
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Standing Firm for Creation Science Despite Opposition

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When running this online creation science ministry, and being in contact with others who stand for biblical creation, we see some pretty vicious stuff from anti-creationists and misotheists. (When I say that I am a biblical creationist, I mean that I believe in a literal six-day recent creation as well as the global Flood, according to what the Bible teaches.) Evolution is a cornerstone for atheism and liberal Christianity (or a word I like to use for liberal religion, “churchianity”), and they detest those of us who will not compromise on what the Bible says. Several creationist Pages on social media are what I consider "link mills", simply pasting links to creation science articles ( sometimes sending them to sites that are, as a whole, opposed to our message even though the specific articles may be adequate). Some of us strive to aim higher, and are very selective in what links we post. In addition, we encourage people to learn how to

Varieties of Evolutonists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Experiences, observations and material that I have have read brought me to these speculations. With more time, reading and experience, I may adjust some of them later. Some people will play with semantics, claiming that the word "evolutionist" is something contrived by creationists in an effort to malign proponents of evolution. Their "sources" for such an accusation are anti-creationist sites that simply make the assertion without evidence. The word evolutionist is indeed a valid word that gives a useful description, so I see no need to change my use of it. Vehement anti-creationists Having an online ministry brings out people who hate biblical creationists who will seek our Websites, Weblogs, social media areas and so on. They will lash out at us with assertions and ridicule (often calling us "liars" and "science deniers") because we disagree with naturalistic and atheistic interpretations of scientific evidence

Evolution and Finding God

Evolution has been an excuse to deny God and help atheists pretend that they are "intellectually fulfilled" . There are other people who are seeking to have faith in God, but the presentations of evolution as a fact cause them doubt and confusion. It is not surprising, since people are not trained in critical thinking, but blind obedience. Society has come to the religion of Scientism , elevating science and making scientists its priests. Further, evolutionists present their beliefs in slick packages with great storytelling. Of course, they leave out facts that controvert their presentations. When people actually examine the evidence, they will see that evolution does not have a leg to stand on or a tail by which to swing. The evidence supports what the Bible says, and it also supports biblical creation science. A letter to CMI and the response by a former atheist is presented. I watched David Attenborough’s Rise of Animals today. Although I cannot accept life from z

What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Have To Do With Creation?

Someone may ask why creation science ministries discuss theology and the historical fact of the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Biblical creationists take Genesis very seriously, as it is the foundation for all major Christian doctrines . Jesus is God the Creator , the second person of the Trinity, who became a man . He suffered on the cross for our sins, reconciling those who receive him to God, rose from the dead and defeated death . Jesus is " the last Adam ", not, "the latest in a chain of evolutionary processes". Jesus and the apostles referred to Genesis as literal history, not as allegorical or fictional. Biblical creationists would like to plead our case to other Christians and show them why Genesis matters . Rembrandt, "Resurrection of Christ", 1639 Below is a short video discussing "The Resurrection and Genesis", and here is a link to the article under discussion , which has a great deal of useful information that

Is Easter a Pagan Holiday, and Should Christians Celebrate It?

This is written primarily for Christians, although unbelievers may be interested in the historical and cultural material. Edited 10 April 2022, added a video at the end that addresses some of these issues and more. It is interesting that some mockers will ridicule Christians by saying, "You celebrate Easter! That's a pagan holiday!" The joke is on them because they are simply parroting bad information that conflicts with scholarly research. Unfortunately, some Christians also believe this pagan origins stuff; there are even modern Christian sources (such as Got that pass along erroneous information. It is sad when some Christians will use the same bad sources as misotheists in their efforts to scold other Christians for celebrating Easter. Ignorance of actual history is bad enough, but looking down on brethren in Christ out of pride and out of disdain for the Bible that they claim to believe is far worse. Even if the claims that the origin of the wo

They Say Jesus Walks the Dark Hills

Here is a song that has always resonated with me. Although the song is not specifically for Good Friday, the video that was made is appropriate for the day. The song is "The Dark Hills" by Day of Fire. God the Son, the Creator , humbled himself and became a man . He died on the cross and bodily rose from the dead on the third day out of love for my sinful self. And for you, if you will repent and receive the free gift of salvation . Sunday's coming!

