
Evolution and Elephant Tusks

Because of hunting and such (a variation on natural selection), tusks are fading. Amazingly, Darwinists are claiming that this is  evidence of evolution.  Not hardly! Groucho Marx said something ir-r elephant to this topic: Actually, there is. Elephants are losing their tusks to some extent. Image credit: cropped from Freeimages / fabrizio colombo Evolution is the acquiring new traits through added genetic information. Evidence does not support evolution, but what is observed supports what is to be expected from the biblical account. Elephants’ tusks are getting shorter—with an increasing proportion of the elephant population even being completely tuskless—and it’s widely being heralded as ‘evolution’ and ‘Darwinism in action’. Outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins refers to the phenomenon in his book, The Greatest Show on Earth—the evidence for evolution, in the chapter titled “Before our very eyes”. The speed of the change has surprised many. Dawkins points out in that cha

Carving Out Yosemite Valley

If you ever find yourself out Carson City, Nevada way, you might want to consider heading a bit further west into California to see Yosemite Valley National Park . (Or if you're in California and want to get away from the big city stuff.) Saddle up a mule or a horse for a ride (or do some hiking), maybe take in some fishing, stargazing, camping, bird watching, and so forth. Better yet, you could take a Creation Vacation there . Study up on it a bit, and the article linked below can give you a good start. "Half Dome" image credit: Pixabay / Unsplash Sure is some nice scenery. We get a lot of that all over the world, what with mountans, valleys, and such. Too bad it's wrecked. That's right, what we're seeing is the result of the judgement of God on mankind from the Genesis Flood; we can't fathom how wonderful the pre-Flood world was, and it's mighty gorgeous even now. Those rocks didn't form from uniformitarian processes ("the present is

Creationists Using Carbon-14 on Fossils

Ancient-Earth advocates don't cotton to using carbon-14 to date fossils, coal, diamonds and such because it has an upper limit of about 60,000 years according to their reckoning. Why test things that they "know" are billions of years old, since there won't be any found anyway? Arguing from their naturalistic presuppositions has hindered scientific research (such as claiming that the appendix is a "vestigial structure" leftover from our alleged evolutionary past, doing damage to people, then finding out that it's useful). What's interesting is that scientists have found carbon-14 in old materials. Some owlhoots rush to say, "Contamination!", which not only impugns the skills of the technicians, but is also very unrealistic. Scientists at the Institute for Creation Research have been doing carbon-14 studies, and are continuing their work. The results are promising, supporting the Genesis Flood model and causing consternation for unifo

Making Connections in the Brain

Once again, the more we learn about living things, the more there is to learn. Problem is, we don't rightly know what we need to learn. Especially the human brain. Noggin neurons are communicating, and some change as the need arises. Axons find ways to make connections and follow "beacons" to do so. Another interesting aspect is that messenger RNA gets involved in axon navigation. This specified complexity is further evidence of the wisdom of our Creator, and works against evolutionary paradigms. Evolutionists should use their intelligently designed minds, you savvy? Scientists are beginning to be able to watch nerve cells reaching out and forming connections. “'A day in the life of a synapse' reveals new facets of the adult brain,” a headline on Medical Xpress teases. Yes, even cells have a list of things to do today. Synapses are the gaps between nerves where the signal turns from electrical to chemical and back again. Why would nerves make that break

Hello There, Honey!

Gotta admit that an article on honey didn't get my excitement meter buzzing, but when I read it, I realized that it was actually quite interesting. "Oh, look! A bee!" Yeah, I see it, too. One thing I learned is that there are about 20,000 species classified as bees, but only seven of them make honey. These bees eat nectar and pollen (performing a service by visiting a whole heap of flowers every day and helping pollinate), and they make the honey for surplus food during the off-season. Image credit: Freeimages / MMNoergaar The whole hive process should be the envy of manufacturing companies. They have many workers collecting the supplies (using efficient built-in navigation systems ), returning back to the hive, making the honey, doing construction and other hive-related activities — the expression "busy as a bee" was probably concocted before it was realized just how busy they really are. This testifies of the Creator's design and stings bacteria-

Evolution and Making New Genes

Darwin's concept of natural selection bringing on new and improved life forms from a single common ancestor has been largely abandoned in favor of evolution through mutations. The hands working at the Darwin Ranch are in no danger of losing their jobs, though, they can come up with some mighty interesting tales on how genes form in the first place. Even though Darwin's Drones think it's all settled science and take what scientists say as ironclad truth, when given some examination, the mechanisms for mutation are implausible. Experiments show that at least seven mutations are needed to make a protein-coding gene change into a different protein-coding gene. And we have a passel of genes in us. Then you have the problem of defining "beneficial" mutations, which is often subjective. Evidence does not support evolutionary conjectures, but evidence does support the biblical creation model. The evolutionary apologist Jerry Coyne describes Darwinian evolution as,

Encouraging Cancer Research Through Deliberate Mutations

Darwinists are fond of mutations, because they think that they are the main mechanism by which slime-to-sandblaster evolution occurred. They have a problem finding undisputed  beneficial  mutations, which are highly unlikely in their worldview of random, purposeless events. But there are beneficial, targeted  mutations by design. "Digital Illustration Of Dna Structure" image credit: / hywards We have a passel of cancer cells every day, but our immune system fights them off. Our system even sends special mutations of its own making to trouble zones, as it was created to do. When the system fails and cancer cells grow out of control, that's when the problems set in. New research involves taking out cells, doing intelligently designed mutations, inserting them back — and having a huge success rate of leukemia patients going into remission. And no, evolutionary "science" had nothing to do with this. CBS News has reported on a new cancer