
Dinosaur Soft Tissues and the Age of the Earth

One of the biggest issues that gets proponents of universal common ancestor evolution and other old earth advocates on the prod is dinosaur soft tissues. Although soft tissues and such have been found previously, the work of Mary Schweitzer and microscopist Mark Armitage analyzing dinosaur blood and soft tissues really brought the subjects into prominence. Some evolutionists try to deny it, even saying that biblical creationists were misrepresenting the discoveries or outright lying. But the subject simply will not go away. Some of us won't let it. So, secularists and their religious useful idiots keep the excuse mill at the Darwin Ranch running at full steam. Compromiser Dr. Hugh Ross has a kind of cult following and some strange beliefs . He has an associate, Dr. Fazele Rana, who has written a book that is a thinly-veiled attack on biblical creation science. It may seem convincing, but Rana did poor research (none of it with the tissues in question under a microscope). He

Mystical Natural Selection Tour

Although evolution through natural selection alone has been largely rejected, drummers for Darwin continue to claim it is essential. A spell back, we looked at how evolutionists were trying to predict a natural process and instead supported the Stuff Happens Law . Some other jaspers also inadvertently supported the Stuff Happens Law by claiming that it's not "fitness" that leads to survival, but just plain luck (see " Natural Selection? No – Sheer Dumb Luck "). Seems like evolutionists are appealing to luck with greater frequency. Mayhaps they're inspired by Clinton Richard Dawkins and his Mount Improbable foolishness . Keep reading, things are getting stranger. Generated at Some of the problems evolutionary scientists are having could have a simple explanation: they are unclear on the concept of natural selection. For that matter, scientists disagree on evolution (often attributing variations and minor changes to their blind, mad, gibberin

Weeds are Surprisingly Important

A plant is considered a weed partly because it came along and asserted itself without so much as a "by your leave", interfering with the plants that are being cultivated for beauty or food. Persistent, resilient, and with a habit of taking over if left unchecked, weeds are actually doing what the Master Engineer intended. Credit: Unsplash / James Lee If you step back and study on it a spell, you'll see that weeds serve a purpose. We prefer it when they serve their purpose somewhere else. They actually anchor the soil so it doesn't all erode away after construction, for one thing. Also, the lowly dandelion is highly nutritious — all of it, so you can cook up some dandelion greens . Some things considered weeds have medicinal value as well. Don't be getting a notion to be eating or medicating with things you don't know, however.  Remember the post about how the volcanic island of Surtsey and other newcomers are coming along quite well ? Some of the firs

Engineered Adaptability or Intangible Evolutionary Forces?

We have been seeing how Darwin's followers have been appealing to ad hoc stories, unscientific and illogical hypotheses, incompetent evosplaining , and even animism to keep their pantheistic worldview intact. They even resort to evolutionary teleology , which is contradictory to their belief system. I reckon that they know their beliefs are not supported by science, and are simply the product of desperate, blind faith. They are also determined to find excuses to deny their Creator at almost any means available. Credit: Pixabay / Christian Reil (slightly modified) In the Engineered Adaptability series, we have seen that Darwin believed in external influences to cause evolution. This idea is not tenable, though evolutionists persist in continuing to ride that owlhoot trail. Instead, evidence shows that organisms have been engineered to adapt to conditions, instead of having conditions force them to evolve.  Naturalistic scientists are further increasing their mystical v

Language Study Supports Biblical Timeline

There is turmoil again at the Darwin Ranch, and they are not happy. This seems to be a frequent occurrence. The Dravidian language in the south part of India is mighty old, and the root of the language tree is evidence that humanity has not been around nearly as long as evolutionists want to believe. Credit: Freeimages / miette-1 If you find yourself down India way, you'll find that there is no single "Indian" language, but Hindi is the most prevalent. The Dravidian languages have fewer people speaking them, but there are still quite a few people who use them. A study showed that Dravidians were in India long before other people groups migrated there, and their presence is supported by history and archaeology. This fouls up the evolutionary timeline, as Darwinists have humans evolving quite a long time ago, but they have an irrational dry spell of humans doing nothing for most of that time. Such a silly idea defies human nature . What really puts a burr under th

