
Baryon Asymmetry, My Wayward Son

Seems that every time evolutionary cosmologists try to save the Big Bang concept, they find that they have to throw away and draw new cards. Evolutionists think they they have the hand needed to win the pot, but ad hoc  theories are not working. The smart move is to not  place your bets on naturalistic philosophies, since they are mighty recalcitrant. Hubble telescope image of galaxies / NASA There are numerous difficulties with the Big Bang. When they are found, cosmologists come up with some theoretical explanations that look good on paper, but that's it. The universe is full of matter, and there should be equal amounts of antimatter to go with it according to this view. But no, there's not enough antimatter, so they call it the baryon asymmetry problem.  Rescuing devices were made and the ante was upped, but the "solution" still showed a losing hand. They should fold and quit gambling with eternity; evidence supports the biblical creation account that there

The Magic Ghost Precambrian Rabbit

Sometimes, believers in lepton-to-leporidae evolution will say that yes, there are certain things that would put a powerful hurtin' on evolution. One suggestion was finding a rabbit fossil in precambrian layers. But what good would that do? Since evolution-wrecking fossils have already been found,  we could expect the same kind of nonsense: ignore it, make excuses, ask if it was faked or identified properly (entirely reasonable), invoke "ghost lineages", play with cladograms, and so on. In other words, since they've clinging to their faith despite  evidence, geologic column-shaking evidence would have little to no effect. We could expect them to keep on denying the Creator. Evolutionists typically make a big deal of the fossil record, citing it as powerful evidence for evolution. However, we have pointed out numerous cases of out-of-place fossils, and shown how they do serious damage to the notion that the fossils provide a nice and orderly record of evolution

No Evolution In These Fossils Either

Adherents of spores-to-salamander evolution are quick to point to fossils and claim that they are evidence for evolution. (Of course, no undisputed transitional forms are found, but why spoil a good story to tell around the campfire on the lonely trail?) A salamander in amber and the "world's first flower" have some evolutionary scientists whooping it up and scaring the horses — but they're excited over nothing. Sure, they're coming up with plenty of stories to tell, but not so much in the way of supporting evidence. Conjecture is not actual science, old son. I paid for my evolution, where's my change? Ain't happening, there's no change because there's no evolution. The evidence points to creation, after all. To see the examples and discussion, click on " Good Fossils, But Where’s the Evolution? "

Do Creationists Accept Speciation?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Simply stated, yes, creationists believe that speciation happens. It's the not-so-simple answer that gives people difficulties. Fungus-to-finch evolutionists often give credit to the puny god of evolution for every change, no matter how small. Some creationists disunderstand the idea of speciation and oppose it because they do not want to give Darwinists a foothold. When understood properly, it is not a threat to creation science, nor does it support Darwinism, but it does support biblical creation science! Colorized version of John Gould's Galapagos Finches, 1837 Scientists often disagree about the meaning of the word species and if critters are indeed separate species, but the generally accepted definition of speciation is when organisms diverge into genetically distinct lines. Evolutionists cannot agree on what causes speciation. Creationists accept natural selection and speciation, and reject "fixity of species", where everythin

Mangled Dinosaur Mosaic

Evolutionists have used the term "mosaic" to describe the difficulties encountered in placing dinosaurs in their paradigm. One reason is that they persistently present puzzling information. Not only have hadrosaurs been found in the frozen regions of Alaska, but worse, how did they survive, and how did a group of juveniles die at once? Then there's difficulty of the Australian long-clawed dinosaurs — did they originate there, or in Argentina? From there, Niger presents a pareiasaur skeleton that has earned fanciful tales but no explanation. Also, we have the soft tissue problem that has been annoying "deep time" advocates for a spell now. I reckon they don't want people to recollect that there are other  instances of biomaterial that refuses to act millions of years old, too. The Earth is not  billions of years old (despite the protestations of Darwinoids), it was created much more recently. Dinosaurs do not fit evolutionary ideas. (Evolution itself d

