
Climate Change and Evolution: Similarities in Bad Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Because the secular science industry is becoming increasingly involved in political and religious matters, Christians and biblical creationists need to address issues that affect all of us. Unfortunately, people involved in secular science are accelerating their opposition toward biblical truth, and are also showing a distinct political bias toward the left . Indeed, sometimes their commitment to their worldview seems downright nutty while they hijack science for their own agendas. A spell back, someone shared a link with me that had Mark Levin interviewing Dr. Patrick Michaels, an expert on environmental science who works at the Green Hornet Institute — "You mean the Director of the Center for Study of Science at the Cato Institute, Cowboy Bob!" Right, that's the place. During the interview, I was surprised at the number of things that climate science has in common with evolutionary and deep time science speculations: There are man

Still More Signs of Saturn's Youth

It is becoming increasingly difficult for secular astronomers and cosmologists to cling to their deep time belief systems. The more scientists search, the more they find that shows that the solar system is far younger than they want to believe, which indicates recent creation. For one thing, scientists are surprised at the existence of water in the inner solar system . Out yonder, things are also unpleasant for their views. Four-moon transit of Saturn. Source: NASA / JPL / Hubble (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Not only is the orbit and tilt of Saturn important for Earth , the planet's rings and moons defy old age belief systems. Like biological evolution, cosmic things are "younger than expected". Those nice rings? They cannot be explained, and they cannot be so very old. The many geysers on the moon Enceladus do not fit the old-age paradigm. Then there are those strange stripes on the moon Dione. Space is fascinating, and wonderful for biblical c

The Strange, Sociable Capybara

Down yonder in South America you can find a very large friendly rodent. Well, not like the Giant Rat of Sumatra or something, because rodent is a large category. The capybara is a rodent related to the guinea pig (which is not from Guinea and not a pig), and it has a bit of a resemblance to pigs. Credit: Unsplash / Karen Lau Some people use their hides for clothing and even eat them (others are none to fond of serving them up for chow, and I think they're too cute for that). Capybaras are sometimes kept as pets (where legal), but have distinct needs .They are excellent swimmers and are fast on land as well. In an interesting bit of symbiosis, birds ride on capybaras and, in a manner slightly similar to wrasse cleaning , get themselves cleaned by the birds and other critters. There is no evidence of capybara evolution, but are represented by the created kinds of Genesis. It’s an animal to which many other creatures (and not just its predators) are attracted. Whether it’s i

Engineered Adaptability and Logic Systems

Darwinists assert that organisms evolve because of unseen, undefined external forces, but the continuous environmental tracking (CET) model demonstrates that the opposite is true. The Master Engineer provided the means to detect and adapt to changes in environments, and organisms have logic mechanisms all the way down to the cellular level, and beyond. Credit: RGBStock / Guenter M. Kirchweger We have seen that living things have built-in logic mechanisms . Like systems built by human engineers, there can be a series of switches. No, we're not saying that horses calculate which fence to jump for better pastures or anything like that. These logic networks can even work at changing the genome. Octopuses can have their RNA molecules edited before they make proteins so they can have short- and long-term adaptations. For that matter, corals edit their RNA, which is problematic for deep time beliefs. There are other examples of internal logic systems as well. In this article, we’

Our Magnetic Field is Fading

As discussed previously, one of the strongest evidences for a young earth is our magnetic field. Scientists know that we have a magnetic field, that it is a planet-sized deflector shield to protect life here, it is decaying at a known rate, and if you extrapolate backward past 20,000 years, life would not be possible because the magnetic field would have been too powerful; it was created recently. You savvy that? The opposite problem is happening, however. And it's worse than previously thought. Image credit:  NASA   (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) What you may not hear about is that our defensive shield is failing . Not just reversing itself as indicated in stalactites , but actually failing. As in, "I canna get the shields up, Cap'n. I need more powerrrrr!" Since we need the magnetic field, not just for the operational convenience of satellites and such, but for life itself, this qualifies as a problem if the research is correct. But then,

An Assault on Saltatory Evolution

Way back in olden times, evolutionism was a religion that believed bigger things came from smaller things. Apparently, most evolution proponents did not believe in the slow and gradual processes that Darwin proposed, but instead believed in saltation of one sort or another. The word saltation used to mean a dancing or hopping move, but that has been left behind. Evolutionists and geologists use it now. Saltatory evolution is the idea that instead of gradual progression, evolution happened in quick bursts. Gould and Eldridge suggested a form of this and called it punctuated equilibria. They brought this up because there was no evidence for gradual evolution, so they wanted to substitute something else with no evidence. Makes perfect sense. In an effort to support satatory evolution, researchers were speculating that "disordered" proteins could be a place where it happens. Their assumptions actually worked against their proposition. Instead of supporting evolutio

Lizard Tracks and the Genesis Flood

Both secular geologists and their creationist counterparts agree that most of the layers of the Grand Canyon originated because of water — with the exception of Coconino sandstone. Uniformitarian geologists want to believe that this layer was put in place by wind-blown sand, despite the evidence . Tracks make an impression. Image credit: National Park Service / Sally King (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Think for a moment about tracks in sand. Someone is taking a horse for a run along the beach, passing the loving couple holding hands. The tracks from the couple are mostly shapeless because they're on the dry sand, and the horse tracks are distinct because they are made in wet sand. Either way, they'll all be gone soon. Drop a golf ball in dry sand, or maybe a baseball, and there's one of many vague impressions. Do it in soggy sand and the print is clear for a while; you can tell what kind of ball was dropped there. Additional evidence for the w