Impact Craters and the Genesis Flood
We see impact craters on the moon, Mars, Mercury, and a few on Earth. Not much of a view of Venus because of its dreadful atmosphere and conditions, and not much to smack into in the gas giants. Their moons have some. Oh, and Pluto. Can't forget that one. Creationary scientists as well as those of the secular persuasion are trying to understand why so few are seen here, but the "Late Heavy Bombardment" myth is being put out to pasture.
Some creationists propose that there were two bombardments, one at creation, and another at the time of the Genesis Flood. Our focus is on the latter, and much of the information about craters and basis is gained from examining the moon. To determine this particular model, the dynamics of velocity, size, composition of asteroids and such have to be considered. Then, factor in what happens when an impact is made and a crater or basin is formed.
Obviously, biblical creationists reject radiometric dating and deep time that are axioms for secular scientists. Impacts may have been one of the trigger events to open up the fountains of the great deep (Gen. 7:11). At any rate, during the Flood, there would have been less scarring of the earth's surface, and geological activity would have erased many of the signs of the impacts. Here, let's take a look at the article:
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Crater Lake image credit: Freeimages / John Vician |
Obviously, biblical creationists reject radiometric dating and deep time that are axioms for secular scientists. Impacts may have been one of the trigger events to open up the fountains of the great deep (Gen. 7:11). At any rate, during the Flood, there would have been less scarring of the earth's surface, and geological activity would have erased many of the signs of the impacts. Here, let's take a look at the article:
The moon is the standard by which to estimate the number of craters on the earth. The number of craters greater than 30 km by evolutionary age categories is about 1,900. Scaling to the earth and considering the greater gravitational cross section results in 36,000 craters greater than 30 km. Based on very larger craters on the moon and Mars and the size frequency distribution on the moon extrapolated to the earth, about 100 craters greater than 1,000 km in diameter and a few up to 4,000 to 5,000 km in diameter should have occurred on Earth. This tremendous bombardment must have occurred very early in the Flood, tailing off during the rest of the Flood with a few post-Flood impacts. Such a bombardment would be adequate to initiate the Flood. The evidence for such an impact bombardment very likely can be found in the Precambrian igneous rocks and suggests that the Precambrian is early Flood.To read the rest of this impactful article about a new model-in-process, click on "How many impact craters should there be on the earth?"