No Chance for Naturalistic Origin of Life — Part 2

In a previous exciting installment, we examined how abiogenesis (life arising from non-life) has serious problems from the get-go . If you have ever read or watched science fiction, you may have encountered reorganization or relocation scenarios. That is, put the story on a distant planet, or in the far future where Earth was mostly destroyed by a war or other catastrophe. Seems like Darwin's lab-coated disciples do this in reverse for their tales: since conditions on Earth make abiogenesis impossible, go back in time and imagine a different world so that life could spontaneously form. Credit: Unsplash /  Lucas Vasques Under scrutiny, we see that life requires water and oxygen. However, water is a serious impediment in the spontaneous formation of those nucleotides that are necessary for the formation of life. Some riders of the owlhoot trail are attempting to deny the Creator's work by suggesting that life formed in formamide.  (Careful, I though the world was "form

Impact Craters and the Genesis Flood

We see impact craters on the moon, Mars, Mercury, and a few on Earth. Not much of a view of Venus because of its dreadful atmosphere and conditions, and not much to smack into in the gas giants. Their moons have some. Oh, and Pluto. Can't forget that one. Creationary scientists as well as those of the secular persuasion are trying to understand why so few are seen here, but the " Late Heavy Bombardment " myth is being put out to pasture. Crater Lake image credit: Freeimages / John Vician Some creationists propose that there were two bombardments, one at creation, and another at the time of the Genesis Flood. Our focus is on the latter, and much of the information about craters and basis is gained from examining the moon. To determine this particular model, the dynamics of velocity, size, composition of asteroids and such have to be considered. Then, factor in what happens when an impact is made and a crater or basin is formed. Obviously, biblical creationists rej

Upside-Down Armored Dinosaurs

Sometimes I get to cognating that perhaps ignoring pertinent information and doing incomplete work are included in the criteria for being an evolutionary biologist. Read back several posts, and you will find several egregious examples of these things. Rock strata image before my tampering by Jebulon at Wikimedia Commons In this instance, we have the ankylosaur fossils. You wouldn't cotton to having one of those beasties coming your way and making you think it's an M1A3 Abrams tank or something. So, why is it that most of their fossils are found upside down? Remember, we have fossils to work with, plus some evolution-defying soft tissues now and then. But no living specimens to weigh, measure, and otherwise examine. That doesn't stop some devotees of Hanuman the monkey god from offering praise to Darwin and presenting incomplete conjecture. One idea is the "bloat and float" concept. They drowned, bloated, inverted, got carried around by the water until th

Our Stable Sun

No, I do not mean that Junior is cleaning up after the horses. Stable, as in, not changing easily. We have a sun that is rather constant, giving a reliable source of heat without going to extremes. Those hot and cold days are basically because of changes in weather and the orbit of Earth, not from wild solar activity. Credits: NASA /SDO For being so big and mostly empty, space is mighty dangerous. Our solar system was placed by our Creator in a special section, away from bursts of gamma rays that would destroy life . Our sun gets on the prod now and then, shooting out solar flares and such. We are protected (for now) with our own deflector shield and atmosphere, so those flares disrupt communications and such, but don't blast away the oceans or irradiate life to extinction. I'm old enough to remember the television show Lost in Space (still syndicated on some services), and have been able to have fun with it on rerun stations. The original series ran from 1968-1968,

Cuttlefish and Camouflage

Yes, I did say camouflage. It's based on the French word for disguise, camoufler. Disguising itself is something the cuttlefish does quite well, and it is quite impressive. Seems a bit surprising that the critter can hide itself, what with having all those bright colors and all. Credit: Freeimages / John Boyer It's first trick: it's not a fish, exactly. It's a cephalopod, like it's squid and octopod cousins. The name came from the shell-like bone on the inside, the cuttlebone. Why fish was tacked on is anyone's guess. Also, the cuttlefish is not exactly huge. The cuttlefish can change its appearance on the fly (so to speak), even in the process of swimming! When stalking for food, it can mimic kelp, the ocean floor, a black-and-white chessboard, or something else. (Okay, so it doesn't cotton to imitating chessboards in the wild, but it has been observed doing so!) Excellent eyesight and intelligence help the camouflage process. In addition, it has