
Excessive Occult Cosmology

Secular cosmologists continually conjure Big Bang cosmology, loading it with excessive occult baggage in their efforts to deny the Creator. Mythology masquerading as science regarding the origin of the universe is continually changing and relying more on powers of "darkness". Image from Clker clip art The wizards of the Big Bang invoke dark matter and dark energy, which are placeholders for what is not known, but believed by faith. Evidence keeps mounting against the Big Bang, but they're locked into their fatally flawed worldview. This "science of the gaps" keeps on getting money and, and they have been making excuses for many years. Sorry, old son, that ain't science. To read all about it, click on " Occult Cosmology Mutters Dark Matters ".

More Dinosaur Blood Vessels Refute Long-Age Paradigms

Soft tissues in dinosaurs has cause considerable agitation at the Darwin Ranch, and reactions have been disbelief, ad hoc excuses, weak extrapolations of tissue preservation possibilities, and the expected ad hominem attacks. But the evidence against long-age paradigms just keeps on rolling in. New soft tissues and blood cells from dinosaurs and other critters that have been dead for millions of Evo Sith years are being recalcitrant, instead supporting young Earth biblical creation models. The truth is there, and is being presented, that God created the world recently, and the Genesis Flood is the best explanation for what has been found. Scientists keep finding short-lived biochemicals and even soft tissues in fossils! Over the years, they have found unmistakable evidence of specific proteins like collagen and hemoglobin, and even what look like red blood cells and bone cells, in dinosaurs and other fossils. Most soft-tissue structures occur as mineralized remains that prese

Waterless Clouds, Wandering Stars

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article for Question Evolution Day is addressed to professing Christians. Part of the purpose of this site and The Question Evolution Project is to equip believers to give a strong apologetic for our faith (1 Peter 3:15-16), and to avoid being deceived by false teachers. Christians have to contend with people who are hostile to biblical truth because it goes against their natural condition, and are offended by the gospel message (1 Corinthians 2:14, John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19). Add to this that biblical creationists not only show that minerals-to-microbiologist evolution is unscientific, but also show how science supports Scripture, then anti-creationists really get on the prod. Sadly, the problem is compounded by professing but compromising Christians who have a low view of the Bible, and those who are actually apostate (1 John 2:19). We are given many serious warnings about these people who claim to be with us but are actually again

Bananas About Nothing

Genesis 1:1 is not only the first verse of the Bible, but also foundational, because the other miracles make sense. The hands at the Darwin Ranch are going to a great deal of effort to work around this powerful but simple truth, using arguments akin to throwing trail dust (and, uh, other stuff on the trail) into the air. Image courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit , NASA Johnson Space Center, who is not endorsing this article . Since everything that has a beginning has a cause, some atheist owlhoots are saying that the universe came from nothing . And they're not only serious, they're calling their worthy-of- peyote -induced-hallucinations "science". Never mind the First Law of Thermodynamics, Einstein's general relativity, and even common sense. David Hume taught that same "something from nothing" belief, but Elizabeth Anscombe pointed out that if a banana dropped onto your plate, you'd be thinking of every other possible ex

Rapid Erosion and a Young Earth

One of the simplest evidences for a young Earth that frustrates secular geologists is the rates of erosion. That is, if our planet was as old as claimed, even using uniformitarian rates of erosion, we wouldn't be seeing the mountains that are clearly there today. Cliffs of Dover, 1890 / Image credit: Library of Congress We see rapid erosion happening today, and it's not fitting into long age schemes. Sections of cliffs fall into the sea in England (don't stand too close to the cliffs of Dover, big drop-offs happen a little too often for comfort), and Yosemite Valley has big chunks falling about once a year. Recently in Dorset, England, bad weather washed a massive section of a cliff into the sea revealing scores of ammonite fossils. Creation scientists are interested in this cliff fall because substantial erosion was accomplished in literally seconds. It didn't take hundreds of thousands to millions of years of slow and gradual erosion. The cliff fall at Dors

Acorn Worm Genetic Similarities?

