
Devastation from Secular Environmentalist Ethics

Utilitarian philosophies are rooted in rebellion against the Creator, claiming to have a noble purpose for the good of the many. Essentially, for the pleasure and what is good for the majority. Secular views are inherently self-refuting and contradictory. Climate change and other environmental initiatives are often utilitarian . Background image credit: Pixabay /  icheinfach Individuals are often required to sacrifice their freedoms for the good of the majority. In the movie Minority Report, three people with precognitive abilities were essentially imprisoned so they could provide information for the Premurder division of the police. While the results gained from their skills were considered helpful for society, nobody questioned the fact that they were essentially slaves — in a tank of water, no less. The purpose was utilitarian, to sacrifice themselves for the good of the many. We know that most environmentalists have good intentions, wanting nature and humanity to live toge

Engineered Adaptability and Design Features Part 2

Back in the first part , we examined how organisms show that they were designed according to engineering principles by the Master Engineer. There is a correlation between various designs of humans and those of organisms, but any form of natural selection has no application. Rocket engines image in background from Freeimages / Terry Eaton Let's saddle up and ride this trail a bit further. Something can perform well and fulfill its designed purpose, but if its limits are exceeded, that is not the fault of the device, organism, or the engineer. In fact, some things are designed to break. Even the infamous Windows computers' Blue Screen of Death was designed to protect the computer, probably from software that was not  properly designed or an excessive load on the computer. All factors are not the same for all organisms. The mystical "selection pressures" that supposedly cause minerals-to-machinist evolution may affect you and I the same, but our Basement Cat migh

Tube Anemones Enemies of Evolution

More trouble at the Darwin Ranch. Scientists along with everyone else tend to reason from their presuppositions, but those should be questioned when they are so frequently refuted. Advocates of atoms-to-anemones evolution have to deal with unpleasant facts regarding tube anemones. Researchers did some genome sequencing of mitochondrial DNA on tube anemones and had some big surprises. For one thing, the genomes of most organisms is circular. the mtDNA of the tube anemones studied is linear. Also, the mtDNA of one species was 81,000 base pairs long. Ours has 16,569. The hands at the Darwin Ranch might be sorry they examined the anemones, since this causes more problems for evolution but also affirms special creation. By the way, some people like to put them in their home aquariums. Anemones come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors. Members of phylum Cnidaria, anemones are most commonly associated with clownfish in popular culture. However, there is much more to anemone

The Perplexing Pangolin

Before we get into the details, I want to share an opinion. We were created in the image of God  and many critters seem to indicate that he has a sense of humor. Some creatures including the hoatzin , kangaroo , and the platypus almost seem like pranks our Creator made to fluster evolutionists. The same could apply the the pangolin. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  A. J. T. Johnsingh  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) If I took my glasses off, it might look like a miniature sauropod, being small at one end, much thicker in the middle, and small at the other end (according to a theory by Miss Anne Elk ). It has scales, which are not found in mammals today, and the scales are unlike those of reptiles. This misnamed "scaly anteater" does the armadillo thing by curling up into a ball when threatened. It should do more of that, as vile humans are driving them to near extinction. There is no sign of evolution; the pangolin remains a pangolin. The truth does not stop evolutionists from Making

Intricate Feather Architecture

The next time you find a feather, you may want to pick it up and give it a good look-see. There are many fine and delicate elements that may cause you to wonder how even a large number of those can keep Chirpy in the air. Credit: Unsplash / T evin Trinh Birds make flying look easy, but their feathers deal with enormous stresses. They have to keep their owner airborne as well as protect them from the elements. Wind is a factor, yet the feathers were designed to keep from breaking. Feathers are attached through the central shaft, and new research using an electron microscope provides us some insight. It is amazing that despite the obvious specified complexity, the main researcher still had to give homage to evolution even though there is no sign of bird or feather evolution in the fossil record. Want to know why there is no evidence for evolution? The evidence points to the fact that our Creator did all the work. He  is the one who deserves the credit, not some vague force c

Flat Earth Beliefs and Special Knowledge

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In my years of writing, doing social media, having conversations, and simply observing people, I have come to the conclusion that many want to believe that they are better in some ways than other people. One means to this end is to have some kind of special knowledge. Image credit: Pixabay / Vicki Nunn Atheists rank near the top of the uppity scale, imagining that they own science and reason. They use these to suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18). Universal common ancestor evolution is a cornerstone of atheism and of anti-creation compromisers. Those of us who believe the truth of Scripture and the reality of biblical creation science are deemed inferior. This is primarily based on their arbitrary presuppositions that science must be rooted in naturalism. However, their presuppositions and assumptions are not supported by logic or evidence . Conversely, there are professing Christians who are full of pride about their salvation

A Stupid Dinosaur Bat Evolution Trick

Reading this report got me on the prod because I found it insulting. Sometimes I think that proponents of molecules-to-mammal evolution think that we are unable to see through their just-so stories, but then I see anti-creationists gobbling them up and pretending to believe "science". The latest instance is of a fossil that is laden with silliness. Credit: Pixabay / Andrew Martin A fossil was found that strongly resembles a bat, and Darwin's disciples evosplain with not only circular reasoning (assuming evolution to prove evolution), but are making evolution into a decision-making entity. Here, evolution experimented on the development of dinosaur flight with a bat, a story that belongs in comic books. They're calling it a dinosaur because evolution. There are many bats in the world, pilgrim, like there were in bygone days. What they found was just another bat. Further, evolutionists have no means of showing any sign of bat evolution , nor can they expla