
Baseless Indignation of Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We hear, watch, and read about the increasing hysteria from leftists about anthropogenic climate change. Their tendentious, skewed, and inaccurate evidence is exceptionally myopic. This evolution-based atheistic posturing is presenting change made by humans as bad, and ignoring the fact that we have been changing our environments from the beginning. Credit: Freeimages / Flavio Takemoto Evolutionists act like once we commenced to evolving from an apelike ancestor, we finished and sat around doing almost nothing for a huge amount of time. That's ludicrous on the surface, and it also goes against human nature . Let's go with atheistic thinking for a moment. Since they think that we are nothing but advanced animals, what about critters? Animals (like beavers) transform their own environments , why can't we? Also, are animals bad because they change things? The truth is, we have been effecting the world wherever we live. Somehow, modifications

Imitating the Silent Flight of Owls

Standing on the patio near the bird feeders, I can hear the sound of wings a-fluttering when a customer arrives. It seems that I can even distinguish a couple of different kinds of birds by the sound. If for some reason an owl arrived near the patio, I would not know it. Credit: Flickr / pics by stefanie  ( CC BY 2.0 ) In fact, I would be mighty startled. Not only are they silent, but many are quite large. Their silent flight has attracted the attention of biomimetics researchers. Their wings and flight have already inspired quieter computer fan blades, and more work is being done for use in flying machines. Of course, some owlhoots give praise to Darwin instead of giving deserved credit to the Master Engineer. Intelligently designing devices based on something they believe happened by chance doesn't make a heap of sense, does it? If you watch an owl flapping or gliding, it’s like viewing film footage with the sound on ‘mute’—they are so silent. That’s because their wings have ve

Java Man, Peking Man, and Other False Transitions

Charles Darwin and his followers have long believed that human ancestors emerged from Africa, but that concept has been threatened by evidence (see " Out of Africa? Not Exactly! " and " Evolutionists Get a Kick Out of Footprints "). The alleged "transitional form" between apelike creatures and man, H. erectus , has cased considerable consternation. H. erectus ergaster image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Luna04 ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Homo , meaning man, and erectus, meaning upright, was the name given to "archaic humans" that were supposedly evolving from critters into upright-walking humans. You may have read about early versions such as Java Man and Peking Man ( whose bones disappeared ). He also had many traits of intelligence,  and will probably become accepted as fully human, just like Neanderthals . H erectus has several fossils scattered over a large area (and a passel of reconstructions in museums and such), but he puts a burr under

Homology and Design Features

Normally, I do not make write-ups for online book chapters, but this topic is brought up frequently. The concept of homology  is a tool for biologists and evolutionists where living things are grouped according to certain traits that they have in common. It can be useful, but problematic for muck-to-music therapist evolution. Credit: Pixabay / violetta Grouping by similarities is evoporn that is often used by village atheists and evolutionists to prove evolution, which is not logical. It also can work the other way: common traits demonstrate the work of our Creator using his design plans. Indeed, evolutionists often cannot explain traits that are unrelated according to their schemes, and invoke the miracle of convergent evolution — which is not an explanation, especially when creatures not related according to evolution.   When used properly, homology can be not only a useful tool, but predictive. For example,  Dmitri Mendeleev made the Periodic Table of the Elements in 1

Lucy and her kin are Still Extinct Apes

This post contains links to several articles that should prove useful to students, teachers, parents, and other people interested in the human origins debate. It deals with the australopithecines, emphasizing devastating material regarding Lucy. Well, devastating for Darwinists, not for biblical creationists. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach The hands at the Darwin Ranch ( head out Folly Road past Stinking Lake, then head northwest to Deception Pass, avoid the Winkie Guards) are excited about a newly Australopithecus anamensis discovered skull. Like Lucy (some scientists want it called Lucifer because they contend it was male), parts were found scattered in different areas. There is no actual skeleton. Scientists disagree about whether or not it was just another extinct ape, albeit a different variety. Arguing from naturalistic presuppositions, some think it evolved into Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy), others invoke the magic of parallel evolution. The evidence act

The Culture of Death and the Climate Change Cult

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is a follow-up to some aspects if my article on education and indoctrination, " Evolutionists Stoking the Fires of Censorship Again ". People are unskilled in using the most basic logical principles and "think" with their emotions. They are used by manipulators who seek to further their own agendas. This is very prominent in atheism, fish-to-fool evolution, leftist political views, and global climate change. Credit: / ponsulak The world is going to end! Katie, bar the door! Oh, you never opened up from the last big scare? Never mind. Alarmists have been predicting catastrophes and even the end of the world for decades, but have a perfect record of failure . In the 1970s,  alarmists were saying that a coming ice age was inevitable (for example, see the video " In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age "). That switched to global warming, spearheaded by Algore and his  discredited predictions . Now they'

The Breath of Life

Some things we believe we cannot live without, and we want them right away. Most of those are frivolous when compared to those things that are essential to life. Have you ever been deprived of air for a while? You want those next breaths, and you want them in a mighty big hurry. Credit: Freeimages / Vincenzo Piazza If something or someone isn't breathing, there's no point in sending a "Get Well Soon" card. Ain't nobody home. Having the breath of life is one way that our Creator keeps us alive, such as providing oxygen in our blood to supply all those cells inside us. Scientists experiment on cadavers to find ways to keep us functioning, but they are more like objects than people when they are bereft of breath. God also gave the symbiotic relationship with plants that use carbon dioxide we exhale and give us oxygen so we can continue to breathe. It is a simple fact that everyone who has been or ever will be born will stop breathing and die. Those who have