Those Super-Smart Scrub Jays

While a biblical creation science ministry is hard work, it can be fun at times. Learning new things is fun for me. East of the Mississippi live scrub jays , which I had not heard of before . The Western scrub jay has been officially renamed to California scrub jay — not that it pays California no nevermind. Other scrub jays apparently keep their established names. Excellent image of a California scub jay, Wikimedia Commons / VJAnderson ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) When I first saw the article featured below, I thought it was just another name for the blue jays that are common in these parts. (I also thought a scrub jay would help with the dishes, but that idea was wrong.) While our jays are in that same corvid family of intelligent birds, they have some distinct differences . We have seen some intelligent antics from our blue jays (well, they come to our feeders and in the yard, hence, "our" jays). Studies have shown that scrub jays are troubling to evolutionists...