
Proteins Detected on Stone Tools in Jordan

Yet still another conundrum for atoms-to-anthropologist evolution happened with stone tools found in Jordan. These are considered "stone age" ( a term that actually is the product of imagination to support evolutionary beliefs), dated at 250,000 Darwin years ago. There are two problems for the Darwinistas. One problem is that certain tools were selected for testing, and proteins were found and identified. They were killing and carving up meat. Image modified from Clker clipart  "Big deal. So they forgot to throw their utensils in the dishwasher." Aye, there's the rub, pilgrim. Cleanliness and all mod cons (modern conveniences) aside, those proteins should not have lasted for such a huge amount of time. This is yet another item to add to the list of faulty deep-time dating methods. In addition, humans were created as intelligent beings. Evolutionists wrongly presuppose evolution, which would mean that archaic humans had not evolved intelligence yet.

Faulty Evolutionary Reasoning on the Genetic Code

When the hands at the Darwin Ranch head into town from Deception Pass, don't play cards with them; they have a reputation for dealing from the bottom of the deck. Although common-ancestor evolution is supposed to be upward and increasing in complexity, these owlhoots have the notion that a loss of function or information is evidence for evolution ! They use a similar bad argument about the genetic code. Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Image source here . Use on this site does not imply endorsement. Your computer uses a binary code to do all its amazing (and sometimes annoying) functions. The genetic code is quarternary, which is far more complex. From that, a passel of things develop with various RNA molecules, proteins, enzymes, and the like. Evolutionists claim that the specified complexity of the DNA language is not complex enough, so there's no need for the Creator. These

Creationism and Child Abuse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Feral atheists and evolutionists are upset when Christians and creationists teach children about the Bible and creation, so they call it "indoctrination" — and "child abuse". Those really take the rag off the bush , since they're emotion-provoking falsehoods. Meanwhile, children get materialistic indoctrination in government-run schools. Most likely, they know what Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." School Teacher , Jan Steen, 1668 Laurence Krauss, Clinton Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, and others have expressed their imperious outrage that Christians would have the unmitigated gall to teach our children in accordance with our beliefs. Yes, it's wrong to deliberately lie to children when teaching, so we can agree with Krauss on that point. The rest of the claims of these tinhorns is simply prejudicial conjecture and bigotry. Fu

Little Things that Matter — Subatomic Particles

Back in the olden days, we were told in school that molecules make everything, and molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons, with protons having a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons are negative. Right, got it. Is class dismissed yet? Not hardly! Image credit: Pixabay / geralt People toyed with the idea that if we could get extreme magnification, we'd see that there's another universe way, way down yonder with stars, galaxies, planets and intelligent beings. That's been pretty much dismissed, except for the final moment in the first Men in Black movie. If you want an interesting story from 1932 about a race from down there that comes up here to try and take over the world, click on "The Seed of the Toc-Toc Birds", by George Henry Weiss . As research and knowledge progress, scientists should be humbled that there is still more to learn. There are several subatomic particles in quantum physics. (No,

Facial Expressions and Evolution

Darwin thought that our expressions showing emotion came from animal ancestors, but that is clearly ridiculous, since human facial expressions are extremely diverse and unique, far more so than any animals. Some animals show surprise, fear, and a few other basic emotions, but people often "see" an expression of emotion that is not necessarily there and give it a meaning. When Basement Cat gives me a look that my wife and I cannot fathom, I jokingly refer to it as her "I know what you did" look. Also, I've never seen an animal 's  expression when it smelled something either pleasant or awful. (I thought of this when I was in a corridor at the workplace and walked into an invisible fog of bad perfume, and made a face about it.) The Card Players , Paul Cezanne, 1892 Poker players learn to use a "poker face" where they try to be devoid of expressions so that other players can't tell whether or not someone has a good hand. Skilled players wat

Human Life and the Cold Road of the Evolutionary Worldview

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As secularism takes hold in the rest of the world, it eventually reaches Canada, and then the United States. Indeed, Belgium recently allowed a child with a terminal illness (whose name and age are unknown) to be granted a request to be euthanized . Now, many countries have a legal voting age of 18 or 21, presumably based on the belief that minors are not mature enough to vote. Currently, the voting age in Belgium is 18 , but a child has the maturity and wisdom to decide to end his or her own life? Not hardly! To further illustrate how Belgium is morally conflicted regarding children, that country may be lowering the age of sexual consent to a mere 13 ! What do you think is the root cause of these things? Increased secularization. A recent report in Canada's National Post  tells of how the academic journal Bioethics  discussed a debate about disallowing conscientious objectors to abortion and euthanasia to be barred from refusing these procedures to p

Stromatolites Confound Evolution Again

The hands at the Darwin Ranch get a mite agitated when the discussion turns to stromatolites. They get big and bold, claiming that stromatolites support evolution, but in reality, stromatolites support the Genesis Flood models of biblical creationists and refute evolution . Wikimedia Commons / Didier Descouins This time, the consternation involves chemical evolution (abiogenesis, the alleged origin of life). Stromatolites have been dated a few zillion Darwin years old, back to a fictitious time when life was unable to evolve in the first place. Nice of them to continue to debunk their own conjectures for us, isn't it? May as well admit it, old son: life did not evolve, that's why there's no evidence to support your faith. Life was created on this here planet, made special for us. Perhaps the greatest problem for evolution is where and how the first biomolecules and cells originated by means of random processes. And if that problem wasn't substantial enough—es