
Is "Jurassic World" Unrealistic?

At this writing, Jurassic World is in its first weekend. It had a yippie ky yay of an opening day, with $511.8 million USD . Reports are that audiences liked it, as well as many critics . People are excited about a Steven Spielberg movie, but he's not the director like he was for the first two, he's an executive producer. A complaint was made because the first one was good, but this is just another monster movie because it's "unrealistic" — the dinosaurs didn't have feathers. (Sorry to break it to this tinhorn, but the whole thing is unrealistic. It's a movie, done like most others, to make money and entertain people.) Although most evolutionary paleontologists believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds, there is no significant evidence that dinosaurs had feathers. Also, for Bible-believing Christians, there's an irreconcilable difference in the creation order: birds were created before land creatures. There is a passel of evidence that birds and

Deep Discoveries in RNA Editing

Genome research keeps getting more interesting. Basic views of DNA, RNA, and proteins have been modified with further research, and additional discoveries are even more amazing. Alternative splicing was already very interesting, but complex RNA editing has been discovered in an unlikely place: the squid. Yes, I know that Squidward isn't really a squid, the character is a misnamed octopus thingie. Evolution? Not hardly! The detail and complexity of RNA editing in the squid shows the hand of the Master Engineer at work, and there's still a passel more to learn. When the workings of the genome were first being discovered, the central evolutionary dogma of molecular biology claimed that genetic information passes consistently from DNA to RNA to proteins. Now we know that RNA messages can be altered by a variety of mechanisms, and a new study in squid genetics has vaulted one of these processes—called RNA editing —to an unprecedented level of biocomplexity. All major an

Further Findings Fluster Space Scientists

Mankind has always wondered about what's up yonder in the night sky. Hans Lippershey patented the refracting telescope, and it was tweaked by other early astronomers. The wonder increased as celestial objects were brought into focus (heh!), Isaac Newton made a practical reflecting telescope, others kept on improving until we got to the huge telescopes in observatories. Not good enough, we had to put the things up into the final frontier. Also, we sent probes to other planets so we could get a gander at them from images sent back. But you know us, we still want to know more. Improvements in technology have led to better telescopes and more ambitious space probes. Unfortunately for long-age astronomers and cosmologists, the more we learn about the universe, the more it acts far younger than they want it to. Our solar system is also recalcitrant toward secular views, as more questions are raised than answered. Now we are learning that Mercury has huge cliffs, asteroids Ceres an

Feral Fundamentalist Anti-Creationist Antics

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many evolutionists insist on believing in goo-to-geneticist evolution despite abundant evidence to the contrary. Whenever flaws in their speculations are presented (and especially when information is given that supports special creation), they circle the wagons to fend of raiding bands of us evil creationists. There are Darwinists who want to go on about their evolution business, ignorant of what biblical creationists actually believe and teach; they do not go to the sources for their information. Instead, creationists are maligned with blatant misrepresentation, claims that we are "science deniers", calling us "liars" because they disagree with our interpretations of evidence, and other nonsense. Let's be blunt — they want us silenced. These people are intolerant in the real sense of the word. It's common to find someone with a new, fake Facebook profile. The paint's not even dry yet, but they annoy the pu

Fundamentally Flawed Evolution is a "God of the Gaps"

Evidence and logic often indicate that the evidence shows the involvement of God. Atheists and other anti-creationists claim that creationists are invoking a "God of the gaps" excuse. However, when evolutionists get puzzled, they make evolution into their own magical god of the gaps. Basically, "There's missing information, but we know that EvolutionDidIt®, and we know that someday , we'll learn how it happened. This means we can believe in our evolutionary god of the gaps because that's 'science'." Meadow muffins! That's blind faith, Fergus. When a false god is called upon to solve gaps in knowledge, this is sometimes referred to as “god of the gaps.” For example, if someone did not know that ice is formed when water freezes and proposed that there was an “ice god” that occasionally causes ice to spontaneously appear, then they would be guilty of using a god-of-the-gaps explanation. Biblical Creation Is Not a God of the Gaps

DNA and Information Storage

The DNA molecule is amazingly complex, and more of its functions and properties are constantly being discovered. Its mind-boggling capabilities give lie to the concept of goo-to-you evolution, and affirm the amazing design of our Creator. DNA's abilities and storage dwarf even the best computers. In addition, it is known that DNA is unstable and quickly deteriorates, but has been found in dinosaur bones , along with soft tissues — which puts a burr under the saddle of those who believe in an ancient earth. Modified US Army photo of ENIAC, ca. 1946 DNA stores a vast amount of information that is processed in living things, and even has its own repair systems. It's mighty ironic that people who believe that DNA, life, the universe, and everything are the products of chance and random processes want to intelligently design something based on God's handiwork ( biomimetics ). How about using DNA for data storage? Living creatures not only contain enormously complex mac

Dinosaur Egg Colors Defy Long-Age Beliefs

Although most fossilized dinosaur eggs seem to resemble stones in concrete, sometimes they are found with colors. But how can colors stay intact for the millions of years that deep-time advocates insist upon? A recent discovery is perplexing to secular scientists. Dinosaur eggs photo from US National Park Service Finding dinosaur soft tissues and red blood cells indicate that dinosaurs are nowhere near as old as secular geologists and paleontologists maintain, since the tissues and blood cells would deteriorate completely over long periods of time. Molecules for pigmentation are rather complex as well, and would also break down. No, the accumulated evidence shows that that the unfortunate critters were rapidly buried as a result of the Genesis Flood, just a few thousand years ago. German scientists revealed that some Chinese dinosaur eggs probably looked similar to the dark blue-green hue of modern emu eggs. If the dinosaur’s original pigment molecules revealed the egg’s color