture. But there are some marked differences between the listings in Matthew and Luke, and mockers who don't bother to research claim that they're contradictory.  Not hardly. The genealogies are there for a purpose, and are reliable. Many Bible readers are tempted to just skip over the long lists of names that sometimes seem to interrupt the narrative of Scripture. These genealogies appear often in Genesis, Chronicles, and other places in the Old

Christmas and Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Yes, I know that there are many misconceptions about Christmas. Jesus was probably not born on or about December 25. Isn't that reason enough for Christians to ignore celebrating ? Not hardly!  Also, the "three wise men" were unlikely to have shown up at the manger. Instead, it may have been quite a while later. And three? The Bible doesn't say, but it names three gifts. I won't discard them from the creche scene, though. "No room at the inn" implies that the hotels were booked. The "inn" is more accurately rendered "guest quarters" ( the International Standard Version has it right ), or "lodging place" ( Young's Literal Translation and the Holman Christian Standard Bible ). Still, I cowboy up and ride along. I'm not going to fight with people about traditions, or even if Christians are wrong for celebrating Christmas. Here's a corral-load of links with historical information and