
DNA Repair Mechanics

DNA is vitally important, but is subjected to abuse through use; various stresses cause considerable hurt. Passing along such seriously damaged DNA to the next generation would lead to a quick extinction of humanity, and wouldn't be much good for other living things, either. Combined clip-art images from Clker The 2015 Nobel Prize for evolution — "No, Cowboy Bob. There is no Nobel Prize for evolution." Oh, right. That's mighty silly of me. Anyway, the 2015 Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded for research into how cells repair their own DNA. It's not just a matter of enzymes, but also communication of information, and repairs are conducted. This process is clearly from the grace of our Creator, and evolution is impossible. Tomas Lindahl from Sweden, Paul Modrich from the United States, and American-Turkish researcher Aziz Sancar were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for uncovering how cells repair their own DNA.1 DNA repair mechanisms keep u

Where Did the Mind Come From?

If you study on it for a spell, you'll realize that the brain and the mind are extremely complicated. DNA is busy doing work, perception is happening, signals are being relayed so we can make sense of what our senses tell us, we have abstract thought, composition, and much more. You've really got to hand it to the brain! Image credit: Pixabay / geralt There has been a tremendous amount of research being conducted regarding the brain, thought processes, various aspects of neuroscience, and the like. Some give the typical hand-waving adoration of Darwin (it seems like some scientists consider this obligatory), there is some dreadful science with fact-free conjectures — and some that not only shows how evolutionary thinking has nothing to do  with biological science, and even hints at the Creator. Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature. Did sight emerge from blindness without wantin

Agonizing Alaskan Dinosaur Deposits

While it is expected for scientists to work from their worldviews and assumptions, secularists have a habit of clinging to evolution and uniformitarian biases to the point of absurdity. Part of that problem is that these scientists do not consider possibilities beyond their own presuppositions. Speculations are put forward in an effort to explain various findings, but those speculations often defy analysis. Juvenile hadrosaur / Pavel Bochkov / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0 In the instance of juvenile Hadrosaur-like bones discovered in Alaska, the ruling paradigm dictates that, although these dinosaurs were rapidly buried, it was due to local flooding. This concept does not fit the observed facts. The better explanation is anathema to them: the rapid burial was due to the global Genesis Flood. In late September of this year a report was published on a new species of Hadrosaurid dinosaur (commonly and hereafter called duck-billed dinosaurs) dubbed Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis (“a

Evolutionary Blame Shifting

One of the most common moves for someone who feels that they've been dealt a losing hand is to play the victim card. It's usually a move to get sympathy from the uninformed, emotionally-driven crowd or from peers who shave the same perspectives as the card player. Instead of playing the hand they're dealt or cashing in their chips and finding another game, they try to stack the deck and manipulate others. Modified from Clker clip art There are certain political parties that are famous for this, as well as atheists and evolutionists who realize that they've been bested by Christians and creationists. When this "oh poor me, I'm a victim" move is used, it can be cranked up to blaming other people for circumstances of the player's own making. It's sort of like an old joke I heard: A mother hears crying from the living room and rushes in. "What's the matter, little Tyler?", and Tyler sobs, "Tony hit me back! " Creationis

Making God More Attractive through Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Theistic Evolutionists and other long-age compromisers have claimed that biblical creationists are distorting the gospel message and being harmful to the overall health and unity of the church as a whole. Why? Because we believe that the Bible means what it says, even back in Genesis 1, and don't cotton to adding to God's Word (Prov. 30:6). People have come to faith in Christ through biblical creation ministries, and I reckon one reason is that we don't compromise on the authority of the Bible. They, however, are trying to make God more attractive by elevating atheistic interpretations of evidence to the magisterial position, and telling God what he said and meant. By adding to God's Word and taking a low view of Scripture, they are essentially lying about God. These owlhoots invariably demonize biblical creationists, as I discussed in one example, here . We're used to being called "science deniers", creatards, cultists, an

Creation, Evolution, and Entropy

A classic argument used by creationists against microbes-to-mechanic evolution is the first law of thermodynamics, which in the simplified form states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Riding close on its heels is the second law, where energy becomes less useful. This is entropy.  The second law has been modified in recent years, formerly understood as everything goes from order to disorder. Image credit: Pixabay / skeeze Years ago, I used the entropy argument inefficiently. Yes, our own observations and common sense tell us that things go from order to disorder. But too many Christians do not have a good working knowledge of the laws of thermodynamics and are unable to respond to critics. Of course, when tinhorns who do not understand the material resort to "Dawkins refuted this", throwing links at you, or complaining about what is not  mentioned, it's time to saddle up and ride on. That's part of the problem — many evolutionists do not have a good

Cladograms and Mosaic Critters

Cladograms are fun examples of begging the question, since cladistics is a way of classifying organisms according to their features and their evolutionary ancestors. It's fun and easy to do, just arrange things according to your personal preference and molecules-to-metallurgist evolutionary bias, and lookie here, we got us science! Pardon the sarcasm, but cladistics is laden with biases and subjective reasoning. Image modified from Cockerellites liops / National Park Service / PD (Usage of original does not imply endorsement of site contents) A kissin' cousin of cladistics is the concept of mosaic creatures is when there are features that seem to belong to different kinds (birds with teeth, fish with lungs), so they are assumed to be transitional forms and called "mosaic". This phoney evidence is evolutionary wishful thinking. Fact is, those creatures were created to be what they are, with no stages of evolution in evidence. When describing so-called ‘t