Darwinoids are lacking in the ability to use logic in science, plain and simple. At least, that's a reasonable conclusion, what with the heap of bad reasoning that we see. Relevant data are excluded, other explanations are discarded, presuppositions are locked in, and more. Acorn worm / Image credit: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, INDEX-SATAL 2010 Since we don't know what happened in the distant past, evolutionary scientists infer relationships between organisms. Again, this is presuming evolution. Reasoning goes something like this: there are similar genes between humans and acorn worms who are descendants of our ancestral worms, therefore, evolution. (Looks like it should be in the bottom of a bottle of tequila as a marketing gimmick .) Sure, I'm a worm. So are you. But neither of us has to be, since our Creator has made it possible for us to become his own children! (John 1:12, Romans 8:15) Aside from that, a skillful designer will not start from scratch; parts un

Revising Evolutionary Stories on Desert Pupfish

Near Death Valley National Park , there's a "detached unit" called Devils Hole. (Don't confuse that Devil's Hole State Park up north of me in New York. If you go there, stop by and give me a howdy.) Don't expect to do a lot of wandering around, you're barking up the wrong tree because it's restricted to scientific access for the most part. Especially if you want to take a gander at the Devils Hole Pupfish. (It's clever Latin name incorporates its location, Cynprinodon diabolis — diabolis, diabolic, devil — get it?) The pupfish is the rarest fish in the world. Image credit: Olin Feuerbacher / USFWS These puppies live in a very harsh environment that would kill off other fish. Evolutionists have to revise their deep time stories in light of the evidence. Old stories did not hold water, and good science shows that there is no evolution. In fact, evidence supports not only the design of the Creator, but rapid adaptations per biblical creation

Clarifying the Concept of Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This short article is informational, and a bit of a rant. As regular readers are aware, February 12 is Question Evolution Day . Other readers have just been made aware. Isn't it great how the sharing of information works? Anyway, I have posted links, made videos, written articles, and other things to promote the event. Many people have expressed interest and enthusiasm. Feel free to download this image to use as a profile icon or use it to show your support in other ways. Part of awareness-raising is to make an "event", such as this one on Facebook . I've received responses from people who are biblical creationists and agree with what QED is all about that are along the lines of, "Thanks for the invite, but I'm busy that day". I get mighty puzzled about that. Did they read the material or watch any of the short videos in the link? Let me commence to laying things out. I'm not asking anyone to come to Kingston, New

Orphan Genes Support Creation

Evolutionists believe that their belief system has predictability, but that is usually inferred through fallacious reasoning: "If life evolved from a common ancestor, we would see genetic features shared. We see genetic features shared, therefore, life evolved from a common ancestor". If you study on it for a spell, you'd see that those jaspers are using fallacious " false cause " reasoning, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc , or maybe the Texas sharpshooter fallacy . For that matter, I've dealt with false cause myself, where some tinhorn claims that I changed something in one of these posts because he posted about it in a forum or made a comment. Except that I've seen their claims regarding my motives and actions after I made the changes. See what I mean about learning to spot logical fallacies being helpful in daily life as well as origins science? Hebrew Orphan Asylum / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 In the aforementioned gene similarities,

Charles Lyell — Lying to Remove God

There were several views of geology floating around in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including multiple catastrophes, the Genesis Flood, and gradual processes. James Hutton made headway in what is now called uniformitarianism with views that reject the biblical account of creation and the Flood, and has been called the father of modern geology. Charles Lyell took the reigns and galloped forward with his Deistic views which sought to remove God from geological science, and his polemic influenced Charles Darwin. Image credit: Pixabay / tpsdave Lyell was educated as a lawyer, and Darwin's education was in theology. These "great scientists" promoted anti-God polemics that influenced far too many people. Although it's tempting to make lawyer jokes, it is a fact that lawyers are trained to get their point across. (Did you ever notice that in American courts, lawyers are not sworn to tell the truth?) In the spirit of evolutionism and uniformitarianism, Cha