
I Sing the Body Excellent

A persistent purveyor of evoporn named Nathan Lents wrote a book to continue the oft-refuted untruth that the human body is poorly designed. An article derived from his book was syndicated in several newspapers, and Darwin's Flying Monkeys© gibbered with glee. It also caused some irritation to creationists, since we have to explain why this otherwise well-informed individual is saying things that are not true. They also defy common sense; for being "poorly designed", our bodies do quite well. Notice that they ignore material that they cannot explain away, such as " Humans: Better Designed and Capable than Darwinism Can Explain ". People are willing to confiscate excuses to deny God, so they pay people like Lents to provide them. I lack belief that he is being truthful. Credit: Unsplash /  Kristopher Roller Whenever you come across an argument from dysteleology (if there's a Creator, he fouled up), it smacks of personal preference, ignorant statements

Evolution and the New Age

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Back in the 1960s, the "Age of Aquarius" was supposedly dawning, and everything would be peace, love, and grooviness, man. People were investigating Eastern spiritualism, using recreational drugs, having casual sex, rebelling against "the establishment", and more. In later years, these attitudes, beliefs, and actions were somewhat unified under what became called the New Age. (Ironically, those who rebelled against the establishment have become  the establishment themselves, but never mind about that now.) There is still an undercurrent in many New Age philosophies that include Eastern mysticism. You may get a blank stare if you use the term New Age. It is less popular now, and some people prefer to call it new spirituality , but it is still the same. What practitioners do not realize is that there is not much "new" happening, it is actually a conglomeration of repackaged very old religious views. Some of the trimmings seem ne

Chimp Genome Research Supports Creationists

Evolutionists did bad science with the chimpanzee genome so they could propagate the "humans are 98.5 percent  similar to chimps" falsehood.  To do this, they used their limited knowledge of genetics (a field which is still growing rapidly) and did some dirty science by selecting data that would confirm their biases, stitched the chimpanzee genome together , and even had samples contaminated by human DNA. Then Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ grabbed the sanitized false report and whooped all over that Darwin was right. But they're wrong. Credit: RGBStock / Savvas Stavrinos Creationists have been saying all along that even if that genome similarity number was true, there are still massive dissimilarities between apes and humans, genetics notwithstanding. The small number of genetic difference between humans is apparent in the variations between people if you take a stroll down a city sidewalk. Creationists have pointed out that the science promoting genomic similarities

Marvels of Monarch Migration

About this time of year in North America, a fascinating phenomenon occurs: monarch butterflies commence their migrations. Those west of the Rocky Mountains head over to the California area. Monarchs in South America have a migration as well, but those are not understood very well. Some of these insects stay put. The most interesting are the monarchs east of the Rockies, who head down Mexico way. Credit: USFWS /  Jim Hudgins Amazing how the Master Engineer equipped insects with such tiny brains to navigate huge distances. It's startling enough that Pacific salmon return to the places of their births , but monarchs go to areas they've never been before! Several critters make long journeys, and have various methods of navigation . Both migration, and the life cycle of monarchs, defy evolutionary thinking.  via GIPHY I don't know how it's done, but  volunteers help track monarchs , especially since their habitats are dwindling and efforts are being undertaken

Digging Deeper on Language and Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 10-06-2018 We have seen that language, speech, and communication are difficult things for Darwin's disciples to effectively expound. They will use the scientific principle of Making Things Up™, dodge the issue with " it evolved " , or use other excuses excavated while riding for the Darwin brand on the Owlhoot Trail. Credit: Freeimages / Michal Zacharzewski Obviously, humans need to communicate on levels much higher than those of critters. A good deal of language is based on conventions, and that includes slang or colloquialisms (Would I use such things? Not hardly!) as well as profanity. It seems that the only human languages that are standardized are artificial, especially those used in computer programming. Printed languages vary by regions and over time, as anyone who has read classics from previous centuries is well aware. It was interesting to learn that in this science-denying , health-endangering , gender-confused society

Your Many Inner Clocks

You have probably heard about our inner clocks called the circadian rhythms  — "You mean those bugs in North America that go zzzzzzzzzzzz up in the trees, Cowboy Bob?" Uh, you may be thinking of periodical cicadas that appear at 13 or 17 year intervals, or the regular ones that are found in many parts of the world. I hear them in August for the most part. And I see you've distracted me again. Credit: Pixabay /  Wilfried Pohnke We have the circadian rhythms inside us, sometimes waking us up before the alarm goes off. They get disrupted by jet lag and Daylight Savings Time, and some people compensate by taking an over-the-counter melatonin hormone supplement. We've heard about that inner clock. It's not found only in humans, and circadian rhythms are important for many life forms. See " We All Have Rhythm " for information about that. I was surprised to learn that we have evolution-defying tiny timekeepers within us. These include communication

Dust Rings and Planet Origins

Secular astronomers are excited about exoplanet PDS 70b, which they say is a "newborn" planet. This is because they are basing all their calculations and interpretations on naturalistic presuppositions. One of these is accretion.  Since none of the planetary origins ideas are effective, accretion (planetesimals stick together because of gravity and form big planets) is the best of the worst, and therefore the most popular. (After all, it is anathema to admit that the evidence favors recent creation.) The dust ring supposedly formed a planet around PDS 70, which was romantically named PDS 70b. Credit: ESO / A. Müller, et al The black spot is where the star was hidden, and the planet is just to the right (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The biggest problem with secular planet origins speculations is that they defy the laws of physics . In this case, we have dust and rings and stuff. Add the deep time guesswork, subtract observable evidence (no one r