
Ear Bones and Deficient Evolutionary Ideas

Sometimes I use a silly euphemism for giving serious thought to something by saying people may need to use their think bones. Did you know that we have bones in our ears? Of course you did, but most of us do not ponder them very often unless there is a medical issue. Some purveyors of atoms-to-audiologist evolution have the notion that the middle ear bones of mammals evolved from reptiles. Credit: National Science Foundation / Zina Deretsky (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This concept of a relationship between mammal ear bones and some bones in reptile jaws is disputed by other evolutionists. It is actually quite old, long before the science of genetics was initiated by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him). Not only does this notion have problems when confronted with genetics, but there are many questions of logistics that evolutionists cannot answer. That is because mammals and reptiles were created separately. Some evolutionists claim that mammals evolved fro

Those Ever-Changing Evolutionary Whims

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A few weeks back, I escorted my prospector friend Stormie Waters into town for supplies. I forgot it was payday at the Darwin Ranch. All the hitching posts were taken outside the saloon, so they hired themselves an effete horse-holder for the evening. Original Image: Man Interrupted at His Writing / Gerrit Dou, 1635 This snide tinhorn (Darwin's equivalent of Comical Ali ) had taken exception to my oft-used remarks about "the ever-changing whims of secular science interpretations", and he told me so. He claimed that I was misrepresenting "reality" and science is secular, not "religious" or "creationist", and it got Americans to the moon fifty years ago. Someone is exhibiting his lack of logic.* T he attempt to exclude Christians from science is a bigoted lie (I am blunt because he stalks creationist sites and knows our material). The foundations of modern science were established mostly by Bible-believing Chri

Birds Making their Songs

In Greek mythology, Syrinx the nymph was escaping Pan and ran to the edge of the river. She asked the river nymphs to help her escape, and they changed her into water reeds. When Pan blew across them, they made a melodic sound so he cut them and made a panpipe (pan flute). Interestingly, the apparatus in birds that makes their song is called a syrinx. Clamorous Reed-Warbler image credit: CSIRO /  John Manger  ( CC by 3.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Researchers wanted to know how things work when birds to their songs — especially how they can do more than one sound at the same time. Evolutionary explanations failed, and there is no sign of a syrinx in dinosaurs or other critters. That's not difficult to understand if you drop the universal common ancestor evolution idea and admit that they are the product of special creation by the Master Engineer. What makes the unique sounds of birds is a structure called the syrinx, found at a point where the tr

Further Difficulties in Human Evolution

We have seen many instances of fake news and bad science in minerals-to-monkey evolution. I reckon that such alleged evidences of evolution among various critters is to help folks accept the current versions of Papa Darwin's evolution of man speculations. Evolutionists keep having problems with that, however. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH /  Charles R. Knight , 1920 For a long time, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and others were considered slightly more than animals that were in the process of evolving into modern humans. The fact that they interbred with undisputed humans and other factors show that they were indeed fully human. There are many bones and such used by anthropologists and paleontologists in their efforts to construct the evolutionary parade and deny the truth of their creation. However, evolutionists continue to have serious problems with what they find. The problem is, the more fossils that are unearthed, the more problems that arise against the consensus theor

Mole-Rats, Evolution, and Pain Sensitivity

This is something you are unlikely to see in a typical news collection. Scientists conducted a study on mole-rats to see how they responded to pain. This was in no wise a thrown-together experiment, but involved serious research that included examination of RNA. What prompted such research, I have no idea. Engraving of East African mole rat by Eduard Rüppell , 1835 Experiments involved several types of critters and controls, with some showing resistance to pain and others would eventually resist pain later. Evolutionary explanations were severely lacking, especially since the results were inconsistent across genera and different genetic responses were seen. A creationist perspective could include how they were designed to adapt because of their diverse genome. Researchers studying mole-rats and the East African root rat discovered that several had pain insensitivity to several different irritants (called “algogens” throughout the journal paper). Some had multiple pain insensiti

Inflation and the Multiverse Failure

Believers in evolution, whether cosmic or biological, essentially depend on luck. The owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch do not like to play the hand they are dealt, so they reshuffle and cheat until they think they are winning. Attempts to rescue speculations on the origin of the universe may look good on paper, but they still fail. Made at Atom Smasher We had the Big Bang, but that bronco bucked them off for lack of evidence. Now we have the inflationary universe, and then the multiverse  concept. That is, there are many other universes (some folks think the universe is still inflating way out yonder), so despite the odds, here we are through a series of lucky accidents against all odds. That is called "science" in their eyes, old son, but it is blind faith and circular reasoning. Quite a bit of work to disavow the Creator, don't you think? Creation scientists have long pointed out the enormous difficulties with ‘goo-to-you’ evolution, and even evolutionists ha

More Censorship in the Secular Science Industry

A spell back, I wrote about how politics can imprison science  because in many cases, secularists hijack science for their own ends, such as gender confusion . Now we see an example of the secular science industry refusing to correct a paper because it did not fit the agenda. Mostly made at Add Letters , plus clip art and additional text The science establishment adores Papa Darwin and strives to protect him from scrutiny, even if bad science needs to be lassoed and brought into the corral. There is a reproducibility crisis   where paper are submitted relying on other papers, but the original findings are not replicated and can be spurious. Peer review? That has a passel of problems, even though many people adore it . Anti-creationist tinhorns often demand to be shown a peer-reviewed paper (as if they could understand it in the first place). When they are shown such papers from creationist organizations, they utilize the genetic fallacy and light a shuck out of there. Na