
Surprising Inspirations for Biomimetics

The word serendipitous sometimes refers to a happy circumstance, or simply being in the right place at the right time. Several instances of biomimetics have occurred when a creature or organism was doing what it does, and someone wanted to know, "How does it do that?", or mayhaps, "We should try to imitate this feature". Credit: Freeimages / Aleph Ozuas (cropped) I have to admit that the article linked below is something I put off. That is because I didn't want to bring up another critter that might prompt some people say, "Ewww!" In this case, the much-maligned earwig is our first example. I'll allow that this insect is rather startling in appearance, and it is a pest for some folks. No, the story about it burrowing into your ear is a prairie patty. The interesting part is the way they fold their wings like they were doing origami , but more intricate. Engineers foresee biomedical applications, spacecraft modules, and other possibilities.

Dinosaurs Had No Evolutionary Past

According to universal common descent evolution, everything has a lineage. When pressed for evidence of this, secularists will present stories, speculations, museum pieces based on speculations, and a passel of vague terms. When you cross-check these things with your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™, the answer is, "Ain't got a clue". Credit: Pixabay / Marek Jackowski The word has been out there, as a few secular scientists have admitted that there is no fossil history for dinosaur evolution. Biblical creationists have found a few of these reluctant confessions. A more significant, recent study has announced this same fact: no evidence of dinosaur evolution. Of course, they use some rescuing devices and circular reasoning to try to escape the fact that dinosaurs were recently created and not the product of millions of years of evolution. But those they are simply using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™ to salvage their narrative. via GIPHY

See the Sawfish

Have you ever seen those animated cartoons where a sawfish was on the prod and decided to use its rostrum (nose-like thing) to saw through a boat? I reckon most readers know that such a thing cannot happen, even though the rostrum is an efficient tool and even a weapon for it. Those things that look like teeth are actually modified scales, but they also have teeth in their mouths where teeth belong. Notice the resemblance to sharks? They are distant cousins, but more closely related to rays. Green sawfish image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Flavia Brandi ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Of course, evolutionists give these critters millions of Darwin years. Cretaceous and modern sawfish have no appreciable differences, and we are told that they both evolved from the guitarfish. As is so often the case, there is no actual evidence to support the narrative. In fact, the sawfish has amazing features given to it by the Master Designer (such as live birth instead of laying eggs) that Darwin's disci

Engineered Internal Clocks

A popular analogy for the intelligent design of everything came from William Paley. His argument from teleology was, in the short form, if you found a watch, you would logically infer that it was built for a purpose by a watchmaker. It makes sense. Credit: Unsplash / Seth Macey A clock or a watch is a good indicator of intelligence and purpose, and today, we have a passel of timepieces that are used in combination with other activities. I forgot my watch the other day (which is also a chronograph, alarm, dual time, and whatnot) and used my cell phone (which does the same things as the watch, plus internet, text messages, and I think you can use it for talking to people as well). Things get really interesting, however, when we look at internal clocks that the Master Engineer has built into organisms all the way down to the cellular level. Looks to me like we have more examples of engineered adaptability . Darwinists generally believe that external forces cause change, but

Looking through a Galaxy Darkly

Nothing to see up there, folks.  Astronomers have detected a galaxy that does not have "enough" of the imaginary stuff called dark matter to suit them. Dark matter was proposed as one of several rescuing devices for problems with the Big Bang, and although it supposedly composes most of the universe, none has been detected. Secularists have a habit of believing in things that do not exist and calling their blind faith "science". Credits: NASA , ESA, and P. van Dokkum (Yale University) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The existence of dark matter is inferred by gravitational effects, and by ignoring other possible explanations for what is observed. Also, some tinhorns are unwilling to admit that gravity is not fully understood while still making declarations as if they understood both it and unproven dark matter — and all of physics. Dark matter is a controversial concept. A few creationary scientists believe it may exist, and some secul

Modern Science and its Christian Basis

There is a common misconception nowadays that atheism is essential for science, and Christians are somehow automatically eliminated from scientific fields. Darwin's Flying Monkeys© insist that naturalism and atoms-to-atheist evolution are science. Truth is, there are Christians and biblical creationists active in scientific fields. Credit: RGBstock / Krzysztof Szkurlatowski The idea that naturalism is essential for science is based on presuppositions rooted in scientism . This view is self-refuting . For science to operate, conditions need to be reliable and consistent. The biblical creation science worldview consistently furnishes the necessary preconditions of intelligibility, but in atheistic and evolutionary worldviews, science is impossible — they must tacitly admit that their views are flawed, and must stand on our worldview! "But Cowboy Bob, you creationists are science deniers!" Not hardly! We deny bad science, and erroneous philosophies that are ut

Evolution Unhelpful in Medical Science

When discussing origins, adherents of universal common ancestor evolution will invariably claim that their belief system is essential to science. They tend to get on the prod when we disagree with the expression, "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution", and get even angrier when we show that it is false .  Credit: Pixabay /  Ernesto Eslava Medical science does not need evolution. When my ophthalmologist checked my eye for a suspected detached retina (it was fine), evolution was not the guiding principle in his diagnosis and treatment. My MD had me get lab work, and she adjusted my hypertension medication, then checked my A1c level (still under control). Evolution had nothing to do with it. Evolutionary thinking hinders  medical science. Take a look at how "vestigial structures" have been written off because of evolution, only to be demonstrated to have importance after all. Then we have the humiliation of "junk" DNA .