Whose Fool Are You?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The first definition of "fool" at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is: fool noun \ˈfül\ : a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly person Easy enough. People use the word causally and often synonymously with other expressions of contempt for someone's intelligence. That's expected in modern terminology. In the Bible, however, "fool" has a deeper meaning. The Hebrew word used in Psalms 14.1 and 53.1 is × ָבָל, meaning not only lacking sense, but having moral failings — a vile person. The vile person says, "There is no God". When the Creator of the universe calls you a fool, you need to wake up and make changes. How great are your works, O LORD! Your thoughts are very deep! The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand this: that though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever; but you, O LORD, are on high forever. (Psalm 92.5-8, E

Video Podcast 20 — Evolution, Atheopaths and Moral Standards

Atheism is an easy religion. Just say you don't believe. Standing up for the truth of the Bible is hard, and you will be persecuted. A 1987 song by Steve Taylor comes to mind, " Harder to Believe than Not To " (inspired by Flannery O'Connor). I like where it says, "Are you sturdy enough to move to the front? Is it nods of approval or the truth that you want? And if they call it a crutch, then you walk with pride, Your accusers have always been afraid to go outside" . Right! We take our stand for the truth, and atheopaths throw rocks from the safety of "I don't believe", yet consider themselves crusaders for "reason", even when they do not know how to use logic, nor do they have a source for a consistent moral standard. What about agnostics? I am convinced that many are atheists who want even less of a commitment, but they still throw rocks right along side the hatetheists. I still have hopes for those who are honestly seeking,

Question Evolution Day 2014, The Evolution of This Creationist

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Taking a different approach on this Question Evolution Day . This article will have some thoughts, feelings and testimony. I am on record for saying that I became interested in creation science long ago, and enthusiastically learned it. For a while, I was presenting it in churches with both scientific evidence and the theological importance. Ken Ham was working with the Institute for Creation Research back then, and I attended seminars and presentations. I met Ken, Duane Gish, Henry Morris, John Morris, Don DeYoung and others. Also, I had an impromptu debate with a couple of evolutionists that had a lasting impact on my naïve approach — I tried to convince them through evidence. Due to various reasons, I put God on the shelf for about fifteen years. Long story, too long to repeat here. During my backslidden time, I was investigating Buddhism, involved in politics and doing other odds-and-ends on another Weblog. But I had not rejected God, and would e

The End at the Beginning

A different kind of post today, just some personal reflections. (See what I did there?) Some of us tend to think darker thoughts a bit more often than others. On this first day of the New Year, I want to tell you about my impending demise. No, I don't know when it will happen, but scientists have shown two things. First, people are more likely to believe something if it is prefaced with "scientists have shown..." Second, everybody dies. "Big deal, Cowboy Bob. We all know that." I've been wondering what I will leave behind. Material things all wither and fade away. Some take longer than others, but they all go away. Some people think that things on the Web will last forever, but who knows — and if it does last, who will find it in the clutter? No, what I want to leave behind are transcendent things like knowledge and spiritual values. Evolution is a cancer. This Weblog alone has about 670 posts and articles that show how evolutionary thinking ha

Music Video and Links: He Has Risen!

Today is vitally important to most people calling themselves Christian.  Wishing you all a happy Easter! Here is a music video, and several links are below f or further reading . The hard work has been done by the scholars, so feel free to dig in. First, let's dispense with the myth that Easter is a pagan holiday: Is the Date of Easter of Pagan Origin? Is the Name “Easter” of Pagan Origin? Are the Symbols and Customs of Easter of Pagan Origin? Easter: Of Pagan Origins? Easter and Good Friday: Questions and Answers   (includes refutation of the "crucifixion was not on Friday" error ) T he importance of the Resurrection A series on the R esurrection: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: An Introduction The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Infallible Proofs The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Evidences and Minimal Facts   The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Mistaken or Stolen Identity? The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Seeing Things   The Resurrection of Jesu

More Important than Rabbits and Eggs

Click for Larger. Image by NASA.

Being Skeptical Part 2 — Conditions, Evidence and Excuses

Here is the second of two articles that originally appeared elsewhere ( Part 1 is here ). I have edited this one a bit as well. The sceptic-tank-ical approach. That is, the constant denial of evidence. Absolutes If you insist on irrefutable, absolute proof before you will accept or believe something, you will have pitifully little to believe  at all.  What would happen in the court systems if they took that approach? Witnesses are  expected  to differ on details because of their knowledge, observations, personalities and whatever else; everyone has their own perspective. They use  reasonable  evidence, and not just iron-clad positive proof. Otherwise, there would be few convictions indeed. Edit: Demanding physical proof of a transcendent God is a category mistake , a logical fallacy. It's funny in a way that "everyone knew" that Casey Anthony was guilty, and were outraged that she was found not guilty. But "everyone" was not in the courtroo