
Surprising Design of a Bird's Egg

Sitting in the apartment and looking at the porch outside, we see our feathered customers at the bird feeders. Sometimes they get a mite contentious, and other times we see them taking the food and feeding each other. Downy woodpeckers and their cousins the nuthatches stop by to remind us that they're cute. Blue jays like peanuts, and the red-bellied woodpecker stops by for a snack on his way home from work. It's funny to watch the tufted titmouse carry off a peanut. They all have many things in common, and one of those is that they hatched out of eggs. Credit: Unsplash / Soner Eker Most of us know that eggs are in the nest (with the startling exception of the malleefowl ), the young develop and eventually hatch. Research reveals that the Master Engineer designed the egg itself to provide for the hatchling-in-waiting. Eggs have a great deal of calcium, but the chick needs it. So, the shell provides the necessary ingredient, softening in the process for the inhabitant'

Mysterious Radiohalos and the Genesis Flood

From my perspective, the geological mystery of radiohalos seems to have dropped by the wayside. These circles are tiny, and you need a microscope to see them. They baffled scientists for several years, until it was determined that they were caused by radioactive decay discoloring the rock. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Alessandro Da Mommio ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) When Dr. Robert Gentry published his work on polonium radiohalos as evidence for recent creation, secularists frantically tried to dismiss his work and preserve their uniformitarian views. Owlhoots will still dig up "refutations" and dismiss the subject, but the fact remains that radiohalos are a problem for secular dating methods, as shown by creation science research. The best explanation for their existence and their puzzling placement in the geologic column is the environment caused by the Genesis Flood. Radiohalos result when enough charged particles, such as α particles ( 4 He, helium-4 nuclei), are transmitted

Layer Counting Yields Faulty Dating Methods

Some owlhoots put down the biblical timeline, saying the Genesis Flood could not have happened because some things are dated before it happened. How do they attain such knowledge? By counting things. One popular "refutation" of biblical dating is a thing called dendrochronology.  You may not have known the term as a kid, but remember being shown the stump of a tree that had been cut down and being told that if you count the rings, that's how old the tree was? That is the essence of dendrochronology. The word comes from Greek words for tree  and time, so that works out nicely. This isn't just from cutting them down and counting, they drill core samples so they don't have to bring the whole thing down. But tree growth rings are not consistent. Sometimes a tree will skip a year or more, other times, conditions will influence it to make additional rings in a year. Radiocarbon dating is used to calibrate tree-ring dating, which is used to calibrate radiocarbon

Crustaceans Make Evolutionists Crabby

If you are ever in Hawaii or some South Pacific islands, you might take a stroll outside some night and hear a crunching sound. Before you light a shuck out of there, it may be something as benign as the coconut crab. It's also called the robber crab or palm thief, but it's doing it's thing, not robbing anything, really. Big critters, and they really do like coconuts (and other things). Some folks consider them good eating, but stick to other crab meat, because these are endangered. They like to use their pincers, so I'd be careful. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / fearlessRich This is one of the more notable species of crab. There are many, and they fit into the category of  crustaceans.  Adherents to the universal common ancestor mythology experience discomfort because there are no plausible, consistent  origin stories, and there is considerable disagreement about the origin and classification of crustaceans. Like other branches of the evolutionary family "tree

Pluto Throws Sand in Deep Time Machinations

Mayhaps you were thinking of a cartoon dog throwing sand in the propaganda machines near the Darwin Ranch. Machines do not get along with sand very often. No, if you head over Deception Pass way, you will hear the sounds of business as usual. Besides, they still have the slave Winkie Guards posted. What we have here is a problem for the secular science industry on a much larger scale. Icy dunes on Pluto image Credits: NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have seen many times that objects in our solar system (and beyond) don't cotton to being called old, as evinced by Cassini and Titan , among many others. One of the troublemakers for secular astronomers has been Pluto. It showed signs of youth. Now it has been discovered that Pluto has been throwing sand around. No, not the sand on our beaches, but it is still composed of small particles. Astronomers wonder how they moved, as Pluto's atmosphere is almost nonexistent. Yet, the du

Research Shows Limestone Forms Rapidly

One of the key doctrines of uniformitarianism is that geological features formed slowly, often taking millions of years. There have been many instances where secularists have been forced to backpedal on their belief system and grudgingly involve a form of catastrophism (rapid watery processes), such as the Lake Missoula flood . Something else to get them a mite ornery is when their insistence on deep time is refuted like we recently saw regarding the Coconino Sandstone . Stream in limestone cuts, image credit: RGBStock / YS Wong You would probably expect that secular geologists are correct when they insist that limestone had to form over millions of years. Actual evidence shows us that carbonates (oxygen atoms married up with carbon atoms) such as limestone are formed by rapidly moving water. This is yet another bit of strong evidence for the Genesis Flood as predicted by creationary geologists, and another confutation of old earth beliefs. Secular science has long taught tha

Evolution Negates Science

Many promoters of scum-to-skeptic evolution have used the effete claim that evolution is essential for science. Informed Christians often respond that there is no evidence of evolution being even remotely important for the advancement of science and technology. Digging deeper, we also tell them that most of modern science is based on biblical thinking, and that the founders were often Bible believers . Atheists find this upsetting, and try to deny the facts. It's their nature, and what they do. Something that really annoys these owlhoots is when the basis of science itself is examined. To do science, consistency and uniformity in nature are required. For example, the cow doesn't jump over the moon. Another obvious example is that our sun is well-mannered, and does not fry us one day and freeze us the next. Scientists need to rely on uniformity.  This consistency is all a validation of principles found in the Bible, and the Christian worldview makes science possible. N