When a Loss Becomes a Gain

Purveyors of goo-to-graffiti-artist evolution tend to deal from the bottom of the deck when it comes to definitions. You'll hear about beneficial  mutations, but what does beneficial really mean? If I spray paint something on a wall, the paint may protect the covered areas from rain, which is beneficial. But the chemicals may cause the affected bricks to deteriorate, obviously not a benefit. Nor is it a benefit to me when Marshall Long takes me to jail. Before people get irritated because I'm using an analogy about non-living things, just study on it for a spell; I'm talking about word usage and perspective. When some living things have mutations, some are neutral but the overwhelming majority are bad. Calling them "good" mutations is subjective. A critter can have a mutation that looks good in a lab setting, but will kill it off in the wild. Likewise, some changes can be good in one instance, but extremely bad elsewhere. (They've tried to make somet

Speculative Fiction Presented as Science in Triassic Dinosaur Fossils

Although some people try to deny it, we all have our starting points through which we interpret data. This applies to scientists of all types, even though some people believe that scientists are dispassionate and operate only from data. Not hardly! Petrified Forest National Park / US National Park Service / PD Evolutionary scientists were fixing to reconstruct a scenario explaining the lack of dinosaur fossils in the Late Triassic, using observations in the Chinle Formation. It was a swell notion. However, the worldview they operated from required many assumptions of evolution and uniformitarianism, and ignored some important facts. When the same information is used from a Genesis Flood standpoint, things make a lot more sense. Paleontologists have long wondered why dinosaurs are scarce in the Late Triassic rock layers of the presumed tropics of that supposed time. Fossilized dinosaurs appear abundantly in those rock layers in today’s higher latitudes. In fact, though long-n

Cellular Power Grid

The very small world is, after all, seeming to grow bigger all the time. Scientists are learning more about DNA, the "simple" cell, and other things, and with this comes the knowledge that there is still a great deal more to learn. The intricate integrated complexities of those things that make us physically who we are and keep us going are astounding. Power Grid / National Energy Technology Laboratory - USDoE Something new to investigate "how it works" is the power grid system inside us where chemical energy is converted into electrical energy, and that is converted yet again. All of this in a network of cells that makes the idea of evolution downright ridiculous, and testifies to the wisdom of the Creator. Apparently, it's time to alter biology and anatomy textbooks again. There's much more to mitochondria than we ever thought. Researchers revealed that these tiny cellular power houses are highly organized to efficiently deliver ATP energy. They

E-Book Review — Mysteries of Time and Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Cheri Fields is a "2nd generation homeschooling mom of six, minister’s wife, writer, and science lover". She has not only harnessed the power of the Web, but saddled it up and blazed some trails. Her desire is to present biblical creation science to children, so in March 2012, she began her ministry of " Creation Science 4 Kids ". (There's a link in the lower left on this site as well.) I'll let you click around there for a spell and see what all she offers with articles, podcasts, and so forth. But my focus right now is on her mini e-book. Mysteries of Time and Creation: A Short Intro to Young Earth Creation is a free e-book 'xceptin' at Amazon, who charges $.099 USD. (By the way, I stopped posting reviews on Amazon because that company does nothing about trolls who make the review system almost worthless when it comes to creationist and Christian material, so I do reviews on my sites.) Anyway, you can get the free do

Evolutionists Protecting Phoney Jobs

In the politically incorrect and guaranteed offensive movie Blazing Saddles, Governor Le Petomane (Mel Brooks) has a realization, and shouts, "We've got to protect our phony-baloney jobs, gentlemen!" This is what evolutionary scientists have been doing for decades. Evolution actually hinders science. So what do those owlhoots do? Make statements about how evolutionary interpretations are the only way to examine scientific data, make circular arguments, ignore inconvenient information, denigrate people who think for themselves and reject evolution, and then try to bring back failed hypotheses. Darwin's "Tree of Life" has long been uprooted and eaten by mustangs, but they are trying to rework it through a faith-based initiative couched in confident assertions, cherry picking, and scientific jargon. But it's as helpful as prairie dust to clothes drying on the line. When all the evidence is examined, the obvious fact is that life was created, and evol