
The Hard Side of Flour

That white, fluffy stuff found in most kitchens known as flour can be fun, especially when it is used to make something edible. I like that part. You can also play detective and sprinkle it on the ground to see who is intruding. Doesn't work too well in a brightly-lit room, though. You can also make glue with it . "But Cowboy Bob, I have a gluten allergy!" Was it properly diagnosed, or did you form an opinion? People cannot pretend to be doctors, so do not self-diagnose , old son, and do not eat the glue. Anyway, this post is about something more solid: petrified flour. Credit: Pixabay /  Julia Schwab Creationists share stories and articles about various items that turned to stone or something. Unfortunately, they don't check their sources. Some items may be valid, but when in doubt, go without. I suspicion that the reason some folks bring these up is to make the valid point that petrification, like fossilization, requires proper conditions, not long ages. T

Geologic Boundary and Evolution Dispute

The hands at the Darwin Ranch tell stories in the bunkhouse, especially about what they call mass extinctions. Their favorite is the story about how a huge rock fell out of the sky, making the Chicxulub crater and making the dinosaurs and a passel of other critters go extinct some 65 million Darwin years ago. Except for the dinosaurs that managed to evolve into birds, and for some other lucky beasts (yes, evolutionists believe in luck) that went on about their business. I reckon mass extinctions are choosy about who gets to be made extinct, huh? Asteroid And Earth image credit: / Idea go According to secular geologists and their compromising Churchian allies, there is a boundary between these alleged geological periods, the Cretaceous and the Paleogene. Tempers flare and quarreling occurs in the bunkhouse after guzzling pulque, since not all evolutionists believe that birds evolved into dinosaurs. More importantly, there is disagreement between genetic resu

Oldest Fossil Microbes?

Remember the big deal in 1996 when it was announced that life was discovered on Mars? Sure you do. It was microbes. Remember how scientists later decided that it was not life after all? Sure you do. No, wait. Bad news for Darwin seldom gets a mention from the secular lapdog media. Well, it seems like people would learn from their mistakes. That'll be the day! They're saddling up and riding for the Darwin brand again. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann A scientist announced finding fossilized microbes that were dated at 3.465 million years. Kind of precise, don't you think? I'm suspicious. This same scientist resorted to "stasis" as an explanation for allegedly ancient microbes that showed no signs of evolving. via GIPHY Here, he has to demonstrate that the only  explanation for what was found was that it is life, and not something else in nature mimicking live. You savvy? Only the life explanation is allowed. Even if he was right, that he had actual fos

Dinosaur Proteins and More Rescuing Devices

The hands at the Darwin Ranch (over yonder by Deception Pass) are busy cranking the Rescuing Devices Generator™, as we saw in " Biochemicals and Evolutionary Rescuing Devices ". This time, we are going to be a bit more specific and focus on excuses made by evolutionist owlhoots regarding dinosaur proteins and soft tissues. Credit: Pixabay / TechPhotoGal Evolutionists and deep time advocates fight tooth and nail to find ways out of the inconvenient truths that dinosaur soft tissues represent. Namely, that the earth is not zillions of years old, that dinosaurs could not have been extinct for 65 million years or so because proteins and tissues cannot  exist that long, and the best explanation for what is found is the global Genesis Flood. No wonder they get on the prod!  Professing Christian Dr. Fazale Rana has a deep time ax to grind because his arch compromiser employer Hugh Ross runs the weird "progressive creation" organisation called Reasons to Believe .

The Panda's Thumb and More Materialistic Theological Arguments

Recently, I linked to a post about how materialists use theological arguments, as seen here . Essentially, they claim that since they think God would not create something in a certain way, he did not do the creating, therefore, evolution. A few days later, I came across the article featured below and learned an expensive word for that approach: dysteleological. I wrote about teleology a spell back, (short form: teleology is design in nature for specific purposes) about how some owlhoots are denying their own purposeless evolutionary beliefs and giving their false god the ability to do design work . So, you can see the first part, dys, as in dystopia, dysfunctional, dyslexic, and so on, then put it all together. Credit and link to full-sized picture: RGBStock / Adrian van Leen Proponents of atoms-to-animals evolution have used the dysteleological argument about the panda's "thumb". Yes, it has an appendage on the wrist that has a superficial resemblance to a thumb.

Epigenetics and Engineered Adaptation

Sometimes, it gets rather difficult posting about genetics — especially epigenetics. Once again, the more we learn, the more we realize that there is still much more to learn. Like genetics, the study of epigenetics has been friendly to biblical creationists and hostile to Darwinists. Chaffinch image credit: Freeimages / Jack Kemp Evolutionists refer to variations as "evolution" as they are wont to do, which is an effort at equivocation. That is, it's a bait 'n' switch to make people accept goo-to-gibbon evolution by inaccurately calling small changes "evolution", but they are nothing of the kind.  We are told that evolution takes a very long time to occur, so scientists are surprised at "rapid evolution" , which is another example of equivocation. In fact, no evolution happened. (Of course, there is the mostly ignored punctuated equilibrium  concept of Eldridge and Gould , related to the hopeful monsters  idea of Goldschmidt, where no

Secularists Forced to Admit Saturn's Rings are Young

Deep time proponents have a terrible time dealing with facts that do not fit their fundamentally flawed worldview, especially when it comes to celestial objects . One problem is the presence of oxygen in a comet's atmosphere , but never mind about that now. (Some may think that the interstellar asteroid  Ê»Oumuamua is devastating to biblical creation science, but it is actually rather unimpressive .) Secularists circle the wagons of excuses to protect their views, but they only end up looking foolish when denying the evidence in front of them. Credit:  NASA /JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Many objects in our own solar system don't "act their age" according to secular views, and even contradict prevailing views of the solar system's cosmic evolution. The battle raged for years over Saturn's rings. Evidence would indicate that they cannot be ancient, so atheistic magic would be used to conjure up