
Plant Disperal After the Genesis Flood

There are many questions raised about the Genesis Flood, and one of those is about plant survival. Well, they floated. Okay, too short. Many plants are surprisingly versatile and can deal with harsh conditions. The island of Surtsey was formed by a volcanic eruption in 1963, and within a short time, flowering plants were growing there , a fact that baffled Darwinists. Horse chestnut image credit: Freeimages / alesia17 Seeds come in many sizes, and can be tough. Little seeds can give big plants. (Interestingly, we often eat seeds, even from plants that we do not consume in their mature forms, such as various nuts.) Seeds can appear dead, but are actually just dormant, and may become active in the right conditions because the Creator programmed them in several ways. They can be dispersed in different ways, but seeds are not the only ways that plants reproduce and spread. These things may have been less baffling to evolut ionists if they' d paid attention to the science started

Deep Time Fossils Cause Evolutionary Problems

You'd think that it would be just a matter of time that ancient fossils supporting abiogenesis would be found, what with all that searching for proof of evolution instead of doing useful science and all. Unfortunately for them, this fossil discovery causes some serious problems. Credit: Image cropped from Pixabay / Couleur One problem is that the fossilized microbes are pretty much the same as their living counterparts. Strange, I thought evolution was a kind of irresistible force and that everything has to evolve — especially over billions of Darwin years and environmental pressures. Sure, they can do plenty of hand waving and ignore the "stasis" problem, but there are more troubles: they have no idea how Earth got its oceans, and undocumented abiogensis is supposed to have happened almost instantly. Not scientific, old son. The evidence refutes evolution and supports recent special creation, but they continue to deny the truth. Recently, evolutionists discovere

Rearranging the Failed Dinosaur Family Tree

Things must have been slow around Deception Pass, since the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been keeping occupied by proving — nothing. While theories and models are expected to change in light of new evidence, it's just plain insipience to keep feeding mules that won't pull the wagon. Not only do they feed the evolution mule, but they also feed the cladistics mule. In this case, rearranging the dinosaur family tree. Assembled from images at Clker clipart In the evolutionary scheme, scientists have no idea where dinosaurs came from. But they have clades showing the alleged relationships between them and where they perch on the tree of life. (Evolutionists do this cladogram circular reasoning stuff, proving evolution by assuming evolution, in much broader ways as well.) Using new models, some evolutionists are mighty agitated, "Everything we know about dinosaurs is wrong! Textbooks have to be rewritten! Katie, bar the door!" Take this branch here, put it ov

Arming the Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Biblical creation science is a branch of apologetics that presents not only evidence refuting evolution, defeating atheism, and upholding special creation (often referred to as young earth creationism), but includes defense of the Bible itself. There are many apologetics ministries that debunk atheism and give excellent reasons for believing the Bible. However, many of those are soft on recent creation, or worse, reject it altogether. Quite a few of those call themselves old earth creationists, and some OECs are theistic evolutionists. Not all OECs are TEs, but it appears that all TEs are also OECs. You savvy? Credit: Morguefile / pedrojperez These owlhoots are sending a conflicting message: we believe the Bible, but not the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which must be interpreted according to current atheistic views of science. Echoes of Satan's challenge in Genesis 3:1 NIV. Yet these people admit that they take Exodus as historical, how do they

Evolutionists Still Mystified by Appendix

Many people have heard that they have appendicitis, so they need to have their appendix surgically removed. Fortunately, it's a common procedure and complications are rare . The thought of emergency surgery of any kind is rather alarming, though, I know the feeling. Darwinists had long designated the appendix as vestigial, a useless remnant from our alleged evolutionary past. This has been a major folly , especially since this very useful organ has been removed for no valid reason. Credit: Pixabay / sasint Evolutionists had written off the appendix as useless, so understanding of its usefulness to medical science was hindered by evolutionary thinking. Even so, they have wondered where it came from, and why so many different creatures have one, and why they are not all the same. Predictions from evolutionists have failed many times in this are and others, and the evidence actually shows that living things were designed by the Creator, and are not the product of evolution.

Plants Resistant to Evolutionary Concepts

Charles Darwin had a wagon train-load of ideas that he presented but did not have supporting evidence. As time goes on and science develops, evolution has many scientists offering conjectures, but are not offering credible reasons to accept such concepts. They believe by faith in science of the gaps, that maybe someday evidence will be found. That's not science, pilgrim. Welwitchia credit: Wikimedia Commons / Muriel Gottrop ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) One of Papa Darwin's biggest annoyances was the origin of flowering plants. Some evolutionists think they've partially solved the mystery by using circular reasoning and assumptions involving "a rather original gymnosperm called Welwitschia mirabilis". The plant lives in desert conditions and can survive for a thousand years. So, why evolve? Well, maybe to stop being so ugly, but that's ju st my opinion. Still, no sign of evolution. That's because plants were created and not the product of Darwinian hallucinatio

Humans Show Design

Clinton Richard Dawkins claimed in The Blind Watchmaker that “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose”. You don't need your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ to see that this is nonsensical. (My ring even has a one-note whistle on it. It annoys Basement Cat.) Anyway, notice that he inserted his own opinion in the way he defined biology, and believes that even though things appear designed, that is not the case. Livescience does not seem to share that opinion, but they do pay homage to Darwin, what with being a secular site and all. In the movie Duck Soup, Chicolini asked Mrs. Teasdale , "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" That makes me want to ask who you're going to believe, the pronouncements of evolutionists, or your own sensibilities? Credit: Pixabay / HeatherPaque We see a great deal of science supporting creation and refuting slime-to-slumlord evolution, and how both crea